You are forgetting that his wife would also have a job. He doesn't need to provide for the entire family.
And in no way 200k/year is 'decent' - it's awesome.
Counting someone else's money is interesting, I'm going to join.
First, I wouldn't call Caribdis a "worker". I mean, yeah he works, but he shouldn't be compared to average American employee, he's not an employee. He has a business.
This business 1) is one of the best in the world - so he obviously puts a crapload of effort and does some things smart, 2) exists only on his backers' good will, and 3) has a lot of risks in general - what if competitors emerge, like some Chinese create a VN with 10x production quality and the market's demand stays the same? What if the audience starts to demand big hairy bears instead of petite shaven goddesses? What if Patreon decides to ban the VNs that merely suggest incest? You can probably think of a lot of other ways of how his revenue could decrease.
A business mitigates the risks by expanding. If we are in the VN business, we would maybe hire some more people, we would maybe create another VN for a different audience. How much would you be able to expand from 200k per year in the VN business? Probably, not by much.
Okay, most of the people reading this are probably employed for someone else, and you don't really believe this, you still think that Caribdis drew a golden ticket and gets easy money, viva la revolución, all that jazz. But ask yourself: do you consider this business sustainable enough that you would imagine him staying in this field for, let's say, 30 years more? Personally, I don't. The risks and the effort are just too high. Most likely, later in his life, he will stop doing this. This won't be the end of the world - I mean, he's probably a smart guy, so he won't die of hunger - but he'll most likely go to a regular 9-to-5 job, and he will need to start it all over, he will need to obtain new skills which will take a lot of time, while his peers that didn't take risks and went to a 9-5 job right after college already obtained these skills and are already in the loop. So yes, a 200k/year business is nothing to write home about.
So subscribe to his Patreon if you want to minimize the risks of this VN getting abandoned. It's a good VN, btw.