
Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
I honestly do not understand the problem of patreon's no incest policy i mean it is fiction in a fictional world.Why the hell u wanna curtail the freedom of expression of any creator?Let there be a carters scene ffs
"I may not agree with what u say but I will defend till death your right to say it"
Please not this again...

Nothing against you, just to assure that, but that topic was already discussed incessantly around here. And I say this with me being an huge fan of incest in games, as long it is well written.

Talking about that will derail the thread into a nonstop discussion about Patreon reasons, which in my opinion are also bullshit. But that's mainly due VISA and Mastercard request, again due a dumb censorship take. to understand the issue better.

In the meantime, talking about it again doesn't benefit the discuss of the game. As you can understand, it puts Caribdis in a odd situation of pressure, in which he needs to reinforce a statement that he already gave. Maybe because he doesn't want it, but because he can't. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes, displeasing fans who may want that content, when in the end, he isn't the one who's deciding the dumb policy. And as you can understand, he can't risk losing his breadwinner.

The situation clearly sucks to the fans, but more than that, it sucks for the dev to know that he will always displease someone, even if his stance in his heart was to agree. Specially if he agrees, but can't.

Again, nothing against you, as I said I love incest in games, but I just wanted to reinforce how this situation also sucks from the dev side. A dev like Caribdis (and others on this website who are absolutely stellar when it comes to comunication with their fans) never likes to give news that disapoints their fans, even if it's something that isn't on their power.

I'm not even disagreeing with your stance btw, simply it was already discussed quite often.

View attachment 4341327


  • 1650+ new images
  • 80+ new animations
  • 16750+ new lines of code
  • 37+ new music tracks
  • 150+ new sound effects
  • Updated UI
  • Several render and code fixes
Release dates:
  • Demon Lord Tier - 19 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • God Tier - 21 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • Eternumite Tier - 27 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • Master Tier - 2 de janeiro de 2025 13:00
  • Supporter Tier - 8 de janeiro de 2025 13:00
  • Public Release - 14 de janeiro de 2025 13:00

I refuse to believe this man actually sleeps... 80+ animations, 37+ new music tracks? What the actual hell Mr. Caribdis ?

View attachment SPOILER_Project_3.mp4
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Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
What? This looks so easy. Is it in renpy? Where does the developer make their animations?
Not easy at all lol. But if you think it is easy go ahead, I'm looking forward to see another great game :p

Jokes aside, to answer your question, some time ago he said he used Honey Select (in Oailt, now HS2) along with Photoshop and other minor stuff. No idea if that changed since then though. But that alone was enough to give me Penny, so it's more than enough to me.

Okay, time for some game theory... so... been thinking bout Nancy's personality for a bit. I think she's really a kind mother with a demanding career and an occasional ruthless side, but an alternative reading's possible. WARNING, tho, VERY SPOILER HEAVY: The fact she threatens to torment and execute the ERE leadership, in a brutal way that'd be totally against Eternum's code of conduct, and takes the threat further than what's considered normal for roleplaying in Semper Invicta, with full psycho style sadistic details, has some pretty strong consequences for her character. Even tho that's like exaggerated actions played for laughs in a comedic relief scene, it's still shown as her behaviour, so I'm gonna go with that it's something she did in-universe... It mirrors her more low level manipulation in the real world too, like with Gertrude, first to pressure an Eternum suit outta her, then to have her inform them on that Clarence "ahegao" Ruiz at Nancy's work. So seems like strategic manipulation is something Nancy does, and that it's part of her genuine personality. She's only not roleplaying in Semper Invicta. And she sometimes takes the ruthless realism to an extreme level. It doesn't even matter if she never intends to make good those threats to the ERE: that she uses ruthless threats of that level, and stands by them confidently, is macchiavellian. Period.

Now that isn't the only genuine part of her personality. Just like threats of gruesome execution as a stick and invasions in other servers are a realist part of her rule, respect for family time, and her liberality to defectors to her, represent something like constructivist core values in her version of the WRE's ideological project. Cross-server imperialism... with family leave. Tho you can read that liberality as strategic too, the carrot with the stick. Nancy genuinely seems to value family, and seems quick to accept Orion and Annie in their family. Penny's memory scene of babysitting Orion and Dalia is pretty good evidence that she's entirely honest in her love for her family. Trying to force a purely strategic explanation for her during her financial problems in the past gives absurd nonsense. And hell, how she got to rule the WRE's evidence for this too. She even seems to see the other group members, and even some WRE subordinates, MAYBE many WRE subordinates, except Jerry, as something as a family. That she seems very empathetic to people who threaten her for reasons she understands, she connects to, like Wyatt's mother who protects her home and is still in, supports this too. So that Nancy's totally real that nurturing family matters to her, it pretty damn probable too.

That leaves us with 2 likely things: Nancy is sincere about nurturing her family, and finds family important in general; and she's genuinely macchiavellian too, sometimes in Eternum, sometimes with colleagues. That means there's way more evidence her nice and kind side is the primary one, and it's honestly a bit extreme to suppose she's completely calculating in her wider social life like at yoga or shit. She doesn't relentlessly pursue Orion after he rejects her either. But that her nurturing side's the dominant one, or that her manipulating side's dominant, are both possible interpretations. That her macchiavellianism goes to extremes opens the possibility she's mostly a ruthless schemer, even in her worklife and social life, who shifts to a kinder side when family's involved. We don't really know how she's normally at work, and that's another important part of her daily life. That she manipulated Gertrude pretty often isn't the most reassuring sign, but she puts up with a lot of bullshit from her too. And a lotta stuff could be reinterpreted to fit the alternative readings. Hell, you could reread that memory scene from Penny as that she was mostly strategising but suddenly fell into her nurturing side too. There are other questions bout her personality too, like if she has 1 mostly whole personality, or a split or a compartmentalised personality. And if the macchiavellian part of her personality is sociopathic or not. And how she got there: that it was always part of her, or a result of a trauma from those past financial problems, or an influence from her work, or from somewhere else entirely, are all possibilities. Finally there's a question how aware she is of the alternative part of her personality when she's one or the other. Sure looks like she has full memory of her past behaviour tho. But these questions are speculative, and each is more speculative than the last. But how far her ruthlessness goes absolutely opens questions what's the bigger part of her.

In short I don't think the alternative reading of her personality is compelling, I think it's the less likely one. But it's getting close to a rorschach blot. And you can say that makes her even more interesting.
View attachment theories.mp4

Jokes aside, I love seeing well thought theories, but I need to dissect it a bit more. But for the love of god mate, use a bit of paragraphs. But seeing it briefly, I don't fully agree with you. The previous rule was way more ruthless than hers. I think her role was more a figure of speech, to actually destroy the rule, and not the people themselves. The fact that HRE developed so fast also indirectly shows that her supporters trust her judgement and follow her directions. I don't think that would happen so fast in a kingdom with tyranny. But I'll be frank, I need to replay the game again to check your theory better.
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Apr 15, 2024
Only 1650 new images and how can he put a scene for Penny,Luna,Calypso,Alex,Nancy,Annie in such a small update? Some of us are gonna be disappointed heavily coz Cari doesnt randomly put a lewd scene he usally builds tension to create a scene so I guess we will get 2 good scenes max this update
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
Only 1650 new images and how can he put a scene for Penny,Luna,Calypso,Alex,Nancy,Annie in such a small update? Some of us are gonna be disappointed heavily coz Cari doesnt randomly put a lewd scene he usally builds tension to create a scene so I guess we will get 2 good scenes max this update
...He said there will be 4 new lewds in this update, so not every girl in the 0.8 collage is gonna have a lewd scene.

Also, lol at saying this is a small update when most of Cari's updates take 3 hours to read through (2 if you have a faster reading speed or tend to skip through some of the dialogue). And this is despite having a lesser render count compared to what we have now.



Engaged Member
May 25, 2017
Only 1650 new images and how can he put a scene for Penny,Luna,Calypso,Alex,Nancy,Annie in such a small update? Some of us are gonna be disappointed heavily coz Cari doesnt randomly put a lewd scene he usally builds tension to create a scene so I guess we will get 2 good scenes max this update
You can only pick one:


I'm pretty sure not everyone will have sexy scenes, most probably Penny, but the game will surely have tons of content to not be disapointed.


Active Member
Dec 13, 2020

View attachment 4341327


  • 1650+ new images
  • 80+ new animations
  • 16750+ new lines of code
  • 37+ new music tracks
  • 150+ new sound effects
  • Updated UI
  • Several render and code fixes
Release dates:
  • Demon Lord Tier - 19 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • God Tier - 21 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • Eternumite Tier - 27 de dezembro de 2024 13:00
  • Master Tier - 2 de janeiro de 2025 13:00
  • Supporter Tier - 8 de janeiro de 2025 13:00
  • Public Release - 14 de janeiro de 2025 13:00

My another Christmas wish


Apr 15, 2024
...He said there will be 4 new lewds in this update, so not every girl in the 0.8 collage is gonna have a lewd scene.

Also, lol at saying this is a small update when most of Cari's updates take 3 hours to read through (2 if you have a faster reading speed or tend to skip through some of the dialogue). And this is despite having a lesser render count compared to what we have now.

View attachment 4342364
I agree its a huge update and kudos to Cari for that.M just preparing the fans who are excited to calm down coz not everyone is gonna be fed a mouthful this update coz there are so many Cuties and not everyone's scene can be squeezed into this.So personally hoping Calypso,Annie,Luna,Dalia get their scenes


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
I agree its a huge update and kudos to Cari for that.M just preparing the fans who are excited to calm down coz not everyone is gonna be fed a mouthful this update coz there are so many Cuties and not everyone's scene can be squeezed into this.So personally hoping Calypso,Annie,Luna,Dalia get their scenes
Not sure about Luna since sneaks don't seem to suggest anything lewd for her (or anything that could lead to lewds) and whatever sneaks she's on looks to be story-related. Nova, Nan, and Alex seem to share a different story tho so any of them could end up getting a lewd slot (or two for one slot...at least as far as Nan and Nova are concerned).


Aug 11, 2019
What? This looks so easy. Is it in renpy? Where does the developer make their animations?
Yes, it's Ren'Py. The animations are made in Honey Select 2 with a bunch of awesome plugins and mods. The code might look simple, but as we've said before:
The hard part is not programming it. The hard part is to create a good story, good renderings and good animations.

It is Ren'Py, but it's not as easy as it looks when a project escalates. It's not really a robust programing framework for big projects, but it lets you do VNs pretty easily.
If we're talking about sandbox, freeroam, strategy or anything else besides VN (for which Ren'Py was developed), then absolutely! For VN of any size, I don't see any difficulties. At least if you can come up with an interesting story, you can use Ren'Py, even if you're not a programmer. That's just my opinion, though!


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Any info on which girl this update focus on? Base on the cover image. I guess Nancy, Dalia, Calyspto, Annie? Luna is in the picture too but since she already a focus previous update. I'm not sure.
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Jan 2, 2022
It is Ren'Py, but it's not as easy as it looks when a project escalates. It's not really a robust programing framework for big projects, but it lets you do VNs pretty easily. The renders and animations are made in Honey Select. I think it's Honey Select 2, but I might be mistaken.
I have only looked into Ren'Py superficially, why would it be used for anything else than making Games in the VN Genre ? It seems to be really good for that, see all those thousands of Games here on F95 that use Ren'Py. Very easy to understand Script Language that is Python based (having all its advantages), pretty straight forward in its use, etc. Just not seeing a usecase for non-VN Games here.
Scenes: Dalia, Alex, Idriel and Annie
As an 2B Enjoyer, I really hope Cardi is writing Idriel in more, and maybe even give us a Sex Scene. There is just something incredibly erotic about her :love:
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
I have only looked into Ren'Py superficially, why would it be used for anything else than making Games in the VN Genre ? It seems to be really good for that, see all those thousands of Games here on F95 that use Ren'Py. Very easy to understand Script Language that is Python based (having all its advantages), pretty straight forward in its use, etc. Just not seeing a usecase for non-VN Games here.
Have you played MIST? That's basically an example of what you can do with Ren'py other than traditional VNs.


Aug 11, 2019
I have only looked into Ren'Py superficially, why would it be used for anything else than making Games in the VN Genre ? It seems to be really good for that, see all those thousands of Games here on F95 that use Ren'Py. Very easy to understand Script Language that is Python based (having all its advantages), pretty straight forward in its use, etc. Just not seeing a usecase for non-VN Games here.
Well, first of all, as you said, it is a very simple engine and very flexible. Despite the fact that it is tailored for VN, it is easy (with certain skills) to scale it into something more complex. And developers are tight within the traditional VN, wanting something different to please the players. Even in this game (Etermun, if anything) freeroam comes up several times.

Secondly, Ren'Py contains a very important thing that is not found in other universal engines - saves. And at any time, in any game mode, you can go to the menu, save/load/change settings, and all this right out of the box. The developer doesn't even have to think about what data to save, it's all done automatically. In Unity, for example, it all falls on the programmer's shoulders. And in many of these games, saving is made obnoxious - you can only save at a certain moment, a small selection of slots for saving (if at all). Even in the menu you cannot always exit.
Ren'Py is just a convenient, free and simple engine that allows you to immediately start making a game and not all this equipment (menu, saving, etc.) and it pays off.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I have only looked into Ren'Py superficially, why would it be used for anything else than making Games in the VN Genre ? It seems to be really good for that, see all those thousands of Games here on F95 that use Ren'Py. Very easy to understand Script Language that is Python based (having all its advantages), pretty straight forward in its use, etc. Just not seeing a usecase for non-VN Games here.

As an 2B Enjoyer, I really hope Cardi is writing Idriel in more, and maybe even give us a Sex Scene. There is just something incredibly erotic about her :love:
Renpy is perfect for the majority of adult games I've seen on this site, whether it be a pure VN, RPG, brothel sim, etc. You probably wouldn't want to use it to make an FPS game or an adult version of Skyrim or something. It's not well suited for that type of game. But it's free, easy to use, and easy to learn. It's also got a bunch of built in stuff specifically for games so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. There's a reason so many Renpy games have very similar user interfaces. That's the default UI. The dev didn't have to do anything for that other than maybe pick a colour. Some of them do customize it but some don't.

Most of the games I've seen that use other engines don't have anything Renpy is unable to do and have a worse UI. It's fine if you want to use Unity or something, but if you can't match what you could have done in Renpy with less effort you might as well use Renpy.
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