So I am gonna yap a bit
I have been playing porn games since late 2020 and have played many games but never found eternum
Now a few weeks ago I see few memes about porn games on meme subreddits and someone asked suggestions and many people replied with ETERNUM, I dismissed it but more and more people suggested it to different people in different threads too
So I decided to play it and am only till 0.3 now though but the game is very interesting and enjoyable, already in my list of top 10 porn games
So I am thankful to those redditors for recommending this
Because that's what 1.0 MEANS. A full, finished, complete game.
But dumbasses also think version numbering is decimal, when it's semantic. 0.9 means fuck all but that it was the 9th major content update. It can be 0.8753865 and still be correct. If the devs made that many iterations during development.
Semantic Versioning has sweet fuck all to do with the decimal system.
so it will keep going on with 0.10, 0.11, and so on
I have seen so many people getting confused and argue over game versions notations on different games the last few days
how does he get such good animations w/ honeyselect. great game
ah so that's why the models look anime like because of honey select, I yesterday only got to know about Honey Select after seeing Ssethtzeentach review of it
Also the highest tier Demon Lord is 113 $ thats so expensive according to my country but still the game gets instantly leaked every year

according to the comments here though I will surely donate when I earn my first money but that is still years away
I wrote this all by using virtual keyboard spacebar because the spacebar in my keyboard is broken