never saw it. told you I was out of the thread and only came back for this update. you should have just sent it in our private messages
Wdym by
explicity? What more do you expect him to say? He just said "
I mean, I know you
Calypso haters don't wanna see her in harem, and I can understand that. But you can't change the facts.
Yes, she isn't shown in the main menu with the other harem girls
yet. But she'll be there eventually. After the events of EP9, her romance path will be opened. If you don't wanna see her in harem just ignore her, skip her scenes, etc.
You got completely wrong Thanatos and his motivation. He does NOT fear of Caly's magics. He does NOT fear of anything.
He just didn't want to let Orion slip away from him again. Because Caly can open a portal anytime and anywhere she wants. So he used that special chains to not let that happen. But he underestimated Caly, not Orion!
Besides it so obvious that NO ONE can harm Thanatos in any way. Not even Caly. I mean, if the whole team attack him altogether they can't even touch him. He's like a GOD at this point.
Also him being with the Syndicate? You're kidding, right?
Caribdis stays intentionally ambivalent and ambiguous about Calypso's spot in the harem.
in one patreon post, he says implicitly shows her as part of the harem without saying it directly. and in a discord answer, he says she is not really part of it and it's up to the player's opinion. that level of trolling to generate discussion and hype only lets the matter still up in the air, though.
and I'm not a Calypso hater at all. I like her character, her story is interesting, and I'm eager to find out how her backstory will unfold. the evolution of her relationship to MC is also a hot topic, though it's really only crumbs we are getting
Caribdis redid the whole UI, and especially the whole bios screen. He didn't change anything for Calypso. We already know next update will be Calypso's update. so why redo the whole UI and the bios screens if he knew he would have to do it all again for 0.9 ? seems weird if she is to be in the harem
I'm pretty sure, like you, that she will have a full romance path. but her ending might not be compatible with the harem. so, either she will die, or be absorbed, or sacrificed in some way (stuck in limbo?). or she could just feel her duty is with her people and she would have to go back to her realm and not have a life with MC and the girls. Caribdis is not big on that kind of heavy drama, so I wonder if he will pull it off or chicken out midway
No, I'm not kidding. I just threw the most logical idea for now. he said "we". who is "we" ? he is not with the founder. he is not with ulysses or bardot. he is not with MC. he is not with calypso. the next logical guess would be the syndicate. but it could just mean the npcs or the immortals that are not with the founder though we never got any hint that there were any involved with the story.
what's your take on him saying "we" ?
i mean that IS the scarriest thing i can imagine. As far parents in fiction go Nancy is S tier. Most characters either dont have kids or in case of younger characters they dont have parents. Parents are either dead or left etc. Nancy always being there for Dalia and Penny is so wholesome and endearing to read. Now yes granted it gets freaky with her wanting to test the boyfriend material to see if it is up to her standard etc. but its an AVN ofc it will be freaky. that does not take away from how great mother Nancy is. Seriously as far as her character as a parent goes Nancy is some of the best written characters. Forget Orion, its my personal biggest fear to see cari pull of a twist and make Nancy abandon her kids for real. I think not seeing Nancy in the dream and only hearing from the dalia and penny how nancy is out of the picture only adds to experience. Out of all the "fears" showcased in the dream, luna and nancy hit me the hardest.
yeah, she is portrayed as the model mother for sure.
but the fact she doesn't appear in the dream at all is weird. even Penny tried to call and has her interview.
while Nancy and Nova get to have MC in their nightmare in some form or another.
Though Annie doesn't appear in a bad way in MC's nightmare. MC would obviously have some fears about her, so there is no real consistency.
maybe just the fact that he lost complete contact with them is part of his fears?
Thats cool, i think i did not connect those things but yeah true they do spend lot of time together off screen.
and they are both shy while growing in confidence. their common scene should be very interesting.
Also the fact that she went through most of her life without being able to touch people without gloves, i am sure she will get really "handsy" with orion.
Also a cool twist would be if she actually gets vision from orion during sex. like post nut clarity
I also thought about her losing control on her gift like
MC did when Alex at the end of her latest sex scene. but it would make MC lose his specialness to her then

but what if it unlocked her visions for herself ? that's something that has been dodged in the story.
When they get transfered into colliseum and Alex loses her leverage she is in shock and asks Orion to stop but he ignores her words because "new pose feels too good".
she doesn't say to stop because she doesn't want to anymore. she says it because she is shocked by the situation and wanted to get a bit of her bearing back.
and MC didn't really push her. it's more chaos and confusion. he asked if she really wanted to stop... she replies like pretty much all the other girls : "but it does feel good". and they carry on.
maybe you just want to see some form of douchebag behavior in the MC and tries to look for it a bit more.
it's text, so we are lacking the voice tone in which it was all said, so a lot of it is just our interpretation.
in the heat of the moment, pretty sure vast majority of guys would ask if she really wants to stop while saying they didn't want to stop themselves. the problematic behavior would come after that if they continue even though she clearly says she wants to stop.
the discord reply and the patreon post are from around the same time. but the discord reply happens after the patreon post. does it overwrite it then ?

He is just trolling us.
a lot could have changed since then. maybe it'd be worth it to revisit the topic and ask the question again now that 0.9 is in his mind.
- I just saw one person mention Nancy's look at Orion during Nova's confession. It's a shame imo 'cause Nova talks but Nancy tells it with her eyes (amongst other lewd thoughts).
I was kinda disappointed with the threesome overall but this single image just before was clearly the best moment.
Nancy does say it herself afterwards, though.
but that look was indeed intense, just as Nova's words hit home.
- Nancy confirmed boss of the Harem. Such a queen. Can't wait to see her next interactions with the girls.
Well, she is the first one that noticed the feelings of all the girls towards MC, out loud.
- A last random thinking : Do you think that it means something that when you leave the game with the new UI you have an image of the founder for Yes and Idriel for No ?
might just be to keep you in the game universe and immersion for a little bit more.
the game in the game has the same name as our game. so if the founder represents IRL and Idriel represents Eternum. then saying yes means returning to reality, while saying no means staying in Eternum (the VR game) for the player
- I found it weird that Orion just went with Dalia's idea to take her in the same way he took nova especially because he realized by that point already that nova was in real danger so many times and its scary and dumb to take girls this way. The sirens, the gnome, the traps, the kraken... And not even that, its already bad that he takes Dalia to server this way he willingly goes with samir's plan of separating the party even though 1st and biggest rule of dnd adventuring party is "NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY" so maybe i am just harsh meta gaming critic but i really hated how they dont even address the risk of her going alone considering their real bodies are at risk.
yeah can't move on from how dumb that whole set of decisions was. MC knows he is her only way out of the game and he lets her go her separate ways to be sold as a f-ing slave... there was no real reason for them to not try getting in from the market together. Samir even needed his lieutenant for the diversion, and that guy never came. so having Dalia there would have been helpful for the diversion. Samir + Jerry for the diversion, MC + Dalia for infiltration. so if they get caught, MC can just jump back to Earth with her without delay. it reduces the chance for information as Dalia would not get alone with the Sultran. but honestly, what actual bad guy would reveal his current scheme to a random girl that he happens to try to rape ?
Anne - Channels her inner Megumin
that reference is so spot on!