why did her ex-husband leave if she was always so passionate/freaky
maybe her libido was lacking, or maybe he just couldnt handle deailng with kids, or maybe just randomly got killed in the alley of chinatown, or maybe left for milk and then suddenly it started raining for hundredth time that week and they just had enough and kept walking until they left kredon... who know
I don't think Orion'll use dopplemorpher for any girls. I mean, yeah i know the other one is also Orion but it still looks like NTR if you ask me. It may sounds kinda silly but it's what it's for me. Sorry not sorry. I'm NOT gonna share my girls with my clone, the other me, or whoever he is.
hey buddy, not to burst your bubble but the OG orion is as much of yourself as the clone is. if you are stretching the definition that much, then by definition Orion is not "make your own character" so every scene you saw is NTR
Plug what you wrote into ChatGPT and tell it to tighten things up. In a lot of your posts you make good points, but they are all lost in a sea of useless words, and poor grammar. Trust me, it will do Wonders for getting your point across.
I know that and i apologize to everyone reading my comments and really appreciate and am thankful to those who do and decide to simply look for the meaning behind my sentences instead of nitpicking gramar and other pointless stuff on a pirate forum site for adult games. You see english is not just not my native language, its 4th language i picked up and only in the second half of my life so it was much harder to adapt to it. I would also point out that out of 4 languages that i activelly was learning, english is the dumbest one and i could rant about english language and grammar and forming of words for days and not get tired so please lets dont go down that rabbit hole.
i am aware though that i use too many words to explain simple thing, that is a bad habit i picked up thanks to idiots on internet constantly missing my points (sometimes because of my lack of knowledge but most often cause they were trolls) so now when i post my texts i often go on tangents to eliminate the need to reply stupid shit and get to same place that i normally do with a long wall of text through needless back and forth.
I dont really hate when people point it out as i know its a problem i have and i could work on it, but also come on, we are on f95zone, cut people some slack they are not here to be educated in stupid language.
Did no one question how Dalia is faster than awakened MC? She killed two golem and a player within seconds without getting hurt but awakened MC got punched trying to kill one golem
apart from last scene. plot was garbage. just filler. looks like he is gonna milk this for years. remove good story from expectations.
I'm not even talking about the billions of plot holes that come with orion's ability to teleport between universes.
bruh, its AVN what are you expecting? seriously, this is like when people go to 2* hotel and complain there is no chocolate on the pillow or how coffee is instant. or how there is only 3 different flavours of tea instead of 30. ridiculous