yeah, he says it clearly to Nancy in the elevator. if you had sex with Eva and/or Maat, then he specifies in the real world.
but I was pretty sure he also said it to Eva, even more because it didn't strike me as much when he says it to Nancy.
I don't remember anyone saying Hyas is more powerful than Dione. I'm replaying the game now, so if it comes up now, i'll tell you. maybe it was added after I had my first playthrough too as there seems to be a few lines that are a bit tweaked or changed.
I think you're onto something there. Maybe the legend that says Hyas can cut everything comes from the fact that it can cut space and allow the user to cross dimensions or teleports to other servers ?
maybe that's how Thanatos was able to intercept MC&co when they freed Calypso even though there was supposed to be no access to Ogygia. but he didn't use Hyas in the fight there.
and that's how he appeared suddenly to the werner soldiers, while he didn't bother sheath Hyas back in his inventory this time.
I just replayed that part, and he didn't have Hyas in his hand in that first encounter. maybe he didn't get it yet, or he didn't bother pulling it out against weaklings ?
and when he used it against the werner's soldiers, weren't they inside a cave ? so indoors ? and he didn't use it outdoors against MC, Alex, Nova and Calypso...
those are great games, but their animations are not all good. he wanted games with great animation like the ones in Eternum

usually games that use Daz models have really bad to average animations. Badik improved over time, but it's just decent, compared to top tier HS games.
are you kidding ? Redhead, green eyes, hacker, gamer, anime fan, cosplayer, shy+awkward, entirely dedicated to you ? of course, she was going to be a contender for best girl right at the start
that's what I thought at first until now. but with her 3 years of experience playing the game, plus the 7 years of additional game history/news, there should have been info or witness reports about those kind of logs being available. and we know there were none for sure.
there could still be a chance that she believed they exist even if there is zero report/info, and didn't want to risk it. and with a lack of confidence she had all this time, it's understandable.
but still, it hurts Annie's character a bit, to me.
that was still a gamble for him though. MC still has the third weapon of atlas. even if Thanatos knows he can neutralize it, he shouldn't have taken that chance and use Hyas to make sure.
and he was wrong, actually. as he didn't kill MC, and he didn't get the gems. MC and Calypso got away, so he didn't get the third weapon of atlas either. not using Hyas there ended up being a stupid decision. he failed in what he set out to do.
and he did use it against the weak werner soldiers when he didn't need to, at all.
so there is definitely something going on with Hyas and why Thanatos doesn't use it all the time. is there a heavy cost, a strict condition or a cooldown ? just wanting to flex being able to win without it doesn't fit his character. Thanatos is ruthless and efficient. he should use his best at all times to accomplish his goals.
not 6 girls... Nancy, Penny, Alex, yeah sure.
Dalia not yet, she only expressed the desire to be up to the challenge that her legs will last until the end next time, actually not having MC take over, which is the opposite of being fucked hard
Nova seems more like the energizer rabbit and wants to fuck MC hard
Luna didn't get her turn yet, and we don't know what kink she will awaken. and Annie didn't really want to be fucked hard. she needed a ton of preparation and care, on top of having both of their feelings realized to get her in the right mood. I can guarantee you from experience that when you get girls in that right mood, they will want to do things just for you and let you do what you like, and enjoying it with you...
it would be more of a publicity stunt to solo 50 players
without Hyas... and literally everyone knows Thanatos, he doesn't really need publicity. he doesn't seem the type to want it either. i think he just does his thing without caring about what others think.
yeah, the weapon doesn't make the user. the users' achievements make the myth around the weapon.
we don't know how Hyas was used before Thanatos got it, though. it still had legends and rumors around it thanks to Idriel advertising it and spreading rumors.
she didn't die. and fucking a corpse could be against the TOS/EULA
you should never save at that spot in any game. always save in the scene before.
but MC was not just a random friend and it was not just a benign accident...
MC was one second away from dying. he was shot in the back and lost a ton of blood. he is literally the love of their life, and/or considered a family member. even if he is mostly ok now and got a new power out of it, they should still have fussed over it. and most importantly, they should rub it in his face over and over, because he is always so cocky and reckless, with stupid decision making. people that actually care about you will remind you, especially if it was barely just a few hours/days ago. and if we allow ourselves to be a bit sexist for a second, especially women that care deeply about you. they won't just let it go.
there is probably still a small percentage of players that go on a single MC route. they might only want side girls, no strings attached
for now, we have never been told about being that cannot be injured.
Even Thanatos got hit when he was taken by surprised.
and the Founder was said to not be a god yet.
so why would you want a clarification on that for MC when he clearly constantly gets injured ?
it made sense. it's just the trope that Caribdis chose for MC to awaken his power. Discovering that kind of OP power when he is on the verge of death seems pretty fitting.
it is your bias, and your opinion. we can easily argue that just getting it during a fight is far from stressful enough. and you are just used to protagonists evolving during fights from anime series or initiation quest stories. but getting more powerful or awakening a new power during a fight is not really believable, if you think about it. suspension of disbelief gives it a pass, but the fact that opponents never expect it to happen should already show you that it is not the "normal" way

near death experiences, though, are pretty well known for changing people.
He doesn't really like this forum, so if you want him to read your feedback, you should message him on discord