At least Nancy absolutely never should've been so immensely incredible in comparison if she is a noob just like us.
Have you even ready the VN lol?
Orion is the shock trooper. He's on the very front of the front lines, beating everyone and everything in every situation having to do with physical might, like beating the crap out of that gladiator or
. But as every video game tells us, the best thing to smash a physical fighter is with magic. That's why Orion almost fell to a siren, but could pretty much go toe-to-toe with Thanatos. Dalia is complimentary to him as a front line soldier, ready to be the muscle that mops up the mobs while Orion goes after the bosses
Nancy is the commander. The leader. Makes perfect sense that she gets to have a multi-server Empire, because leading is her thing. Put her on the front line and she's dead in a second, but she's the shadow mastermind. Also, she's no expert in sailing or preparing for a sea voyage. Remember, she's got an Empire to do that for her. Presumably there's probably a IRL sailor or navy seaman that's roleplaying as a soldier/suject in her Empire.
Nova/Annie are the sniper and cavalry, respectively, with one being a shooter that never misses and the other being a magical A-10 warhog

Most of the mermaids were shot to death by the sniper, while Nancy got a few lucky shots when the mermaids were distracted.
Calypso / Luna are support and reinforcements, respectively, with one being talented at healing/teleportation (support skills, she's been kinda useless in face-to-face combat but is good at supporting Orion), while Luna can summon abominations to aide the cause.
And finally, Alex is the jack-of-all-trades. Need a stealth? Boom, she's a pea-sized baby chick. Need an auxiliary muscle? Boom, she's a tiger. Having a flexible trooper on your team is essential to tailor your team to each individual mission they may come upon.
See how each have their special roles.
Orion is not emasculated; in fact, him relying on an elite team is the definition of being masculine. He does what's best, as the best shock trooper in Eternum. Except for Penny, who's not that useful (but that's fine, she has great Boobs
