
Jan 13, 2020
I completely disagree with you. Nancy is a manager in real life, in Eternum SHE IS THE EMPEROR OF A MULTISERVER spanning EMPIRE. That makes NO FUCKING SENSE. She is much more competent then every other player, including the high level girls, despite being new, wtf does her job have to do with military strategy? Nothing! And in the siren/mermaid scene, she absolutely oneshoted several of them with spears and had to take care of the MC like he was a fucking baby.

It's not the levels and abilities, its the fact they out think and out do him in his choices, Nancy somehow is also an expert at sailing a ship and preparing for a seafaring voyage? It's fucking insane! Next update they'll have to go to the Moon and she'll build a spaceship from nothing! It's the character I dislike the most (even though physically she's the one I like the most) because I feel like the niche she is occupying in the party is the one that should've been taken by the MC: the person that despite not having levels can think, prepare, and manage all the powerful human resources they have.

It doesnt matter if the MC has super powers that make him the most useful in the right moment, all that matters is that he does not feel competent, it doesnt feel like he's pulling his weight. He's just along for the ride.

This applies to Annie aswell, despite all the magic power she is completely useless just like the MC. Since strategy and management is much more important (see the whole World War 1/2 server battle, it was Nancy that carried the entire ordeal).
Funny cause I see Orion as a really good leader precisely cause he leave task to other, with the idea of "a good king is one that do things, a great king just have to move a finger"


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
I completely disagree with you. Nancy is a manager in real life, in Eternum SHE IS THE EMPEROR OF A MULTISERVER spanning EMPIRE. That makes NO FUCKING SENSE. She is much more competent then every other player, including the high level girls, despite being new, wtf does her job have to do with military strategy? Nothing! And in the siren/mermaid scene, she absolutely oneshoted several of them with spears and had to take care of the MC like he was a fucking baby.

It's not the levels and abilities, its the fact they out think and out do him in his choices, Nancy somehow is also an expert at sailing a ship and preparing for a seafaring voyage? It's fucking insane! Next update they'll have to go to the Moon and she'll build a spaceship from nothing! It's the character I dislike the most (even though physically she's the one I like the most) because I feel like the niche she is occupying in the party is the one that should've been taken by the MC: the person that despite not having levels can think, prepare, and manage all the powerful human resources they have.

It doesnt matter if the MC has super powers that make him the most useful in the right moment, all that matters is that he does not feel competent, it doesnt feel like he's pulling his weight. He's just along for the ride.

This applies to Annie aswell, despite all the magic power she is completely useless just like the MC. Since strategy and management is much more important (see the whole World War 1/2 server battle, it was Nancy that carried the entire ordeal).
I've never been in the military, but I've conquered the world in plenty of grand strategy games because the basics of strategy are pretty simple, especially if you surround yourself with the right people and listen to them, which is what Nancy does. Eternum is a game to them, it's more than that we know and the main cast have learned, but they and the people in it via implants are literally immortal while there. If you've played Crusader Kings and Total War you'd have the basic skills to lead an army in a larger scale game. Nancy is an accomplished woman in her thirties that runs a department at a massively successful company while the vast majority of other players are either bored rich people who aren't taking it seriously because "it's a game," or teenagers and college student who are, likewise, not taking it seriously. If anything she is uniquely positioned (especially after being handed an established empire), supported (by more than one uniquely powerful player and Calypso), and informed (since she knows how real Eternum is and how important it is to win while other see it as "just a game") to have more success than other players. And the siren thing happens after she's been playing for weeks now, of course she's learning to play the game and how to defend herself in it. She didn't "take care of the MC like he was a fucking baby," he was just being effected by a trap designed specifically to stop men (who make up most sailors) from getting past, it's part of the whole need for a team.

They all compliment each other and need each other. Nancy is largely so effective because she is good at getting people to work tother, which in the adult part of the story is what will likely lead to the formation of the harem. The last like two updates have been the foundation of all the main characters learning to lean on each other and not all be a bunch of lone wolves, which nearly everyone else in Eternum is. Most players aren't working together but are all out for themselves and Orion and crew's greatest strength is their growing teamwork, which again he is the linchpin of.

People are just playing a game, if you've ever been to a team building camp and played paintball or capture the flag that is basically all the people using implants are doing, you don't need to be the best military strategist in the world to beat the guy who work a 9-5 downtown IRL but is leading the other army you're fighting. The other people she's "out smarting" are just normal people too. In this latest update Annie showed her power finally, killing million of alien on her own, maybe you haven't got there yet but the whole point of that display was that everyone brings something to the table, even Annie that everyone was discounting as anything more than moral support. Complaining that Nancy is the "empress of several serves" (especially when you consider that she got it because some guy just handed to her so he could get weekends off) is like complaining that your grandma beats you at monopoly because "she isn't really a real-estate expert." It's a bunch of weekend warriors playing a game in which they have infinite lives. Like the old guys playing touch football or the office baseball team. You're office baseball team might beat the mess out of the other office teams, but try to play the Yankees. Nancy is leading her "Empire" well because it's a skill that falls in her wheelhouse and she has powerful allies, not least of which is Orion.

People listen to Nancy because they are playing a game and having fun and see it like a strategy game. Literally if you've ever played risk you have the basics needed to do well in Eternum if, like Nancy, you were put in charge and you have the people around you to execute the plans you make.

Funny cause I see Orion as a really good leader precisely cause he leave task to other, with the idea of "a good king is one that do things, a great king just have to move a finger"


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
Also, Am I the only one who think Orion should keep using the implant to get in and out of Eternum as much as possible. It gives him a huge advantage that he has it and can also go back and forth at will. His latest (multiple) near death experiences, I think, are signs that he should use it at least when possible. He could even die while using the implant and suit, and then get right back in with his powers. Just some thoughts.


Jan 13, 2020
Also, Am I the only one who think Orion should keep using the implant to get in and out of Eternum as much as possible. It gives him a huge advantage that he has it and can also go back and forth at will. His latest (multiple) near death experiences, I think, are signs that he should use it at least when possible. He could even die while using the implant and suit, and then get right back in with his powers. Just some thoughts.
Well he is the carrier of the stone so he's not really allowed to die anyway. We also don't know how much he is linked to Eternum and how much the death of his avatar would affect him.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
Well he is the carrier of the stone so he's not really allowed to die anyway. We also don't know how much he is linked to Eternum and how much the death of his avatar would affect him.
Well, I have never made the choice to fail any of the death QTEs or things, and I had the amulet at the station, but he can die in several places if you make the wrong choices or fail some QTEs and I don't think they are game overs are they? Anyone tested failing stuff to see? I think the game keeps going because if you die before the heist your level resets and you've just a lower level when everyone gets listed. But again, I'm not 100% sure since I haven't done a test run where he fails anything or is missing the amulet.

Mar 8, 2020


Jan 13, 2020
Well, I have never made the choice to fail any of the death QTEs or things, and I had the amulet at the station, but he can die in several places if you make the wrong choices or fail some QTEs and I don't think they are game overs are they? Anyone tested failing stuff to see? I think the game keeps going because if you die before the heist your level resets and you've just a lower level when everyone gets listed. But again, I'm not 100% sure since I haven't done a test run where he fails anything or is missing the amulet.

True, I also don't do "failed" run so i tend to forget about there possibilitys. We could also argued about an increase of affinity (aka developing new power) but the problem of the stone remain.

Dude forgot at least heist planning, rockfeller, red herring.
Well the heist is planed by Chang but Orion is basically always with somebody else. It is preventing him to become to much like Jerry, even if he still has time were (and probably will) act like him.

Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
At least Nancy absolutely never should've been so immensely incredible in comparison if she is a noob just like us.
Have you even ready the VN lol?

Orion is the shock trooper. He's on the very front of the front lines, beating everyone and everything in every situation having to do with physical might, like beating the crap out of that gladiator or
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. But as every video game tells us, the best thing to smash a physical fighter is with magic. That's why Orion almost fell to a siren, but could pretty much go toe-to-toe with Thanatos. Dalia is complimentary to him as a front line soldier, ready to be the muscle that mops up the mobs while Orion goes after the bosses

Nancy is the commander. The leader. Makes perfect sense that she gets to have a multi-server Empire, because leading is her thing. Put her on the front line and she's dead in a second, but she's the shadow mastermind. Also, she's no expert in sailing or preparing for a sea voyage. Remember, she's got an Empire to do that for her. Presumably there's probably a IRL sailor or navy seaman that's roleplaying as a soldier/suject in her Empire.

Nova/Annie are the sniper and cavalry, respectively, with one being a shooter that never misses and the other being a magical A-10 warhog :sneaky: Most of the mermaids were shot to death by the sniper, while Nancy got a few lucky shots when the mermaids were distracted.

Calypso / Luna are support and reinforcements, respectively, with one being talented at healing/teleportation (support skills, she's been kinda useless in face-to-face combat but is good at supporting Orion), while Luna can summon abominations to aide the cause.

And finally, Alex is the jack-of-all-trades. Need a stealth? Boom, she's a pea-sized baby chick. Need an auxiliary muscle? Boom, she's a tiger. Having a flexible trooper on your team is essential to tailor your team to each individual mission they may come upon.

See how each have their special roles. Orion is not emasculated; in fact, him relying on an elite team is the definition of being masculine. He does what's best, as the best shock trooper in Eternum. Except for Penny, who's not that useful (but that's fine, she has great Boobs:p:p:p)
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Apr 28, 2022
I'm still in the beginning portion of the update, in the ship, and playing it is really reminding me of all the things that I wasnt liking during the rest of the game.

The story is super emasculating. Your character is never competent, he just has some special shit that allows him to cheat thorugh things and he gets carried by the girls. I can't even suspend my disbelief, how would any of them fall in love/be attracted to a dude that literally does nothing?

And the whole "he has no experience" argument simply does not work. Nancy enters the game and immediately becomes this literal War adn Strategy Goddess that conquers entire servers. Every other girl kicks is ass, everyone is better at everything better than him, he just has some cheat code that sometimes makes him useful... But most of the time he isnt.

It actually makes me feel super pissed off playing the game and bums me out, which usually isnt the case for a Caribdis game. We are the butt-end of all jokes, and completely and utterly useless.

Being even a little compentent is too much to ask? At least Nancy absolutely never should've been so immensely incredible in comparison if she is a noob just like us.
Nancy is an adult who is very smart and more than capable to climb the social ladder. she started as babysitter and she was taking any job she could get in order to provide for her daughters and she did all that while raising them by herself. What i am trying to prove is that she is more than mature and smart enough to strategize and her ascension to empress of HRE was lot due to luck. all she did was punch a fat loser in the jaw and knock him out, it was other players who gave her the title and then roleplayed as her followers, all she was doing is basic managment and using other players to win wars for her. considering that she has solid job she is probably well equiped with managment skills. its not like she goes around running and killing people like thanatos that its unbelievable she just started playing and getting so much success. everything she did is thanks to her real life experience and skills, not her level and equipment or skills in playing inside eternum.
Take penny for example, she starts after Orion and she had no insane features such as Nancy. her amazing feature was actually managing to summon a frog, and she gets good at healing magic (or destructive if you choose that) only after some practice. Daliah, Annie, Nova, Alex and Luna are all very experienced in eternum so it would actually be stupid if Orion just start playing and is better than them. Its already unfair how he is getting all the special treatment by unlocking special powers over and over, first the physical enhancements then the server jumping... and in my opinion key difference is the uprising, ofc teenager who never played a game will getting better at slower pace than someone older, mature and smarter like nancy.

And why is it that you think Orion is never competent? he did a lot on his own without anyone helping him, and i think its important to know one limitations and when to give the task to someone more competent. there is a difference between being carried by girls and delegating duties to others

Kyle Randall

Jul 30, 2021
Does anyone knows if the MC will have to choose between the girls at the end of the game?

i don't know if someone asked this before, but recently i've had some bad experiences that made me doubtful (paranoid) of projects that were absolutely perfect and got me frustated at the very end.

I'm really tired of false harem(s) and yes, this is a matter of playing or not a game, for me. At least when the dev decides to put a "harem" tag in it.


Apr 28, 2022
I completely disagree with you. Nancy is a manager in real life, in Eternum SHE IS THE EMPEROR OF A MULTISERVER spanning EMPIRE. That makes NO FUCKING SENSE.
manager being good at management is as sensible as it gets. imagine someone iliterate who cant speak english and cant say two words together without making someone feel like punching them in the face suddenly leading an empire. now that makes NO FUCKING SENSE. someone who does management for living is the best person to be a leader and do critical thinking and decision making


Forum Fanatic
Sep 1, 2023
Does anyone knows if the MC will have to choose between the girls at the end of the game?

i don't know if someone asked this before, but recently i've had some bad experiences that made me doubtful (paranoid) of projects that were absolutely perfect and got me frustated at the very end.

I'm really tired of false harem(s) and yes, this is a matter of playing or not a game, for me. At least when the dev decides to put a "harem" tag in it.
If you played the first game from Caribdis, you must know what to expect from this game in the future. As far as I remember Harem is canon or something like here is the answer


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
Except for Penny, who's not that useful
She's useful in stress-testing the suspensions of a sports car. That counts. :Kappa:

Realtalk tho, she'll prolly have her time to shine come next patch or so. We haven't seen the fruits of her magic learning in the field, but I think she'll show her worth eventually just like Annie did in this patch.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2021
She's useful in stress-testing the suspensions of a sports car. That counts. :Kappa:

Realtalk tho, she'll prolly have her time to shine come next patch or so. We haven't seen the fruits of her magic learning in the field, but I think she'll show her worth eventually just like Annie did in this patch.
I'd bet giving her healing magic will either save Orion or someone else important in the right moment and make all the difference.
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