I'm starting to fear this might count as off-topic, so if our posts get deleted, we can talk elsewhere.
Might sound surprising to you but your GPU being utilized 100% is just considered good optimization.
I am aware of that. However, a GPU running at 100% is still hotter than it running below 100%.
Your GPU is supposed to be able to run at full workload for extended amounts of time and not overheat.
If it does get too hot it clocks down, lowering temperatures but losing performance obviously. That shouldn't happen with a properly working cooler and well ventilated case.
Well, what exactly is that extended amount of time? 1 hour? 2 hours?
When my GPU got too hot when I was playing games, it turned the screen black. Had to restart the computer. I don't know if that's harmful to the card, but I don't feel like approaching that limit.
I don't know if I have proper ventilation but there is pretty much only one place I can put my computer at in my room so, I don't really have a choice.
Think of it this way, if you planned to run your card at like 75% utilization you could have just bought the next cheaper model down the list.
Well, I need a card that can be used for some time even for new softwares or games.
Second part is also not accurate. If your GPU shits out frames faster than your CPU can process them, you have something called a bottleneck. Also works the same the other way around of course.
Yeah I know, it's discussed quite often in gaming. But as far as I know, it only affects fps, but I don't really need a very high fps when making renders. Except downgrading my CPU or lowering the graphical settings, I don't think anything would lower the GPU %.
Edit: But yes, I shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion that Room Girl isn't usable for renders. I am sure there are other people that have computers capable of using it.