Me: Quite the conundrum, this.
Brain: ...0.3 and 0.5 hinted that Eternum
could be accessed through dreams, right?
Me: Uhh...yeah?
Brain: And ol' Thanny has some unknown ability of managing to track those who possess the gems down?
Me: Y-yes?
Brain: /evil smile
Me: ...No.
Brain: I mean, it could be possible-
Killing a player and stealing from their inventory while said player is dreaming? That's scary, man. And they could just complain to Ulysses if that happens!
Brain: Well, who's going to believe them? And who's to say that a player could still wake up if they
die from Thanny in a dream instead of the neural implant?
For all we know, they could just rule that one out as "death by sleep" or something.
Me: Okay, that's just theoretical, alright? No way any of that can work. There's just no way.
Brain: Just put it on the board. We'll see if that is or isn't the case in the next updates or so.
Me: /grumbles and places theory on his personal conspiracy wall