A few questions about possible features:
1 - Do you intend to have the npc's family members from their bio (older/younger siblings, named children) discoverable/interactable in the future?
2 - Are there plans for increasing the significance for male contacts? Something like cucking married male contacts, or addicts offering to give up their wife/daughter to the MC to get drugs? Will jobs like 'prosecutor' or 'judge' play any role in the future?
3 - When forcing a catched debtor to sell their daughter to settle their debt, a randomly named daughter with the minimal possible age and no sexual experience will be generated (instead of an existing child, see 1) and the original debtor is removed from the game. Any plans to change this?
4 - Right now, the description of sexual activities does not take into account a npc's pregnancy status. Any plans to change this (flavor text for breast sucking a pregnant npc, for example)?