i love the synergy between mc and wife. This is how a beginner hotwife\cuckold lifestyle start, not by blackmail or a sociopath and unfaithful wife, but as a kink that the husband\bf demand share his girl and she enjoy this. NTR games and cuckolding pornography in general could improve a lot if followed this script. I agree that Nicole can change and I recommend the DEV to let players choose how long the couple go. I don't mean choosing between gangbang and voyeurism, as suggested in the comments above. When the game gives us too many options in the same scene, it loses amplitude and immersion.
We're getting to the middlegame and what happens now will define the course to the end. for now, this game sounds like a sharing hotwife, no submissive content. But it could be really funny if they make a threesome or foursome and she like being fucked by one of these guys more than should - more than should to her opinion, after all the MC would like that, right?