Wolf RPG - Completed - Explorer Of Yggdrasil [v1.01] [Black Train / Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty short game. For that file size I was expecting it to be much more substantial, but that's the quality of the art I guess. Wasn't bad; was just hoping for more after the severe drought.

    Would take about a couple of hours if you skip through only the sex scenes. Maybe three if you properly read through everything. Unlocking the scenes is pretty straightforward; even gameplay-wise, there's not much exploring to be done despite the title.

    Actual gameplay is fairly involved, with a different yet simple approach to combat. The weapons system is a nice mechanic that can provide more metric for those who like collecting, but can also enforce unnecessary grinding for a good weapon. Speaking of grinding; the lewdness mechanic is the fastest way to increase your stats, as leveling doesn't give you shit, so you pretty much have to grind the events as well.

    Combat isn't too hard, and there's actually a way to Demon Bell the game a few notches. Just be sure to remember turn it down before the final boss; stacking defense to the 240s and blocking with the best heavy shield in the game meant shit against her second form at highest difficulty.

    Also, pumping agility up makes everything a joke since you can kill enemies before they even get a turn. 280s seemed plenty. Pump the rest into attack. Then go ninja and dice shit up.

    Overall a good game; enough to have a spank if your antsy. Less a star because I just feel it could've been so much more.