thanks of the bunchestAlright. Time to resuscitate this thread:
Here it is:
Amber 04
Goeniko 01
Ayaka 01
Evangelist x Goblin 20
Evangelist x Goblin 21
Evangelist x Goblin 22
I think someone made a list of all the files that are missing from the archive, though I'm not sure how complete that list is in of itself. So, you can check if Eva collection is full from there.Is the Evangelist collection complete? I don't wanna say "X is missing" because I might be really dumb and the file might be there up for grabs
I.e: I think the Seraphim x Goblin (May 2019) might be missing, but perhaps I haven't found it yet... same with Evangelist vs Goblin 5, 10 (?)