- Jun 30, 2018
- 3,076
- 8,240
There was a weird jump in the game after Chloe passes out on the couch. it cuts to the MC spanking Lily, is there a fix for this? seems I am missing a scene.
those senseless "jumps" seem to be intended (unfortunately).What? One NPc is done for the day and MC gets switched to another NPC ready to go.
NAtural scenes selction right there.
This game needs A LOT of polish and a complete rework if it wants to claim the term "good game".
Right now it's nothing more than a first unsuccessfull try to make the first steps in this business.
The basics are there, and i believe that with some kind of effort this one could turn into a goood one at some point - but right now it's nothing that could be named "good".
Still don't get me wrong - it's not bad either - just needs much more work/rework and passion to learn the ropes.