It is misguided, because devs have tried to reinvent the wheel multiple times by mixing vanilla tags Harem, Incest, Romance with beta oriented tags, voyeurism, NTR, cuckolding, sharing, femdom and not a single one of them has been successful in trying to play both sides. Most games manage to alienate big portions of both fanbase and often end up abandoned.
There is no logic in having only one scene of a controversial content, either commit on that type of VN, or remove them completely, which apparently you did, after fighting people on it initially. Very interesting.
They are presented like husband and wife, the fact they are having sex is implied, the only need to show the scene of them fucking is if you make the scene for that type audience, but since the dev insists that the focus is the incest vanilla audience, its not only wasted resources and time that could have been used on MC content that his main audience likes, but its also needlessly shooting himself in the foot, since a portion of that audience will avoid the game for that scene alone. A few renders of PDA and dialogue are enough, there is no need to see the future LI having her organs rearranged to have the relationship be believable.
Again, if scenes of this type are there, is because the dev wants them to be there, either because he finds them hot, or he is actively trying to target that type of audience, it has nothing to do with the story not working without it, or immersion, or realism. Those are just a bunch of crappy excuses, by sneaky devs trying to be sneaky.
And what is with people's obsession on what is and isn't actually NTR?!

What narrative purpose does that scene have in the story? Is it there to cause the MC, or the player jealousy, is it there to make the MC's dick hard while watching others fuck, like a cuck? If the answer is
yes to either of those, than doesn't matter that you call it NTR, or the Easter Bunny, it serves the same narrative role and a person that hates textbook NTR will also hate that type of scene, its not a hard concept to grasp. If the answer to those questions is
no, then its pointless filler and should not be in the game in the 1st place.