So let me just say, I understand it's a VN and there's always a suspension of disbelief involved with any of these games, BUT, the MC gets a call from a lawyer while at work, the lawyer only says the MC is named as a beneficiary in the will. Nothing is ever mentioned in that phone call what the MC is listed as receiving, no mention of money, or property or anything, for all the MC knows it could just be a freakin' family photo album or something. So without any knowledge of what he's set to inherit, he FUCKING quits his job, in a manner that would not see him able to get it back saying he's rich now, how the fuck does he know that? Again I get it, suspension of disbelief and all but this just fucking cracked me up at how ridiculous it was, then he walks into the lawyer's office talking about how he's dumbfounded why he got everything in the will, again he has yet to be told what the will says. Either the MC is a fucking psychic or this is poor writing, I'm not sure yet which the correct answer is.