I agree that the OP should have some sort of warning in big red letters such as "Not For The Faint Of Heart or Those Easily Traumatized By Darker Works Of Fiction" But somehow I don't think that would help much, because one thing I've noticed with many board members here , is that they just love to play stuff that they know will get them all worked up and angry. Ranting, voicing their disapproval, and casting shame on developers of Non-Vanilla content is like a drug and or hobby to them. (not saying saying that is the case with you, but it is with many).
On Another note,
Great update John & Rich! I'd like to thank you guys again for your willingness to venture into some darker themes. The real world is not always a bright and happy Mr. Rogers type place like most porn games are. The typical happy harem games are so corny goofy that vomit makes it's way into my mouth. We may be a niche audience, but there are those of us who like conflict and a really potent antagonist in our stories. Keep up the great work and I hope that all of Rich's personal issues take a quick turn for the better.