It's one of my recommendations in EP2 here:
I always tested with "Kiss lips". But if you use "Touch boobies" you get kind of "infraction points". That still would not cause your game over, but in EP3 then you MUST not use "Continue":
If doing that you get another point and that leads to the game over.
I recommend for you now to use the "Kiss lips" in EP2 and then you can use the "Continue" in EP3 without issues.
You could also use "Stop" in EP3, it's not big of a gamechange later on also.
I will correct the EP2 choice in my WT in the next version and mark the "Touch boobies" option with a "risk of game over"
and an additional WT info for the EP3 "Continue" option with a "do not use if touched her breasts in EP2"