It seems that if you choose to not close any of the routes as they come, you end up being a huge cheat (obviously). I wonder if you have some twist in mind that would allow that to somehow pass with Tina, either because you do something that really makes her love you as a flawed human being, or because she's into it and can forgive your not being upfront from the start, I don't know... Only ask because your game has a high fantasy feel to it, nothing to do with realism. She does seem to hint that she might be open to it, when she accepts so easily your temporary living arrangement with your young female friend. Wouldn't mind if her accepting or even liking you sleeping with other girls came with strings attached (you having to share as well), even better if it becomes something intense that brings depth to a relationship that, at the moment (if you roleplay getting laid with every possible character) seems too "convenient", to the point of the MC not giving a damn. But hey, just me wondering about things, maybe something is already written in that direction (only played up to the end of the prologue) or maybe you're going in a completely different direction
Gothgirlgames , I'm good either way, the game is fun.