Okay, so Imma just list some thing this game could 100% benefit from, cause good lord is it good, but DAMN does it feel impossible on anything other than easy or normal. (long rant about just arcade mode)
1. bigger map, I'll say it 1000 times, this games arcade mode is impossible to not lose SOME money out on when you play on hard, because the current map is far to small, and there is LITERALLY no place to hide if you haven't bought anything, and the door is slightly finicky, so running into your office doesn't even work 100% of the time, my main point with this is that if you get seen, there's just no place to run most of the time, additionally, it's quite literally impossible to keep ALL the animatronics where they are supposed to be, just because of how fast it drains on hard, so you are GOING to have to deal with the animatronics, this becomes a much bigger issue when the power goes out, and you can't check where the animatronics are with the tiny camera you always have
2. scenes are encrypted, this is kind of a personal gripe, but finding exactly what you have to do WITHOUT a tutorial for some of the scenes isn't possible unless you are an expert at finding secrets, so some hints could be appreciated, not direct tells of what you have to do, just hints
3. impossible without exploits, I shouldn't need to say this, but needing the one exploit to run faster should be just an exploit, not a requirement to beat hard arcade
4. Hiding spots, y'know, those things you can go inside of with just a click of a button? Yeah those
And for the people who will tell me along the lines of a few things: 1. just lower the difficulty 2. cheat or 3. don't play the game, my answer for all of those is no, because I'm stubborn, I wanna do stuff on the hardest difficulty, without cheating, and I think the gameplay is fine, it just needs some environment changes so it's... less impossible, my main problem is the map is too open and leaves you with no option other than going to your office and closing the door, or going into a vent with the screwdriver, WHICH COSTS MONEY (the screwdriver, not the vent for the illiterate people) and I guess the only reason I made this in the first place is that you need a LOT of money to get everything if your a completionist, and that money translates to a lot of runs of doing nothing on hard (cause you get more money on hard) and it would be great if it was mildly easier too actually do runs in the first place so a person can get more than 1k per run if you just sit still the whole time (because that's a viable strat) I know the extra money from actually doing tasks isn't a lot, but making it possible to do those tasks is the more important part IMO