We agree a lot more than disagree on this game. We both don't play the game for Melanie nor are to concerned with her fate, or as with you, as much. We both like Monica's personality. It is what makes this a great game. Her stubborn desire for her life to return to her previous state drives the game forward. This is why we have both fought against the idea of Monica becoming a "happy slut". This Monica would lose her fight and unique personality and any point to this game would be lost. Where we differ here is I enjoy her fall as she attempts to survive her predicament. I like to see her situation getting worse as she believes it's improving. I particularly enjoy when she is backed into a corner and needs to fuck her way out. The more she dislikes it and finds it degrading the better. This is more my kink than actual humiliation. Humiliation is just a symptom of what Monica has to go through during the game.
On the other hand with Melanie I just don't understand her goals, if she even has any. Seeing her constantly dominated by Victoria doesn't interest me. She has just been treated more and more poorly by Vic as the game has continued but doesn't have the fight or stubbornness of Monica. Melanie's events and story don't interest me like Monica's, she lacks Monica's personality and ego. So humiliation is not a kink for me on it's own and usually is of little interest with other games.
We differ on our preferred outcomes, as you want Monica to be victorious in her struggle where I ultimately want to see her lose her struggle while still fighting for her due to the end, or her best case ending be heavily compromised. We have agreed to disagree on this topic for a while now. We both agree that the struggle itself is an important aspect of this game.
This is why the three endings we have had so far in ep4 have been a little disappointing, though the falling path end has been the best of these so far. All three have a Monica who has given up her fight. She has run off to hide from her situation and given up her goals she has fought for. The real ending, I think we can agree, will be when Monica finds out what and who have been working against her since at least day three of ep1. What comes from these revelations will be the true endings for Monica. Whether she gets full control of her business back, has it back but compromised, ends up at the farm or anything else in between.