If anyone is like me and sometimes just want to watch the scenes as opposed to progressing through the game normally, here's a quick tutorial on how to do that. (very basic programming knowledge is needed for some scenes)
As part of this tutorial, I'll also guide step by step on how I got the scene from the image below to play (it will be in teal color)
Enjoy the scene!
Important points to keep in mind:
1) A lot of scenes relies on predefined variables, if the scene crash, look to see if you're missing specific variables, you can set any variable at any time by opening the consle (shift + o) and typing $<variable_name>=<value.
If you're getting these crashes, take a quick glance at the script of the scene, you might find some dependencies that that need to be addressed before jumping to the label (that's where some programming knowledge is needed)
A very good way to debug is to look at the "call stack" from the error report, the important information is usually at the bottom part.
2) I strongly recommend NOT saving games after doing these wacky scene jumps, you are bound to introduce bugs to the game.
PS: I'm a huge fan of the game, and I've been having a lot of fun playing it. I've been supporting the dev on Patreon for a long time now. I hope nobody will see this post as me dismissing the gameplay, it's just that sometimes I really just want to read specific parts of the story.
As part of this tutorial, I'll also guide step by step on how I got the scene from the image below to play (it will be in teal color)
![mela.jpg mela.jpg](https://attachments.f95zone.to/2020/04/thumb/640592_mela.jpg)
- Look in game/images/Slides for the image you want to read the story behind. (For example: img_17256.jpg)
- Find what quest file references that image
- I like to use the terminal for that, but realize there are 1001 ways to search for a text within files, do it in whatever way you prefer, if you don't know any way, here's how I do it:
- Open the terminal at the game/Quests folder
- grep -r <img number> . (For the image from the example I would type: "grep -r 17256 .")
- this grep should return a list of all files that reference that image. Use whatever text editor you prefer to open the file. (For the image from the example that would be "EP2_12/ep212_dialogues6_melanie_punishment.rpy"
- At this point you have the Quest file for the quest that references the image you care about, find the line that references that image
- From that line, start going up in the code base until you see a label definition. (For the image from the example, the image is referenced on line 46, and the label is named on line 20. Line 20 reads as follows: "label ep212_dialogues6_melanie_punishment_1:" )
- Start the game and load a save
- In the game, open the console (shift + o) and type "jump <label_name>" (For the image from the example, that would be "jump ep212_dialogues6_melanie_punishment_1"
Enjoy the scene!
![mela2.jpg mela2.jpg](https://attachments.f95zone.to/2020/04/thumb/640596_mela2.jpg)
Important points to keep in mind:
1) A lot of scenes relies on predefined variables, if the scene crash, look to see if you're missing specific variables, you can set any variable at any time by opening the consle (shift + o) and typing $<variable_name>=<value.
If you're getting these crashes, take a quick glance at the script of the scene, you might find some dependencies that that need to be addressed before jumping to the label (that's where some programming knowledge is needed)
A very good way to debug is to look at the "call stack" from the error report, the important information is usually at the bottom part.
2) I strongly recommend NOT saving games after doing these wacky scene jumps, you are bound to introduce bugs to the game.
PS: I'm a huge fan of the game, and I've been having a lot of fun playing it. I've been supporting the dev on Patreon for a long time now. I hope nobody will see this post as me dismissing the gameplay, it's just that sometimes I really just want to read specific parts of the story.
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