Ren'Py - Fashion Business [Ep.4 v7.01 Extra] [DecentMonkey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great thanks to the beautiful artwork, animation, variety of characters and uniqueness of the plot. In addition, updates have been released regularly over the past year and a half. Decent game from a decent developer
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    terrible plot, terrible story ,terrible pacing and most terrible grindd
    only thing not terrible are the renders and few animations (even though you have pay at least $20 every month to get the good stuff)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game overall.
    • Randers are great
    • Annimations are good enough
    • I understand some of the criticism about the inconsistent story, but come-on... it's not finished yet
    • Writing is a bit childish, don't care. Read a book, don't play a porn game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game five stars for two reasons.

    First of all, the renders are absolutely amazing. Not just the quality, which requires admittedly a good computer, as well as advanced technical skills. Clean, well-lighted, well-textured. Beautiful high heels, dresses, manicured nails, my favourite fetishes. But in this case, the actual art as well. The posing is pretty much always original, as far as I can see, and if not, at least its not the most used and abused Daz3D poses. The facial posing is beautiful, brilliant, amazing. 3D models often come to life in this game thanks to the detailed care given to lip, eye and eyebrows posing, especially for the MC Monica. 10, 12, 15 stars would be needed to accurately rate this aspect of the game.

    Secondly, the game is indeed underrated. It should be a 4/4,5 star game, along with other games such as GGGB, even if it has many annoying aspects, most of all in the gameplay.


    -Ren'py, and no rollback...can somebody please give me a rational explanation for this??

    -The scene replay function doesn't seem to unlock some of the scenes played. So you're stuck with your own saves.

    -Usual annoying aspects of open-world need to click your way in and out of rooms, elevators, buildings, etc. and it just kills the gameflow. But the renders are all so beautiful, they do make it less annoying.

    -The writing is not bad, some mistakes, but its incredibly repetitive, since it always appear, even after the 456th time you repeat the same action, day after day. Why not just do without it after a while, when you need to change the MC's clothes, or make her do housechores, etc. - i.e. when it adds strictly nothing to sexual arousing? Its just extra clicks and loading time for nothing, and I end up simply tabbing my way through the entire week by skipping the dialogues.

    -The grinding gets sometimes truly ridiculous, for example to complete the black swan photoshoot.

    -The pace of the game is just too slow, like so many other games, in order to keep it supposedly "realistic". By the time Melanie gets fucked doggystyle by Victoria or sucks off Alex, you've already gone beyond the point where you want to see her drowning in cum in a gang-bang session.

    -A lot of 3D models do not live up to the dev's talent, and role distribution is annoying. Why-oh-goddamn-why aren't the 3D models of the twin office workers for example used in an office storyline instead of that poor, plain, hairy dog Julia?? She already plagued the first part of the game with a star role, while so many better looking models are left in the shadows as mere props. Its truly enraging. At least you can cut short the lesbian side story where she's involved. Ok, so she's a funny character, and her plain looks admittedly match her "nice" personality, but this is a porn game...


    Apart from what I already said above, the two star characters of the game, Monica and Melanie, are truly beautiful, and physically complement each other really well. Both can easily give you an honest boner, but in a different way. I also like Victoria a lot. I'm glad the three are involved, that is a real plus to the game.

    edit: forgot to mention the music, which sometimes is a real plus to the game, for example during those breathtaking Melanie catwalks on her way to Dick's office.

    Also, the prostitution route, really fucking cool as well. I truly hope Monica will be able to work at some point as a cheap slum whore as well as an escort, that would be really amazing. Its kind of strange no MF sex scene is yet available with her whore clothes on, which I really love.

    Beautiful game, you can see the dev is truly passionate and involved in his work. But as for practically all Western porn games, an honest rating can't go without a "CON" section, unfortunately. As a game gets really good and special like this one, you're bound to be more critical of its negative aspects than for a game that sucks, or is just average. I guess that's the very unfair price to pay when you're as talented as Decent Monkey.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, gameplay, story, quality render and lot of gorgeous women but on gallery why not have hints for extra and non extra. I hope develeoper give more melanie scene I love melanie scene more
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Update 4/21/2021
    After seeing this update I am convinced it is the developers personal goal to see how crappy of a story he can write.
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    The art work of the game is top notch. The content of the art work isn't always to my liking. People have different likes and dislikes. Seeing a seen wasted on foot jobs does nothing for me. There are others as well.

    The review covers EP1 and EP2 both.

    I just recently played this through. Looking at the history on here of the game I would say it at one point had a lot of potential. At this point I don't think it has much left. It would take massive rewrites and changes to make this game into something I feel is worth my time. I know looking at posts on here that isn't going to buy me any popularity. O'well.

    EP 1 Monica you have the ability to choose what type of person she is. If she is good well there is a crapy happy ending. Sorry. I don't need the moral lessons. Bad shit happens to good people all the time. Nothing Monica has done in any of the episodes brings me to the point of thinking she deserves any of the stuff happening. If this is what people consider a bitch is or someone bad I would love to take you on a tour of the shit I seen and lived through in my life.

    If a water was the measure of how much of a bitch someone can be and a 10,000 gallon swimming pool is the max I seen. Monica doesn't even rate a few drops in the bottom. Take a woman who ran over pedestrians on a side walk because traffic was stopped at a light and she was late for her hair appointment. Insistent to the end it was the pedestrians fault because they didn't get out of her way that she was more important that they are. I can give you hundreds of examples. Monica is a sweat heart compared to many women in the real world.

    Monica isn't perfect but who is. But to think she is any kind of real bitch and not just a business woman tends to say more about one's own weakness.

    Moving into EP2 Monica is has nothing but bad choice given her and everyone is out to fuck her one way or another. The repetition wouldn't be so bad if there was some decent pay outs in it.

    Which of the current sex scenes am I supposed to find attractive or a turn on Phil, Steve, The fake girl friend, The foot job scene, the guy watching masturbate in the hotel.... Sorry I have interest is seeing some greasy fat ugly as fuck screw a girl no matter how hot she is.

    Lets look at Phil a bit more closely. He treats her like shit an object and she is to go along with him why? He doesn't pay shit. At least Steve she can get 5K from. Most of the story plot line can be ripped to shreds.

    This story probably could have been great if the author put even 10% of the time he does into the art into actually thinking about the story and why the characters wold do X, Y & Z and then actually coming up with a means for them to do various stuff. Plan out the personality beyond this shallow effort made.

    Take the lesbian stuff. Sure it was a given since the get go Monica is strait so you don't expect to much. But to say Julia was anti climatic and disappoint is a serious understatement. Turned out to be a total waste of time. I mean pretty much that's the way I felt following any of the paths.

    The only hope I'd give this game of turning into something good is if it has a revenge path where Monica driven by these people goes off the deep end and becomes a serial killer and unleashes holy hell on everyone that fucked with her and took from her in the most sadistic way she can come up with. Think S&M meats Ted Bundy. She does whatever she needs to to get close to them and while their guard is down.

    That or she takes on a Vigilante role as an Anti Villain and cleans up the corruption while during which she finds she has this build up of lust from killing these assholes and has to find a way to release it in various ways.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    So you take on the role of a dumb(so dumb she dosent know how to get into a car or find an item in a wardrobe) rich delusional woman and she can be either be good or bad but the bad end is not finished(even through it says complete) and it dosent seem like it was even intended to be so the bad route is pointless.

    Navigating this game(100% not needed as its a linear story) is pretty bad but that dosent even come close to the horrible item interaction, clicking on an item then click walk to item then click again on item then click again to pick up item then click on second item then click once again to use item together, WTF you might as well add a button for breathing at this point.

    78 images of a fully clothed woman doing yoga just from diffrent angles in a single scene is ridiculous overkill and with no skip function you have to click every single one.

    Hiding vital things you have to find in tiny places you would never guess so you have to use the guide in most places.

    Loads of "choices" that have no other choice(utterly pointless).

    Honestly i almost didnt bother with the game given the no saves problem and now i wish i had not wasted my time, the roll back barely works and straight away in the second part there are loads of game breaking errors.

    The only nice thing i can say about the game is the art work which is very high quality but its easy not to notice while playing given the major problems the game has.

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  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is awesome. Render is excellent, the story makes sense. If you are into some kind of humiliation thing, I think you'll like it. The game certainly deserves a better rating than it has right now.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I have ever played, the story and graphics are the best so far. Just compliments..
    A unique game that brings excitement and raises it to a higher level.
    I can’t wait for the new parts to play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    This is not really a 5-star game, but I'll give it an extra star to counteract those who gave it a single star because there was one aspect of the game that they didn't like. That's simply not fair to the developer. People talk about the great graphics (so, maybe 4/5 or 5/5) but don't like the story (so maybe 1/5 for that). Those numbers don't average to 1/5.

    The game is beautiful, the dev is active/timely and the most accommodating one here to positive criticism (consider all the gameplay features added to the game in response to constructive criticism). It's easy to play, the choices are pretty clear, and hotfixes are created as soon as issues are identified. You can't ask for more than that.

    It is repetitive in a lot of places. Worse, it is repetitive with identical dialogues. Probably the most painfully bad example of that is the tech guy in Monica's office. Monica has to ask him for the reports, and he reminds her he doesn't have to make a report, and she wonders why she forgot that. Then , the next day, she will have to repeat the process, with the reminder and the wondering, and the player just groans out loud. Same with the woman who asks about the air conditioner every damn time, the woman who doesn't have her report ready every damn time, etc. Those should all be one-time occurrences, and afterwards player should just be able to click a button that says "collect all reports" without clicking 20 times to select each office worker and hear the same old dialogue.

    But, there's a saving grace that makes the repetitive stuff much more tolerable, which is the fact that Monica doesn't have to work every day, and the player can skip days at will. There will be some unavoidable grind at the beginning (cleaning the house, say, or serving clients on the street), but, pretty soon, corruption will be coming by the bucket, and that grindy stuff can largely be skipped.

    Those who want Monica to be corrupted enough to enjoy being humiliated miss the point of the game. Corruption just changes what she is willing to do to get back to the top. It doesn't make her a slut, she just becomes increasingly willing to bend her own rules. Complaining about Monica being Monica is silly, IMO. Yes, she's always angry about what is happening to her and what she finds herself willing to do to overcome adversity. She's strong enough not to break, and that's what I like about her. So, 4/5 promoted to 5/5 due to external factors.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Everybody has opinion,but some people attack dev.
    I think game is good.
    I think it will be better someone help Monica and be with her,
    and Monica can still learn be humble.

    I like animation story dont minde grind and Monica hope the is good end for her she is cute and beautiful.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a good story and great main character.
    The developer is one of the most hard-working I know, delivers constantly on time.

    - great story
    - great developer
    - great animation
    - kinky stuff
    - Melanie !

    - quite grindy
    - some actions of the main character are a bit forced (not so smart)
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Why are you gae?

    Update v14:

    Story has a nice build-up from Ep 1 to Ep 2. The grind is not much of a problem to me but right now it is just scene after scene.

    Good Game. Renders are awesome. It's a grind sometimes but that only makes me look forward to the next scene(s). If you ever feel to satisfy your dark desires, then look no further. This game is not for White Knights but rather for people who acknowledge their dark desires and look for a legal way to satisfy them.

    There's also been a lot of criticism because it can be grindy. Especially the last few days. That begs the question if those people ever played DMD or other games. DMD was a huge grind but an enjoyable one. If someone writes a plot, I would want him to take his time with the protagonist. It's rare that you're suddenly a bitch. It's a slow process and this game makes no exception here. Let the game be the game. Many enjoy it and while your reviews here are welcome, I don't think that the dev should priotritize your opinion over the ones who prefer the game as is.

    So, you look for excellent renders? Look no further.
    You look for immorality? Look no further.
    You look for regular updates? Look no further, the devs are very disciplined and updates are published in a regular manner. At least honor the devs for it by buying them a beer.
    You look for a lot of content? Look no further

    Just download it and be satisfied and when not, that is fine. I'd never use Windows but don't bash it in a regular manner. But it's a shitty OS, gotta admit that.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    how can a game, with such good start, with a motivated and skilled dev, turn this into a game that is barely playable?
    do the dev hate Monica? it seems so, Monica feels bad all the time and is forced to get humiliated and raped almost from everyone.

    it doesnt matter if theres other fetishes, if Monica is raped and is not enjoying it one bit, all other fetishes will be ruined. you can only enjoy this if you enjoy seeing a girl in pain, to ravish her completely without mercy, to enjoy seeing her getting raped, and knowing she is not playing a victim, she is a victim.

    corruption is to make a girl turn into a more sexual person, whatever the goal is, if a cumdump or just a sexy slave, or something else, but here, theres no corruption, only humiliation and rape. theres no turning her bit by bit into enjoying the punishments or the humiliations or the depravity. she is not enjoying it at all, she is not part of the play, we force her.

    it doesnt matter the quality of renders or animation, or how skilled the dev made the ui or some nice effects or the amount of work he did, the huge amount of pictures, that part is amazing and for that he deserved 5 stars. but for me, the "enjoyment" is what counts. if no enjoyment I can't give much points, and if the enjoyments turns into feeling bad, Im forced to say this game is "terrible". if the dev had that in mind, to create a depraved game, and wanted the player to feel bad, well, he succeeded.
  15. M
    5.00 star(s)

    Mr B

    One of my favorite games. One of only a few games where I actually don't mind the grind. There is so much content added with each update, it's impressive. The visual style is excellent. Besides the odd bug, the UI and game mechanics are quite good. Most importantly, the main character is pretty hot :p I also like the concept of her being a stuck up bitch to others who then gets what she deserves, it's fun to play :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1263332

    I'm writing a review because it is criminal how underrated this game and developer is. This is an excellent game. Good sandbox, story, not that grindy, and beautiful scenes. It is a work in progress butthat changefrom this year to last is exceptional and only getting better. Few games have as exciting and CONSISTENT releases as this. If playing a female protagonist is a plus for you, you must play this game. And I cannot stress enough how muchbetter itgets every release. BIG Kudos to the dev and his persistence. Thank you.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    If you are looking to play a sexy porn game, or experience a titillating tale of a beautiful girl being corrupted sexually ... this game is NOT for you.

    20,000 renders, BEAUTIFUL renders .... but the result is so not sexy. I am not taking about the grind of the game, I am talking about the VN. This dev spent his time to create 20,000 renders that results in a story that is neither here nor there. It is ALL about angry women, all angst and frustration. No part of the game is about the act of sex being sexy, or being a turn on. It is all just pure anger, angst, hate.

    This dev has 1,341 patrons ... so maybe there are lot's people out there that like it like that.

    the whole story has the blandness of porridge ... beautiful decorated with colourful condiments that does nothing to make it more palatable.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game had great potential and the story was interesting. Now it has become so bloated with grind that the story is completely lost among the boring tasks that need to be done each day. If this was a straight forward game it would be great! Unfortunately you are required to do tasks each day to increase your stats little by little until you unlock the next stage, where you do more tasks day by day to increase your stats and unlock the next stage ad infinitum.

    It doesn't help that there is a vague hint system that requires you to get the right stats at the right time of day to move forward. It's not fun and the beautiful renders and interesting story don't save it. Hopefully this will get a remake oneday where someone takes all the bullshit out and streamlines it, then i think it will be one of the best games on this site.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    People rate this game 5/5 and I have to question if it didn't just fry their brains. First off the game is very grindy to the point where you'll ask yourself multiple times if you aren't just wasting your time. I could forgive that if the story was compelling and interesting but it's not. Even for a porn game this story makes no sense at all. All these aspects made me feel like I was banging my head against the wall over and over again.

    There are only 2 positives of this game the 1st Episode and the renders.

    In the end theres just not really anything special to this game. Dont waste your time.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Johny bhaiya

    One of the best game I've ever played. This game has a story that connects to you and also the story has very good twist and turns. Most unique characters characters which you can not find in any other games. The dev. is so hardworking he tames only 6 to 7 week to update the game which is quite decent.