Ren'Py - Fashion Business [Ep.4 v7.01 Extra] [DecentMonkey]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Artistically speaking, this is a one of a kind game, you can tell that the developpers value every detail just from clicking on items on the screen and the description that pops up every time you do it, the story is dark but well written in my personal opinion, you'll either like or hate the main protagonist but no one can deny how good looking she is and she is quite saucy too. There are many characters you can interract with and certain dialogues can lead into interesting scenes, basically I haven't noticed an illusion of choice in the gameplay so if you want a certain type of content you'll get it if you play your cards right if you dislike something it's easy to avoid it as well..The grind level is moderate you can advance the story easily if you follow what's happening and not skip the text. Monica Buckfett is an arrogant hateful woman but after some time I've grown to like her somehow, she's quite strong and resilient, quite the character...I give this game a well deserved full rating though I would've preferred a 8.5/10 or 8.75 but the star rating would make it unfair if I gave it just 4/5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Don Corleone

    Its the best game on this platform. The developer works really fast and there is an update each six weeks ---> just perfect!
    Moreover the quality of the renders is just amazing. I dont know any other game, which offers renders in this quality.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Great design and animation, such a slow boring gameplay that you want to shoot yourself.

    I dont get why you waste your talent in creating a torture game.

    Have to play and grind for an hour to see a single scene.

    And it has to slowest intro ever. You could go finish witcher 3 by that time and have an actual quality time.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    User #1751331

    Updated: I deleted the game entirely. The author is a one trick pony who only knows how to portray the character as a victim to get her to do stuff. Monica panics: dialog, "I have to do this"

    The most redeeming part of this game is artwork id give that a 4.5 to 5.
    The interface is good and its rather intuitive to move around.

    The story on the other hand. Conceptually where it started off was good. Where it is at I'd give a big fat ZERO.

    Here is why. Monica is supposedly smart enough to build and run a 100,000,000 company and in EP2 she doesn't show the intelligence of a grade-schooler. There is no way she was able to keep that type of company running no matter how many people she had working for her and not have some guts, intellect and common sense.

    At this point the story and dialogue isn't worth reading at all. Save yourself the time and extract the images and just use a picture viewer. It will save you a headache of trying to ignore the gaping issues with the plot and dialogue.

    As for the so called multiple paths they don't exist they are so entwined and reliant on each other that there really is just the one path going down shit street. You can't complete the fashion shoot without the corruption needed and you have choice of do the falling path with it or extend playing the game out to two or 3 years of doing housework.

    The brainless twit Monica has turned into over the EP2 so far has ZERO chance of pulling off anything smart to get back her company or any form of revenge and getting away with it.

    There is no explanation at all as to how she goes from being intelligent to a blithering pussy ass idiot at all.

    I see little to no chance the author can turn this issue around. It would take making an equal amount of content and dialogue to what has already been create to create an actual path where she isn't portrayed as this complete moron.

    If you need specifics say so. I'll be more than glad to extend this and add them in. We can start with the arrest, move on to issues, with Steve, Bardie, Biff, and more...

    Honestly, the author missed out on probably the best possible opportunity with this. That would be her using her brains and looks to get close to the perverted individuals she is up against and thus having to accept compromises to get close in order to seek revenge.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1011679

    A bug made the game much more grindier than it actually was.

    The story is good, the characters interesting and some animations are really good. The game could use more sex scenes with monica but overall a good game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a Very Very Good!!

    Beacouse this game is good ?

    Nice animations!
    Nice story!
    Nice characters!
    good amount of scenes +18

    * I was the only one who felt very bad for monica at the end of 1? *
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the genre of this game I love how they blackmail Monica and giving us an option what path should we take to this game. This one of the greatest game in this site, I'm looking forward for the next update or next chapter maybe.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    wonderful game!
    congratulation to the developper, he's got real talent.
    i Can't wait to see more.

    and now : i'm sorry, i'am french, i'm not good in english, so i wrote this useless sentence just to reach the 200 character, because it's much much easy for me to wrote this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the most beautifully rendered game in this genre so far with pretty good story and characters! A lot of scenes and images to see and pretty much no bugs from what I’ve experienced. Some people don’t like the grind but it isn’t as tedious and i never even paid attention to it. Could be from people playing update for update as well where you have already seen the old scenes and have nothing to do in between them or have to grind something to get there instead of having a smooth experience from start to finish.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed at version Episode 2 - 0.7 )

    I tried this game once before when it was on RPGM, and it was an utter grind fest. Why games in RPGM seem to want to grind you into nothing is something I've never understood, but they do. I remember the whole jail cell sequence with abject disgust that a game would do that to the player. So I hoped with the change to Ren'Py, stuff like that went away.

    It didn't. The creator still has the same exact horrible day 3-12 or however long the jail cell sequence is exactly the same. It is still the most wasted sequence I've encountered in a H-game. And as I moved into chapter 2, it didn't get appreciably better. There are still lots of senseless running around to do, but now it's senseless cleaning acts to do, as well as running around trying to get food, into your office, etc. I bailed on the third day playing maid, as I couldn't take it anymore.

    The models are decent, but the MC and the original maid seemed to be stuck going from stupid expression to stupid expression on their faces.

    Your only choices in game are primarily "I'm a bitch" or "I guess I can be sort of polite/kind", which leaves us with a MC that's not likable.

    All in all, I'm sorry I wasted my time on this game again, and I made sure this time to Ignore the thread so I won't forget in the future.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game started so good with Chapter 1. Due to chapter 1 being an introduction, main protagonist did not get any major scenes but game compensated it by showing very nice and long scenes with other npcs with each other (h-scenes). Chapter 1 also ended in one of the biggest cliff-hangers with ton of potential. Future looked so bright.

    Nevertheless, at the time of writing this review it is now the 7th release and game is just a grind fest, with no substantial content. It is true there are ton of picture in images folder but majority of them are the same pictures from different angles and with few changes here and there. Game feels like it did not move forward and that the player just grinds endlessly to get a single scene.

    For insult to injury there are even less hardcore h-scenes in second chapter of the game compared to first. I have pretty much lost interest in this game, will most likely check it out if it continues to chapter 3 or 4 but this one feels like a bore. It is getting 2 stars just due to chapter 1. Second chapter own its own would have gotten none due to silly grind and wasted potential.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So I really liked this at the start (when it was RPGM) and specifically held off playing it agin for over a year whilst it was converted to Renpy so I could play it and see a nice amount of new content.

    The story is a bit 'dumb' but hey I don't mind that. It just takes far to long to move along due to grindy mechanics, who wants a repetitive cleaning simulator?

    The Dev is a good 3d modeller some of the best renders around, but he isn't a game designer. IMO he should partner with someone who knows a bit about UX.

    Animations are okay, but the use of a moving camera for short looping animations is a terrible idea and some of the model movement is really wooden. Not something I'd normally complain about but some of the scenes have far to many shots and camera angles. I'd imagine that 95% of the devs time is spent on rendering. Maybe he should more time on actual game design!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    damn i am so conflicted about this game. i like how you monica is so strong and doesnt do anything at first or even second time but... damn its a bit exhausting to do every scene multiple times to raise teh corruption level...

    and in my honest opnion even monica is kinda sexy, i much more prefer melanie and would have liked to play her. i like her face more, her stronger legs more and her bigger tits with bigger nipples more.

    is there an update where i can see the progress of the dick scene with melanie? it stoped when she approched him the last time i played this game... so i hope to see more of this scene since i didnt saw anything of her or dick...

    and i hoped i get a bit curvier by eating cakes and other stuff with much sugar in it.. but it seems even she doesnt do sport she still keeps the same shape. that would be a hell of an update to either play melanie and fuck dick and her boss, OR get a thiccer monica who fucks her boss. :)

    btw what model is melanies? just for research purposes ofc :)

    otherwise insteresting - and not too easy - story. hopefully things above will be added and more sex scenes.

    otherwise idk how long i will play this game cause the mc is visual just a but over average (even her face is cute) and the hole playstyle is really exhausting.

    tl;dr: more melanie (own melanie game?), curvier monica (look at melanies body nd nipples!!), more sex scenes, more interactions with other ppl and less repetitive quest/day-work!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A good game with a lot of fucking problems.


    The impetus for the plot of the game is, I hate to use this word, but it's fucking retarded. Nothing about Monica's detainment makes a lick of sense and it takes a hammer to the head to follow it without having serious questions.

    Dev is milking the shit out of this. There's no reason why the "falling path" is progressing so slowly when she can suck dick for 5k a week. That money is going directly to another person, she can't touch it. Her personal money is solely dependent on her whoring herself out (or falafel advertising if you're a lame-o) and yet she can only show her tits for like two dollars? What kind of fucking sense does that make?

    It's grindy. Some games are far worse, but it's still unnecessarily grindy. There are quite a few things that could be cleaned up so it's not as bad, for instance it's possible to forget to ask for payment for a thing and then you've fucked your entire following week.

    The dev spends far too much time on pointless camera angles (one sex scene, 8 angles! Most of them suck!).

    A lot of the animations are terrible. Like, really bad.

    One of the characters has a much too large cock which makes any blowjobs with that character, of which there are a few, look stupid since the woman is basically unhinging her jaw to accommodate it. Who likes this? I don't get it.

    Episode one has atrocious English. Spelling is fine, but grammatically it's fucking awful. I assume the dev got proof readers because it's greatly improved in Episode two, but still has issues, such as referring to a woman with a masculine pronoun.

    The Bitch / Nice thing is so, so inherently flawed. At her worst, Monica is a total cunt, at her best she's a manipulative bitch. She, as written, is incapable of being "nice" since her inner monologue is cunty and backhanded no matter how you've chosen to approach her dialogue options. Part of my issue may be that we just aren't deep enough into the game for there to be real ramifications for her demeanor (apart for some idiotic happy ending where you miss out on the entire game). Time will tell just how worthless this system is. My advice would be to have both good and bad saves in case. Personally, I would've preferred a dominant / submissive type of system, since she appears to be an irredeemable jackass.

    Since this is on Patreon, it suggests the future possibility of things that are completely outside of Patreons rules, such as bestiality.

    A lot of background items in the world can be clicked on. For certain places, this makes sense, it creates a bit of world building and insight into Monica as a person (she's a narcissistic gold-digger, there's not a lot more you need to establish with that beyond her awful inner monologues), but some times it's laughably unnecessary: "It's a computer monitor, I can't see what it says". WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT OF THAT? WHY DID YOU WASTE YOUR TIME WRITING THAT?

    I've already slammed the game's plot for being, um, mentally-challenged, but it does get (a bit) better with episode 2, until the Bardie (fuck kind of name is that?) and Betty storyline... which, yeah.... more dumbness.

    The fact that the "failing path" (street prostitution) can be done concurrently with the main story line of Monica getting her empire back is... incredibly poor writing. Good writing would be that a total bitch Monica, having burned her bridges, is forced to resort to prostitution just to get by (and perhaps opportunities open up due to this). Again, there might be more of a payoff for this shit later on, but Episode 2, ver. 6, it just hasn't happened yet.


    Monica is one of the most beautiful characters on this entire site. There are some truly awesome still renders of characters, but sadly they're just poses. A lot of the sex scenes... just don't work for me.

    Any female protag corruption games are worth a play in my book. The prostitution angle is even better, but it hasn't been handled very well so far.

    There's nothing really gross in the game... apart from rimjobs, which are not my thing, at all, but if that's the "worst" thing, it's still not bad. Sure, there's a bunch of ugly ass men, but given the type of game that this is, one should be used to that. It adds to the "corruption" aspect of it all.

    Situations are super hot. Potential situations are hotter.

    The idea of her being an illegal immigrant (again, lol) and forced to debase herself just to get by, is interesting. It's too bad it was handled so clumsily.

    The allure of future enticing things. You'll encounter greyed out options for things that seem hot, but who knows how long you'll have to wait for them. I both applaud and am sad for patrons of this dev.

    Despite all of the time wasted on pointless renders and animations, the monthly updates are pretty solid. His biggest failing is with the falling path.

    Honestly, and obviously, I dislike a lot more of the game than I like, but what I do like is what the game may one day become... rather than what it currently is. I do like it, despite its many, many... many.... many flaws. I know three stars means "average-ish", but this an above average game, but, as it currently stands, it is not worth four stars.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, this is the best 3d female protagonist game out there at the moment. Renders are great. Story is entertaining. Loads of smut and balanced with the grind. One of the most consistent release schedules and a really diligent developer. This game is a must play.

    EDIT: Over a year later and still getting consistent, quality releases. This dev earns his keep more than anyone else in the business. There are a few solid competitors out now, but this game is still top tier.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Curious to see game progress. So far so good. Seems you get more content by being a bitch so for those who are new I suggest embracing the character's true personality. You start to feel sorry for her and want her to win and get revenge.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    At the end of episode 1 the bitchy main character Monica actually started to grow on me even though the story is at times ridiculous. Unfortunately in episode 2 the grind and poor UI have become unbearable. Why do these games keep doing that? It was only somewhat bearable with Big Brother and that was probably because it was the first of those type of adult games that i played.

    Adult game developers, sexy characters and over the top stories are great but please don't make us a lab rat in a poorly designed Skinner box.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Patiently waiting for falling down path so much! Great writing, sure not best, but overall with characters and picture itself, very good game.
    Also, nice and clean mechanics, surely there is some grind, but it all fine since tons of text won't bore you. (If you there for a story of course)

    Please finish the game till 2020.!)
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Great renders, main models are sexy, others not so much. Great story so far only problem I find is the repetitiveness, to complete a single task you spend in game days just for a scenes this is one of my main issues with sandbox games. I can only speak for myself that it doesn't matter if game update is short as long as it's good content, don't waste my time clicking the same thing over and over just to move on.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I am all for a 'bitchy boss' getting her 'just rewards' with a role reversal scenario...this was/is the basis for this well, art-directed & story-written game. I find myself stuck in loops often without obvious (or hard searched for) ways out. I love games that seem challenging but offer a clear direction of game play. That is the only reason this masterpiece did not get 5 stars. I enjoy walking the streets and having to give into "creeps" that we snubbed our nose at previously. I strongly believe some over arching story assistance or a in game guide with "hints" based on what mission/part of the game you are at would help the gameplay experience become more fluid and less frustrating. Maybe with a green flashing around the correct locations or ppl to interact with when unsure?

    Anyway I cannot wait to see what MC is going to have to deal with next!