In the second part, there can be no mention of any "special" relationship between Monica and Fred, because for Monica, who cleans the carpet every day, the desire to be screwed is the last thing on her mind. (btw, who stole all of Monica's panties after deleting Bardie
And here we have a problem, because we have an obvious hole in the plot.
I must sadly write that Bardie is necessary for Monica to believably seduce Ralph. Bardie should come back.
Unfortunately, Bardie has been removed and needs a substitute.
So that's why we need our Fred.
Yes, that dirty manipulator Fred, who also took care of Julia, found her a job
and maybe gave her his apartment (why not?)
Is there room for a relationship between Monica and Fred? Yes and no.
- No, because in the game Fred seduces Betty on his own initiative and then sends her to the neighbor's house. Monica just takes advantage of it.
- Yes, because we are playing a sandbox crap, and we have to "click" the plot ourselves. Unfortunately, in this game, creating a satisfying, porn-filled plot through choices always ends, as you rightly point out, in a whore simulator
Monica doesn't need money in this thread. She needs Fred to help her, without him she'll never seduce Ralph.
So let's leave the sandbox game for a moment and turn on "VN mode" to open a thread that is not in the game or, if you prefer, hidden (one of many threads hidden by the Dev, btw
The plot of the deal between Monica and Fred. The deal thanks to which Monica successfully seduces the lonely Ralph. The price of which is, of course, sex.
Unfortunately, the Sanbox Game strikes back. Fred, for some unknown reason, attacks Monica in the yoga club's changing room. This is a fatal blow to the heart of the deal. "VN mode" lost