29 and 11 (imo)
11 = Bardie is in the best position to profit on his situation. He's either smart by not pushing too quickly or blowing it by not taking advantage while he can. Depends on how things unfold. Not a praise or insult, but I have no idea where the author is going.
29 = Hotel service? Now how in the world could you possibly make that a teaser? I suppose you could, but quite frankly, I'd imagine that service would have to offer "a lot". Which is exactly what is wanted, options aside from the light progression.
10 = Marcus' path is what everyone is ultimately wanting because they think they're going to see some things I suspect they might not see, ever. What I mean by that is, I don't know if the author caters to that role. "The Farm" Perhaps I'm imagining something totally different, but that's something entirely different than anything we've seen here and rarely seen at all on these adult story sites. I'd be very interested to see how far the envelope is pushed, but I have low expectations.
I really believe Marcus' path is the absolute end of this story. I feel like Monica has a long way to go before that happens. The biggest clue I've seen is the extremely slow progression at the office with Biff or w/e his name is. Don't get me wrong. There has been some great progression with some characters like Steve (best in my opinion) and Victoria. Others have been less successful. Even the street progression has been slow too. Another sign there is still quite a bit of things to happen before total submission (if that is your choice). Even the photo sessions showing skin prove a bit too taboo.
I imagine revenge could cut things short or become very dull. She fires people or humiliates them by scolding them in front of others? Unless the revenge comes after she's become totally broken minded and is a dominatrix or something like that. I doubt she's a deviant. Who knows...
I wouldn't mind seeing any progression, but mostly I appreciate the M/F encounters the most (with Monica as the focus). Still love the story and Monica. Still following and hoping for progress. I just have no idea where things are going.
It's your opinion I get it. I guess I can see your view with Bardie if I was entirely blind to how real people act.
We have 40 million undocumented illegals living in this country and most have a place to stay at night. And some how Monica can't find a better accommodation? The fact is this entire story is so full of holes like that it's beyond nuts. You would need to be blind,death and dumb and bat shit fucking crazy to miss the issues this story currently has.
She is supposed to be smart and built a 100,000,000 you don't get there by being soft and a moron. She should be used to swindlers like Steve and other which it tries to hint to at in EP1. EP2 comes along and it's like another author took over and the original Monica with a backbone and spine just up and vanishes.
From the point you start EP2 every choice is already made for you. The only real choice you have is the path you are taking to it. 99% of the stories actions require you getting more corrupt. You can't do the photo shoots on the office path without doing enough negative crap meaning the falling path to get to those levels met. So you have no real choice. I guess you could look at Bardies computer over a couple years worth of time and avoid the path that way.
If you need proof it doesn't make two shits of sense. Take the sense were she first runs into Biff and he start calling the cops.
All she had to do was say. Biff the cops are the ones who let me out! That would have entirely flipped the dynamic of situation.
The cops won't listen to you your partners were caught in their lie which is why I am out. You aren't the only ones with friend in Law and government.
Suddenly him calling the cops becomes pointless and she's in control. If he does call the cops he is going to ask did you let her out? Why? We had no choice she has powerful friends who got a court order releasing her.
Let's put that aside a second. The ridiculousness of the farm. Supposedly it's government run but not in a way the populace is approving of it and knows about it as common knowledge. ROFL. We have a hell of a time just trying to keep top secret shit secret in this country and something like that would be a million times more harder to hide from the populace.
Mr Roberts and $90.
Yes, Mr. Roberts I understand if I leave you don't have $90 an hour for yourself. I also understand if I say anything about this to your wife you are going to have hell to pay. Instead she just walks away with nothing. Even a retard would know this an opportunity to get a percent of that money. Tell you want keep 70 and just give me 20 of it and she and no one else needs to be the wiser.
EP2 is as every last brain cell in her head was vacuumed the fuck out.
Revenge is by no means an end. It could easily be the start of vastly more.
Take the scene were she first meets Biff. She already learned his name from her secretary.
Monica tells secretary to go to lunch and make sure she is scene she'll deal with Biff.
Monica: So your the big handsome strong guy they put in here to take my place.
I know they told you I was in jail right. Well I was let go. Do you know why? Of course you don't you don't know why I was in jail to start.
Monica: The moron's you partnered with wanted to steal my wealth. They couldn't even get their frame job right. Which is why I am out. So are you the smart guy I think you are and can you figure out what I am going to ask you next?
Monica approach rubbing her hand through his hair and whispering into his ear.
Biff: (stutters) You want me to give back your company?
Monica: No, Biff, I want you to stay where you are at and join the winning team. You can obviously see how temporary this is. They couldn't even make a frame job stick. I want revenge and I am sure you don't want to be a target of it. You got offered a cushy job and took it so no hard feelings.
The revenge path could open up so much if she ends up using sex and stuff to get close to those she wants to take down and hurt. Obviously these twinks are into some kinky fucked up shit the farm is proof of that. So she could use Biff as a way to get into various job photo shoots, money to buy stuff, ... and so on. It could be a way for her to get close to people into their opens with parties and events. Basically her company and Biff and so on become a logistics move for her.
There is more than one person obviously involved in all this. Even when the revenge is over you can still end up having more story. Maybe, she needs to flee the country because she is now wanted for some of the shit she did. So has to setup in another country...
The point is I could easily turn the revenge path into something without end.