So... I played the first one, and it was fine. Then I started chapter two... And fuck that this shit is grindy and annoying. Shame, seems fun and all, but there is no way I will be wasting my life on this click fest. Just going from place to place takes for ever, just in order to finish the day and go to sleep I need 8 frigging clicks. One to open the quick change of room in the mansion, second to select basement, third to switch to wardrobe view, then select wardrobe, select sleepy time outfit (And click past bunch of internal monologue as well) then change the view back to the bed side, select bed and then click sleep.
It was annoying in the first chapter, but that one was linear enough and progressed on a steady pace, but the second chapter requires you to grin the same damn shit over and over and over again.
I did try to soldier on and went though three days clicking dirt while cleaning, then going through the motions to change in to the ho costume and went to click random hobos to distribute flyers to have something to eat, and then endured the pointless grind associated with just going to bed. On the fourth day, I tried to streamline things a bit and decided to head to the vendor in my maid outfit, only to be hit by the "You are not allowed to leave the house in the maid costume" event and lost over a days worth of progress on kissing Betty's but. Fuck if I'm gonna go though that click bonanza again.
Anyway... That's just my opinion, am sure some don't mind the endless grind and busybody work required to get anywhere in this game, but it just aint for me. But you know, I'm just a freeloading git so am under no illusions as to my point of view being important or anything, and obviously this thing has it's fans, since it would not have gone as far as it has otherwise, but I do wonder how many have been turned away due to the absurd amount of grind.