Terrible game, it's basically a waiting simulator. It takes over 3 hours before anything happens other than watching your car or NPCs to move across the screen. That is quite literally all you do for the first 3 hours. You spend 30 seconds talking to an NPC, then wait on them to catch up to you, or watch your car move.
After 3 hours something finally happens (not gonna spoil it, but it's not sexy stuff) Then you spend another hour waiting and trying to be nice to another NPC, after an hour of this crap, basically begging then sleeping for 13 days the MC gets stripped (first tiny bit of sexy stuff) and threatened with rape, but you still don't get to see or do anything.
My times may be off a tiny bit, I did get up and go to the kitchen for some Tea and nuked myself a couple of hotdogs,,,,, that was more entertaining than this crap.