Guys, am I missing something ? In episode two I can only clean the house up and give flayers to get a kebab. Do I have to raise her corruption level or what ? The only objective that showed it was to talk to the owner about money and after that it only shows "Escape Punishment". Could you help me, please ?
First of all, the "escape punishment" task will follow you through the complete Ep2, so it's not too important right now.
After some days (I guess on wednesday) Fred will talk to you in the yard that you should visit Dick. You have not to go there at once. You can increase your corruption by cleaning and by handing out flyers. When you visit Dick, the story will continue, you need to get 5.000$ until Friday. That is not so easy
Participate in a photoshoot at your former office and see where things are going. There you achieve a lot of corruption points, so don't worry. To see all scenes at the end of v0.1, you need 80 corruption. But around 40 I think is enough, before visiting Dick.