1. Anal with Monica is always a celebration. (Sadly, a rare one).
2. Regarding the scene with Betty, DM could actually get her involved in a competition on par with Monica so that each could prove to Ralph that she's the best. Only then would Betty's appearance "on screen" have been justified. I.e. an event could be made similar to a casting for an administrator position (Vip Escort). And if Monica beats Betty in this casting for Ralph, then Monica gets her house back, but leaves Betty as a servant. Actually, there could be a role reversal, but either way, this outcome would be far more interesting than Betty's endless trips to her neighbour's house.
3. Mrs White's type personally reminds me of a rich pervert who likes to drink/drugs and possibly likes to dominate other girls. Monica has to be prepared for that. I agree, most likely Mrs White will be tied up with the remaining investors, although a great "horse move" could be made: Monica agrees to serve Philip as a slave (according to the game plot) and then, on her 1st day of "service" she meets Mrs White in the basement (in the BDSM club, I hope) dressed as a domina. As we know, Monica despises this lady and a scene of them meeting in such circumstances would have been great.
4. About Julia storyline. The only place where she would be appropriate now would be in the actual progression of the plot, i.e. I'd like a meeting with her mysterious uncle who can supposedly help Monica get a fake passport. I think the plot with Julia is exactly at the point where we need to move forward sharply. Now they're already shopping, doing laundry and cleaning the flat together, and tomorrow Julia and Monica will adopt a baby and then "get married"? I certainly wouldn't want that.