Awesome, thanks
@archer3334, glad you enjoyed it! Let me know here or on Discord if you have any ideas about things you'd like to see in Bangkok.
Feel free to ignore this as lunatic ravings if anything I suggest will just be way too hard to implement. The stuff which has been suggested already within the game - stripping, prostitution, sex in public etc - will already be great.
Things I can imagine being obstacles to negotiate in Bangkok include:
- being taken advantage of sexually for shelter, protection etc. Maybe her landlord starts to force himself upon her, or she wakes to find herself being held down and fucked
- having to act like an adventurous girl out of her depth, to maintain the cover, thus having to submit to things she would be able to deal with normally
- I assume she has a handler: perhaps the cover is that he's paying her for sex and he suggests they need to be "convincing" (could be a good use of the hypno stuff)
- Maybe she has to "persuade" club owners to let her work there
- My (Australian) other half told me she once did sex work in Bangkok when travelling, and described how the first couple of nights she was put in a little room with a filthy bed, and told to get naked and that she would be servicing the long queue of farmer-types outside. Apparently it was about 5 minutes each, and the next one would be inside her before the last had finished pulling up his trousers. After a couple of nights she was given richer customers and a nicer place, but still had to go back after the rich ones were gone. Could be a fun thing to put in.
- Perhaps once the MC becomes better known, she gets offers to do less salubrious activities, either in private or public.
- Gloryhole stuff, especially sex, is a personal fetish. Perhaps it could fit somewhere.
Anyway, feel free to ignore me, just some personal interest stuff.