Female Protagonist game lovers-Are you.....?

Fem-Pro lovers-Are you...?

  • Straight Male

    Votes: 1,088 66.7%
  • Straight Female

    Votes: 129 7.9%
  • Gay

    Votes: 23 1.4%
  • Lesbian

    Votes: 72 4.4%
  • Bisexual Male

    Votes: 191 11.7%
  • Bisexual Female

    Votes: 129 7.9%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Its as simple as not viewing the character as yourself but more the star of a movie the player is somewhat directing.
Obviously no one here views the character as himself. Some people obviously do so in male protagonist games, but everyone in this thread made clear, he does not.


Feb 14, 2018
Just to chime in myself after dropping a vote, mostly because its an interesting line of thought.

Straight male (And though not explicit in your question, almost excuslively in a dom position), I've come to basically play exclusively female protag's in games like these, a male protag is going to need an extremely compelling part to garner any interest for me (Exceptional art, steller reviews of story, which almost never happens, an extremely fun gameplay loop, with things that super appeal to me like Prison Battleship).

Like some other posts here, I'm not playing these games to self insert as the protag (or the villian). But I find the styles of stories which can be told from a female perspective which these types of games work well in much better than a males. Almost all male protag's by nature have to be giant assholes and the entire game is centered around a pointless effort to rape, blackmail, etc.

And a game like that could be fine. But that's it. -A- game. But its sorta hard to innovate on that concept. I recently found a male protag game I sorta liked, as it did manage to veer off that a touch, where you played as a dragon, doing the whole capture the princess thing with some dragon form fun going on (rather than "Oh hey I'm a dragon, but for sex, here's a human form). Which gave some extra motivation and what not (though it was still really under developed, low in art, and what was there looked like it was from disparate artists taken from the net).

Female centric ones I feel have a far greater reach, weather focusing on telling the story of shameless sluts, a chaste knight trying to stay that way, temptation, assault, rape, and a long list of stuff, as well as there's a broader range of pairs that appeal to me (FxF, gang-bangs work out a bit better than FF or MM bangs, in my eyes), non-human partners. Discounting MxM as its simply not something that appeals to me (So I can't really comment well on implimentation in H-Games).

The arcs work out better while allowing sex to happen along the way, and being more interesting. In addition, as a player (for games with real mechanics) I enjoy pushing against the system (i.e winning). But this feels off with a lot of Male Protag games, and most of them just don't have this (I'd guess as a lot of them prefer to rape via blackmail, rather than getting a Guro or Ryona tag involved with a beat'em up approach). While Female protag games very frequently feature some sort of combat mechanic (even if just a stock standard RPGM set up tuned WAY too low difficulty).


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Obviously no one here views the character as himself. Some people obviously do so in male protagonist games, but everyone in this thread made clear, he does not.
This is kind of hypothetical because there aren't any games with female protagonists good enough for me (in terms of writing and choice-based gameplay), but if there was one, I would be that character.

That is, I would impart my views on the choices the character makes and roleplay that character. At the same time there would be differences. I am straight and I avoid gay content completely, but If I were to roleplay a female character, I would pursue straight relationships (as well as lesbian, can't get past that I like girls, anything would be fair game). It's about seeing the other side of the barricade. :)

So, playing games in such a way where I'm just an onlooker is boring for me. I may as well watch a film instead.
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
That is, I would impart my views on the choices the character makes and roleplay that character.
Roleplaying is exactly the opposite. Playing a character who is not you and who doesn't share your views.


Forum Fanatic
May 28, 2017
Roleplaying is exactly the opposite. Playing a character who is not you and who doesn't share your views.
Roleplaying is playing a character within confines of a ficticious reality. It can be as close to your views as not.

Sometimes I like roleplaying characters who are completely different from me, with different views, personalities etc. Other times I want the character to behave just like I would in that situation, in those conditions. Hence, roleplaying.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
In regular games like Guild Wars 2 or Aion I play mostly female characters, mostly for visual reasons, admittedly but in my favorite games my main characters have roleplaying stories as well. For me roleplaying in a videogame is closer to writing a story than to becoming a character.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
My goal in playing porn games is seeing sexy stuff happen with women on screen.
The fastest way to do that is controlling the woman.

Controlling some random dude just give me an extra step: finding and convincing some woman to do sexy things. Its just an extra waste of time when I can be in direct control of the one I actually want to see.

I never think of myself as the character I'm controlling. I've never tried to make myself in a video game. It's why FPSes don't work for me - I know what my hands look like, those aren't my hands, I much prefer third-person.

I also mostly play as women in non-porn games, for slightly different reasons tho.


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2018
The poll only proves that ~80% of people here are straight males.
As to why some of us enjoy playing female protagonists? It's the same reason why we play mages, knights and space marines in 'normal' games- because we are not, never will be, and probably never actually want to be any of that.
For me the suspension of disbelief often breaks in games with a male MC when unrealistic things happen - eg. you say 'Hi' to a girl on the streets 10x in a row, and her mood improves enough to give you a BJ - How many times did that happen to you IRL? (Not once for me...)
On the other hand - I've never been to a girls-only pyjama party, maybe they do turn into a lesbian orgies?


Active Member
Mar 13, 2019
In video games if there is cool male armors then I will make my primary character a male, if the character creation is good I will take my time and create a good looking female character. In Skyrim I have a paladin-like male character and a ranger/assassin/rogue very good looking female character. I run the sex mods for both (they are both straight) but I enjoy roleplaying my female character as a seducer and uses her beauty and "assets" to get what she gets and if there is sex on that route I give my thumbs up. While I play my male character as the generic sword and board good guy that defends the weak.
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Deleted member 42855

I'm a straight male and I prefer female prot games and don't really like lesbian content in them. Idk I feel no arousal at all towards males but when I play female prot game it arouses me to see the mc fucked/humiliated, I don't really immerse myself in those and play them more like I'm someone from the outside controling heroines actions. Also when I see NTR I quit so that's not the case either
Mar 14, 2018
Straight guy here: I personally don't care if the MC is male or not. Call me weird, but I'm not playing a digital avatar of myself, so I don't give a shit.

If the models are hot and the story is solid, I play it.

If the story is shit but the models are hot, I play it.

If the MC was a female protag with a lizard head, I'd play it if the models were hot enough (just no other lizard headed people, please, not my thing..).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
It's probably worthwhile, if you're a dev, to find out something about the demographics of adult-gameplayers. What do men find hot, what do women find hot, and what's the venn diagram intersection between the two?


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
It's probably worthwhile, if you're a dev, to find out something about the demographics of adult-gameplayers. What do men find hot, what do women find hot, and what's the venn diagram intersection between the two?
That's how the world ends. Instead of thinking for themselves, and doing things they like, devs start listening to demographics, and soon all games are identical.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Or, you know, they incorporate some general elements of "what men and women both like" into a pre-existing game idea, and it's a hit with a broader audience.
Games are a consumer entertainment product. Demographic research doesn't mean lockstep/handcuffing creativity, it just means being more responsive to the market.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Basically a game with more choices is a game for a broader audience. Let the player the gender of the protagonist and his or her partners and your game is attractive to the largest possible audience but this also means the maximum effort from the developer. Simply adding every kind of fetish people wish in some scene may be counterproductive however. One person's turnon is another's turnoff and most people wont play a game because of one or two scenes.


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
Or, you know, they incorporate some general elements of "what men and women both like" into a pre-existing game idea, and it's a hit with a broader audience.
Games are a consumer entertainment product. Demographic research doesn't mean lockstep/handcuffing creativity, it just means being more responsive to the market.
Adult games are not a product, they are a service catering to specific interests. Developers should find their niche of the market and focus on that, rather than trying to please everyone.

You don't go to an Italian Restaurant for Sushi. You don't watch straight porn expecting gay scenes.
You don't read Stephen King looking for romantic comedy.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
Adult games are not a product, they are a service catering to specific interests. Developers should find their niche of the market and focus on that, rather than trying to please everyone.

You don't go to an Italian Restaurant for Sushi. You don't watch straight porn expecting gay scenes.
You don't read Stephen King looking for romantic comedy.

But if you say, as a Dev, "I have an idea for a game with these elements, but I'd like it to be more broadly appealing to female players as well. What elements could I add that would do this without turning off men?"
That's not a terrible approach if you want to make a game that, say, couples could enjoy together.


Engaged Member
Apr 19, 2019
I find that corruption type games with female protagonists seem to be more in-depth and diverse with their scenes. Not all, of course. But many of my favorites are female protag.
I've never let the gender of the protag stop me from trying a game, though.
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