When playing The Witcher, you think you're the Geralt, the white wolf yourself?
For me it's like a car. When I drive, I don't think that I'm a car, but a driver driving a car.
Unless the game is specifically have silent protagonist and choices do whatever within the world. But unfortunetly that type of games are pretty bad plot, story, character wise.
Geralt is already established character. Can't see myself immersing myself so much that I would think IAm a protagonist myself.
That's why I don't mind female protagonists. It's like driving a car. It's not me getting pummeled into the exhaust pipe, but a car. I'm just a passenger enjoying the view. I'm ok as long as I like the girl get to see some lewds. Not that much different than watching an adult movies, just more interactivity.
I understand what you are saying completely. I do not, however, understand how this relates to the comment you've chosen to quote. The comment you elected to quote (my comment) was not at all about IRL self immersion, but (and I think I explained this quite clearly) it was speaking to a sense of character development in very general terms, and what this sense of MC development does to the player's feeling of story progression (ie: female protagonist = internal journey of sexual self discovery, vs. male protagonist = external journey of sexual conquest.)
But be that as it may, your point still stands...
Do we, as players of these magnificent games, feel like
we are the MC?
In my case, the answer is not so simple:
- When it comes to male protagonist games I do, to a somewhat certain degree, which is why I have issues with male MC games, given the fact that; if I
am the protagonist, that means I am a douchebag womanizer, carelessly sticking my dick in any willing or unwilling broad with a pulse and a credit card number. This is of course a gross generalization of such games but in my experience it rings true for most male protagonist games.
- Do I, however, feel like I
am the MC in a female protagonist game? The answer is suddenly not so simple anymore... I both do and I don't. I empathize with the MC to such an extent, that I feel like I am her. However, she is a she, and I am a he, which automatically and instantly removes me a bit from the MC. But this results in something interesting... because I am clearly not
her, this allows me to distance myself from the character itself, to such an extent, that I feel like I can make choices more freely, which then counter-intuitively allows me a greater sense of general freedom of mind and sexual promiscuity. I can do whatever I want, cos I know it's not me. Which allows me to play the character free of ego and hence allows my true sexually deviant self to shine through. And THUS... I end up feeling more like myself. I feel more like myself playing a female protagonist than a male one.
JESUS! I did not even know I felt like that, I just kinda realized it as I was writing.