Hmm, not going to tear this down completely since it could be just me.
The conversation texts could be done better. They're bunch up the way they are now. At least hit return after after each person speaking otherwise they look to gobbled together.
I personally like the different text color speech for each person without the MC's name or the step-mom ect ect.
Knock* Knock*
Can I come in?"
Of course, mom."
Aww, what happened honey? Your face turned all red."
You get the gist, but that's just my opinion.
Images, well I think there was only what three animated that I got and the latter two of the teacher was pretty much spot on with the scene. Although the placement was off with the text placement beneath the gif when being on the left would help the page flow better.
The other one with your sister near the start cracked me up with tattooed arm of a more than obvious guy. This one at least has the right hair color and the other is female.
Just me being overly picky and nothing more.
The plot, well it's all over the place and awkward at times I think is the word I'm looking for. Rushed as well. The part where you walk in on your step-mom getting dressed and ask if she's going to bang her date won the 'huh awkward' award. Nothing seems consistent but it's just starting so maybe it'll flesh itself out as it goes on. Just my two cents on things so good luck.