
Active Member
Mar 13, 2020
One more reason why these games suck in quality:

Simply lack of funds
People simply don't want pay for porn games.

The "average customer" who has money rather spends 110$ on a 2400.000 Gem package on their smartphone game, to open 20 Diamond-Chests which contain 0.1% chance for some legendary item, where the money goes into some billionaires pocket..

..while also seeing the 5$ on a hentai game as a "waste of money", where the developer is struggling to pay the next rent.

I'm not complaining, these are just marketing facts.

Luckily I am very blessed to have ~20 VIP-Patrons that fund 70% of the game. These are like the "main pillars" of this project.

If like... 10 of those would have stopped pledging a year ago for example, because... corona or something, then the game as you see it right now would not be here, I could have been forced to cancel this project.

Thanks to these few VIP-Patrons that this game is how it is.
And this makes your work and dedication quite admirable. Thank you very much for it.
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Active Member
Mar 13, 2020

TL;DR stop making your game and start being appealing to the mainstream crowd of "normal people" know, not those degenerates you call your supporters.
I don't think this guy understands the concept of niche market. If what he thinks is true actually were, there would be no such thing as Armenian food restaurants or soccer leagues in the United States.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
One more reason why these games suck in quality:

Simply lack of funds
People simply don't want pay for porn games.

The "average customer" who has money rather spends 110$ on a 2400.000 Gem package on their smartphone game, to open 20 Diamond-Chests which contain 0.1% chance for some legendary item, where the money goes into some billionaires pocket..

..while also seeing the 5$ on a hentai game as a "waste of money", where the developer is struggling to pay the next rent.

I'm not complaining, these are just marketing facts.

Luckily I am very blessed to have ~20 VIP-Patrons that fund 70% of the game. These are like the "main pillars" of this project.

If like... 10 of those would have stopped pledging a year ago for example, because... corona or something, then the game as you see it right now would not be here, I could have been forced to cancel this project.

Thanks to these few VIP-Patrons that this game is how it is.
how much do i have to pay for camera controls that support extended play or do you just enjoy carpel tunnel?


Game Developer
May 23, 2018
how much do i have to pay for camera controls that support extended play or do you just enjoy carpel tunnel?
What do you mean with camera controls?
There is already couple of settings, one that enables you to move the camera without holding the left mouse button,
another one that moves the camera on the direction your player is facing (for controller players).

For the hotkey-spam-mechanic, you can simply hold down the buttons.
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May 29, 2019
The game itself doesn't look that good, and the animations are only "okay-ish", so a gallery would not be as fun.

There is for example this NPC, she offers you to you kiss her ass for reputation. And then if you agree she takes a selfie and blackmails you to share the picture if you don't give her 100 coins. It's actually just 2 poses and and only 1 single kiss animation.

A replay of this scene in a gallery would hardly make sense. You would see one character kissing another characters ass.

The fun lies in the fact that you permanently lose your reputation. You're being tricked. The girl lied to you. You've been humiliated.
And now you've lost reputation and gold, permanently, on your only safe file.

And the game is full of situations like this. I want to put the player in REALLY desperate situations.
How else could I cause a "fear-boner"?
This reply and the other guy makes me think that I did not go into enough detail of what a proper recollection room actually is in my mind. It is not about the animations, pretty much all of them can be seen by battling them, or revisitting them. It is about the context, the text that goes along with it. Text is important, if you are just seeing some sex animation that could mean anything, consentual, forced, awkward. You said it yourself, most of the intrigue comes from the context, and that can't be recollected via the current options because some of them are unique, which means to rewatch them you have to start a new playthrough at the moment.

You said:
"It's super easy " to make a gallery.

Well... It's not "complicated". But the amount of work is quite high, as there are over 4000 animations.
That's a good month of work.

And then the result wouldn't be "that" great. I would need a serious 2-3 months to polish it.
And I have players, excited and waiting to spend some time with their favourite NPC. An update that only adds a gallery would be a disappointment.
As someone with programming experience myself I believe you, I have seen some unimaginable code in my days after all .
If it is too much work, or you consider it a waste of your time, there is a rather easy way around. Just shift most of the workload off to the players if they want that kind of experience. How? In games that lack a proper recollection room for pictures, animations, and or specific encounters I usually make a makeshift one myself by manually saving right before all the scenes that are interesting to me, then I create and keep a file with notes that tell me which save slot has what content if I feel like experiencing that again. Just implementing a menu for various saveslots instead of one is already sufficient, which honestly should be there anyway to test different things out without the risk of messing up the current main savefile. The current limitations to saving make that too much of a pain sadly.

Also I think the fact that every other game has a gallery doesn't mean that my game desperately needs one. What my game really needs is clear from all the negative steam reviews. Most of them are about the graphics and the models. (Which will improve in FemU2, but thats another topic)
Need is too strong of a word. It does not need a gallery, it does not even need dialogue or items, it is nice though. With a certain genre come certain expectations, rpgs are expected to allow character progression of some sorts, horror games are expected to have tension, porn games should in my mind be expected to make the content that is responsible for most if not all of their appeal to be as easily available as possible in its entirety. That is just me though, seen my fair share of porn games without it, so I did what I described above, but even that is not really an option here, so your game kinda sticks out as one among a hundred in that regard, which for me leaves a bad taste.
Can't say that I have read the steam reviews, and yes the graphics are undeniably outdated even by niche standards, though I do not care much about graphics, half the games I play are 10+years old anyway. Bad reviews is not what you should be afraid off on Steam though.

The fact that you compare this game to what you call a "normal game" is hilarious.

Please go to Pornhub, open any porn and write in the comments:
"This video sucks, I watched Avengers Endgame from Marvel and that's way better!"

I think you should understand that porn-game-devs are not a 40 + people development teams.
Most of them (like me) have started game swith almost zero budget.
I for example am building things from cheap assets as best I can, and even like that I have to spend every penny and pretty much all my free time on the development.

Besides for (non-hentai) indie-game standards this game is awesome.
No offense, but I think you should understand that to the consumer, it is of no consequence what is going on behind the scenes of a game in development. They see a price tag and in their head they, rightfully, analyse if a game is worth the asking price compared to others. If your game costs 5€, they will compare it to other games that cost 5€, if your game comes short they will buy another one instead, that is the free market, no one cares about your limited manpower or funds, nor should they, they are customers at the end of the day, they want value. Reappearing customers have to value the added content, as they have already experienced the rest of the game, which is why I tend to take longer breaks with any of the Patreon games I support so that there is enough change when I dive back in.

Now obviously your game will almost always come up short in terms of the normal standards that are applied to games, because as you said as one man you lack funds, manpower, knowledge, software, experience and maybe even creative thinking to compete with people who have entire teams of experienced veteran developers behind them. Why does your game still have others buying it? Because it brings something to the table that other, even better quality games do not have, porn, more specifically femdom porn. It is a gap in the market and therefore has appeal to people who are interested in that, the overall quality of its mechanics being lower is easy to forgive for people who are into that sort of thing.

I was a second tier Patreon several times by now over the years, but aside from there being some things that kinda annoy me, like the whole recollection thing, I mostly enjoyed the game too, which is why I still follow its development occasionally even though I have not been a Patreon in a while. You got to understand that I have to look at the sum of what I have already spent on this game so far and ask myself if I should really put in another 5 for it though, and currently I am not feeling it, especially not repeating all the things that I have done so many times by now. I know the only thing I care about is the porn, and the porn is not easily available, I gotta play through most of the game for it.
I am interested in your other upcoming projects though, as they are new and promise a bit of a different experience from this one.

Also, nah, not awesome, it has its ups and downs, nothing is super bad or super good. It is a sandbox, that is just what it is, there are no big events or developments happening, no real story, you do not really impact the area around you much, and honestly, real talk, considering that you outright ripped some of your characters off from other sources without any shame (Bowsette, Earth, the 4 bandit girls from Monmuso Quest) I think you should be thankful that you have not yet gotten too much attention on steam because I'd expect some problems to eventually come from that in terms of copyright.
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Sep 15, 2019
Hello, I have an question, the change logs tell the questline of april gets ''started'' after the feet message, when the scene plays (Im not gonna spoil anything) She says at the end of the scene, in the jail: lets go to my place, after that, I wake up on the matrass on the street, behind the house, and none of the npcs remembers anything of what happened, is this supposed to happen? Or is this a bug? Since the ''starting questline'' gets me confused, I thought lets ask it.

Thanks for the update and awesome game!
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Game Developer
May 23, 2018
Ok so, first of all I wanna talk about the copyrights, since this is the most important thing you mentioned.
Wrong, nothing would happen if I would have gotten too much attention.

A-Toro Toro Resistance has given me permission to use his OC in my game.
B-Bowsette and Earth Chan don't need any permission, they are just internet memes. Their creatores are okay with the internet using them too. Nintendo can't sue people for using bowsette.
C-I have asked others to use their OC and respected their wishes (like Toby Fox to use Undyne he did not respond, so I did not use Undyne.)


If a bad review comes on steam, my day is ruined. It affects my sales HARD.
For 1 bad review I need 10 good reviews to make it up.
A bad steam review is the worst possible thing a buyer can cause my game.
And if there is no steam money anymore, I don't know how to pay the people for FemU Zero and FemU2.

About the consumer comparing my game with other games in the same price range:

No offense taken.
Here I think it's 50/50, what consumers think.
My opinion is based on a steam discussion thread (the one with the most posts).

One half of the customers (Group A) Are comparing the price of my game with other games. (and say they felt it's too expensive before they bought it)
The other half (Group B) are comparing the price with actual porn prices, like in clips4sale for example. (and say they felt it's too cheap before they bought it)

A majority of those say, they bought the game while thinking that the price was too high, but later changed their mind
after seeing the quantity of the content.

Me personally, I think the price is totally fair.

In clips4sale you buy a clip that is 20 minutes long for the same price.
In other porn sites a premium membership costs 20-60$, and you get tons of clips too.

I would put it into "porn" category and that's why I think the price is okay.

Besides, I'm putting TONS of work inside the game. I could not sleep peacefully if the price would be too low, even if the sales would increase, I would not care.


About the gallery:
The gallery in the style you suggest is possible, but only if I did it right.

You can't just "save" and "load" states like in an RPG-Maker game or a visual novel either.
The only correct and satisfying solution would be isolating the scenes seperating the visual-scripting-part and making them fit with the animations, and building the all the scenes one by one, and finally making them all loadable from the main menu.

But this would take a few months. And I am not willing to invest it to satisfy the <1% of the playerbase.
I have a "suggestion" channel in, and I read all of the suggestions, and I am actively building in good suggestions (like the camera control ones...)

Again it's a time/effort thing here.


May 3, 2020
Regardless of the many negative posts, with the numberless "staff" you have at your disposal and that "endless budget" to buy every asset you could ever want (ok sarcasm off) I can feel the amount of effort you have put into this game and would like to say "thank you" I would love to support you on patreon if my current financial situation wasn't so dire at the moment and probably foreseeable future.


Apr 29, 2017
I'm stuck in a scene with the goblins raping me. It's stuck in some kind of loop, especially after the third scene. It says 100% chance of escape, but when the other window pops saying that you are heading straight to bed, you get captured again. Is there any way out of this?


Apr 29, 2017
Another annoying thing I found is that the cursor disappears.

Edit: It's a definitely a game breaking bug. You can't ever break out of the goblin rape scene, what's so ever. It doesn't matter what I do, I'm stuck in this loop.


Jan 4, 2021
Personally i would never really use the recollection function if there was one, because i enjoy the sandbox style more in that i can go around and make up my own story, viewing scenes in whatever order i want and role playing whatever personality i feel like having for the mc.
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Aug 7, 2021
Another annoying thing I found is that the cursor disappears.

Edit: It's a definitely a game breaking bug. You can't ever break out of the goblin rape scene, what's so ever. It doesn't matter what I do, I'm stuck in this loop.
While I never experienced this during my play through didn’t play the newest update since I’m a steam player I do know a way to at least get out of it you can use the teleport menu just press 9 then type in village or room scene. It will at least get you out of the loop and transport you to the town or college dorm.


Aug 7, 2021
While I never experienced this during my play through didn’t play the newest update since I’m a steam player I do know a way to at least get out of it you can use the teleport menu just press 9 then type in village or room scene. It will at least get you out of the loop and transport you to the town or college dorm.
Otherwise no idea like I said does not happen when I play and have done that scene a few times before. So unless in the new update some kind of bug happened in the code or whatever don’t know what else to offer. Which would be weird because I don’t think she updated anything to do with the goblin village


Apr 29, 2017
Otherwise no idea like I said does not happen when I play and have done that scene a few times before. So unless in the new update some kind of bug happened in the code or whatever don’t know what else to offer. Which would be weird because I don’t think she updated anything to do with the goblin village
You can't teleport anymore. In the latest version (Patreon 2.42), he removed the teleport cheat function. 9 has a different function now.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
One more reason why these games suck in quality:

Simply lack of funds
People simply don't want pay for porn games.

The "average customer" who has money rather spends 110$ on a 2400.000 Gem package on their smartphone game, to open 20 Diamond-Chests which contain 0.1% chance for some legendary item, where the money goes into some billionaires pocket..

..while also seeing the 5$ on a hentai game as a "waste of money", where the developer is struggling to pay the next rent.

I'm not complaining, these are just marketing facts.

Luckily I am very blessed to have ~20 VIP-Patrons that fund 70% of the game. These are like the "main pillars" of this project.

If like... 10 of those would have stopped pledging a year ago for example, because... corona or something, then the game as you see it right now would not be here, I could have been forced to cancel this project.

Thanks to these few VIP-Patrons that this game is how it is.
I am glad to see your game is still here and that you are a dev who puts lots of effort into their craft.
As for buying gems, I will never understand how people can justify spending so much real money on a freenium game when they could buy a whole other game (Such as Femdom U.)for much less.
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Aug 7, 2021
You can't teleport anymore. In the latest version (Patreon 2.42), he removed the teleport cheat function. 9 has a different function now.
Dang then I could see that being a problem. I always used it to get out of some bugs mostly for some reason the skull girls where they are supposed to feed you dog feed it says it but then just goes black so that function was my hero
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