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Jun 20, 2018
Meanwhile wild life looks like this..
But yeah ok I wont give them shit this early. Every project has to start somewhere. Lets see what happens with this one.
Yeah i forgot the name already xD been a while since i played Wild Life.

I wonder where this will end...


Mar 31, 2020
look like Wildlife but a low ploy
maybe I can play this game (my potato computer can't play Wildlife)
what video card? There are ways to lower graphic settings (messing with engine.ini file) that would probably allow you to play it fine.


New Member
Apr 30, 2020
Ryahn I have the Trello page and a plans picture from the devs, as I'm in their Discord and they gave me permission to post them. Unfortunately I can't due to post restriction, so if one of the mods or fellow members want to post them for me that would be amazing. The devs really want to be open with the development and hope to get more people interested in the game.
Mar 10, 2019
Btw you can pledge $1 and get access to the Discord, if you want to ask them questions directly.
Are you kidding me? These guys are asking $10 for their worthless beginner's demo garbage and they are even asking money for talking to them? Who the hell would pay for that? These guys haven't shown any qualities yet and already paywalled themselfs off. Even established developers don't do that. They are pretty money hungry. It smells like Patreon money scam.

BTW, LemurF95, you haven't posted anywhere else. Are you one of these devs on incognito account?


New Member
Apr 30, 2020
Nah, I just help people out. I just had to make an account to post the info. Funny thing is, the devs did read this thread, and they said that a lot of it is not pleasing to read, but they are collecting feedback and focusing on the sentiment towards the game here and using it to focus on certain aspects. I give them a shot because I can spare one dollar a month to give supporting words and ideas. I can talk to the devs about opening up a non-supporter section for the Discord if that helps.


New Member
May 4, 2020
I am athert and I am the main developer of the Feraliss team.
I've been thinking for a long time whether to write on this forum or not and clarify the situation a bit. And in the end I decided to write here something so I hope to at least clarify some misunderstanding :)
I will try to go point by point what I have caught here from what i think is the most important (Im also sorry for my english, its not my native language)

Discord paywall - It's not like we really need 1$ to work. Discord as a reward for a dollar is simply because someone doesn't have enough money to afford a more expensive pledge, but he still wants to support us, and it seemed silly to me to have only 4k pictures and patreon only news as a reward. I also posted my personal e-mail on the patreon if anyone had questions, but didn't know how to contact us or didn't want to give 1$ for a discord. The second reason was that i just didn't want trolls on the discord who would come, spam the chat, and then leave. 1$ should, in my opinion, discourage them from doing so. But from what I read, it's a mistake, so I decided to unlock the discord for everyone and come up with a different reward for the dollar pledge (I cannot send links so please, wait for our Patreon update where we will place our discord link)

The description is fantasy, but the game is on the beach and there is nothing there, just a lioness with a strapon - Yes, this is also written on the patreon. The game at this stage does not reflect what it really will be. What you're playing is simply a test island so that we can release test versions as quickly as possible and don't need to spend hours to build the game just to have a huge map where there will be nothing but graphics. The island should contain features (dialogues, cameras, sex scenes, etc.) that can be easily multiplied to a larger level, but should not contain anything that would delay loading (At least in this stage! It will for sure change in future, but we just started so there are limited functions and big level is waste of time for us, we need to build core first). But even that seems to have caused chaos. I will try to change the planning so that in addition to the test island (which we have to create and edit anyway, because we do not want to load a huge level for testing a simple feature) we also create a main map with few story features, which should already correspond to the story.

Well, you shouldn't have done a build unless you have something to show there - I'm sorry, but we wanted to create build for patrons who want to support us and want to see some progress, not release it into the world as a finished product.

How dare you want 10$ for that - It's simple, we just need the money to make the game as good as we plan. This is also described on the patreon. If we don't withdraw any money, we will still release the game. Just not as good as we imagine, because it would mean learning graphics / animation, etc. If we withdraw money, we can hire a person who will do it for us (several people already do different assets for us, but thanks to how much we can invest in it from our own resources, it is not enough).
Build is released into the world so that people who want to support us (not just play the latest build) can get a picture of how development is progressing and what we are able to do in a month.

You are the same as wildlife / skyrim / ... - Unfortunately, I do not know how to answer this. We may be similar in that we have anthro characters in the game and you have sex with each other, but that's about it. The code, graphics, important feature, map and the very concept of the game as it should look are completely different.

What's in the game - As one of our patrons has already posted here, we recently launched a feature list and trello into the world where you can watch us and where it is written what will happen to us.

However, I do not want to make excuses, and if that sounds like it to you, I apologize. If you find not only a game, but the whole concept of the game bad, then I can not convince you with words, I just want to ask you to follow the development and support us only after you see that we can really fulfill what we promised. We don't necessarily want every dollar, we just want to make a good game and we want to find people who want the same thing and are able to support us.

By the way, I apologize for the wall of spam and I hope that you will enjoy the game in the future, whether with original or pirated game :)


Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
Hey friend. Sorry if you are getting some harsh critics form here. This place has a lot of people who feel entitled to a lot more than they truly are. I hope that doesnt discourage you from following your goals to make a cool game. I checked the trello out and it looks quite promising. Even if you only manage to do half of it decently the game should be worthwhile.
I respect you taking the leap and writing such a big comment here. All your points sound valid to me but you dont need to justify any of it to us in here.
Also, ignore the people comparing this to wild life (yes I did that, sorry for that) saying you shouldnt make it. The fact that other games out there exist which have similar content doesnt affect you one bit and shouldnt be a reason for you to not make your own game however you want it to be.

Also a recommendation from me on the discord thing. I wouldnt open it to the public. Especially the furry community can get really toxic so your initial idea of putting a little payment barrier for people who have that much interest in the project itself to pay even 1$ is a smart idea I think. Or maybe make two separate servers one patreon for your active community and one public for some info for people who arent pledged in yet.

Try to take from here what you need and not what people want to shove down your throat and if you want to interact here as a dev then also thicken your skin, itll get rough. Godspeed man.


Aug 4, 2017
I understand you want money but don't put your demo behind a paywall. Only some people come to post about it here, most just move on to the next game when they can't even see it.

Also you might want to have a proof of gameplay before asking for money. If Wild Life is indeed an inspiration to you for making this game, don't go the way that "game" went and don't make a glorified animation showcase.
Mar 10, 2019
I am athert and I am the main developer of the Feraliss team.
All that harsh critics is well deserved.
All we know about your qualities is defined by your work results. The only reference we got is your demo. And that is at garbage level.

Yes, it looks like Wild Life because the only content in your demo is one 3D model of cartoonish lioness resembling Kira/Zuri by style and level of anthropomorphism. Or do you think that it doesn’t? Also controller UI looks similar.

Regarding plans for something entirely different, hardly anyone buys that anymore. There is a long line of failed projects and unfulfilled promises. People lost lot of money to these failed projects. And most of these had good plans. That money could be used for talented developers instead. So people don’t fall for plans and promises anymore. Funding new developers with no history is plain gamble, chances of money just wasted is high. And now you tell us that your team doesn’t posses essential skills to get good results and you are asking us to fund you so you can pay someone else to do that. That’s bold, unusual, at least honest, and even more risky for potential patrons.
If you believe in your team, work on that yourself, learn the skills. Get back to us next year with good demo. If it turns out good, you’ll get public status and financial support. Maybe even from me.

There is major difference between support and product. If you let people to try your game first and ask them to tip you on Patreon then, they are supporting you. If you paywall you content so people have to pay you first to access your game, you are selling your product. You are selling your crappy demo for the same price as established developers sell really good games. Most of these people didn’t pay to support you, they paid to access your demo and most likely regretted their curiosity.
Many developers offer older version or demo for free to try and sell the latest full version as paid product.

Yes, I’m an entitled asshole. Really fucking awful edgy asshole. I'm like that IRL, not just on the Internet. Not that I like it, but experience turned me into that. Failed & abandoned projects to successful projects ratio is just too high. Everyone calls “Fund me!”.
By a strange coincidence, I’ve took part in some project. Much simpler than what you are planning, never considered to get paid. It took me half year to get something enough for people to take me seriously and entire year to create something that received mostly positive feedback. It was worth of the experience and skills learned in the process. I have an idea how enormous effort it is.

Thanks for the courtesy of talking to us here. If you stayed hidden in your discord, I wouldn’t bother to look at your project again.


Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
All that harsh critics is well deserved.
Hard words, but the truth is a hard pill to swallow. I agree with you on these points too.

If Wild Life is indeed an inspiration to you for making this game, don't go the way that "game" went and don't make a glorified animation showcase.
Sonds like you are saying "dont do what one of the most financially successful projects is doing, that wont work"
Ummm ok?
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Aug 4, 2017
Sonds like you are saying "dont do what one of the most financially successful projects is doing, that wont work"
Ummm ok?
Ofcourse it won't work. I do enjoy Wild Life as it is for the high quality animations, though I'd personally never spend money on it since it's never going to become what I'd want it to become.

That said, if the dev thinks he can compete with that they're free to do so, but since they've said they need the money to learn graphic designing and animating skills, I highly doubt they can.

So I stand by my opinion. Work on a good/fun core gameplay concept and story, and average animations won't look as bad as when they're on their own.
Mar 10, 2019
Theres been an update.
Except no one could have seen that. Latest build is available only for $20 tier patrons, but there aren't any. :LOL:
The guy has 7 patrons collecting $55 a month. His tomb dead Discord user list color marks suggests that he has 5 $10 tier patrons, the rest is $1 tier.
OK, stop making fun of developer.

Where he got in 1 and 1/2 year?
Well, dev hasn't given up (yet). Thumb up for that to him.(y)
I could not try the build, I'm definitely not gonna pay for a demo. Screenshots and development description suggest that it is not ready yet, even at demo standards. Seems like there is some map design, but nothing to do in the game.
Per Discord post, there are 2 left in the team, doing some work on weekends maybe, so progress can't be expected.

Screenshots suggest that he really struggles with character model.
Still paper-looking eyes, mediocre face, body, but wait... what that head to body size ratio? Is she supposed to be midget or 4 years old kid?!:confused:

I've tried quick head resize how non-pedo version could look like:

Let's wait another year and check back where he get with his game.
Mar 10, 2019
So one year (almost) passed.
It's safe to call this project dead.
No Patreon post in an year, no Trello update as well.
Last time when I could access discord server anonymously, there where 4 posts an year.
Athert, the author has "personal issues" since his girlfriend (mediocre furry artist) disappeared from project list and all online links to Athert severed. In short, obviously they broke up and he feels fucked ever since.
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New Member
May 4, 2020
I don't know if I can necro a thread like this (I couldn't find any rule against it), so please educate me if possible :D
A few minutes ago I released another update to the world. It's not something I need to brag about, but I did make one change that I wanted to post here because a lot of people referenced it. I've been thinking about creating a demo for a long time (actually since the beginning of the project), but I couldn't figure out how exactly to integrate it into the project. However, I thought that the way it is designed now is just wrong and it would be better if I released a demo to the world now. Of course, it's not just one demo, in fact all builds that I release in the future will always have a demo version that all people can play without having to be a patron.
I think that thanks to this I will have more feedback on how the game actually works and how to improve it, which is actually the most important thing for me right now.
I don't know if I can post a link here like this, so please click on the first page where there is a link to Patreon and there you will have a public update with information (why it took so long) and also a link to the demo build. What I noticed here was a link to version 0.1.1, which is one of the first build with a terrible model that we don't even have anymore, so at least you get the latest version that you can try.
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