The pitfall sof sand box is timed events that are notwithstanding of the steps in the story: wait X amount of days/weeks/months - even tho you have the necessary plot and story and game requirements to trigger said event. Plus the RNG random event triggers dev insert in their games just to play pranks on the players - because every once in a while, your luck of the draw will run out and you will be left with a run where every RNG draws blanks and frustration sets in and you have to basically start over, hoping the random engine in the game will not screw you over this time around.
The timing og sandboxing only goes bad if you just do random stuff and dont really play the game.
Youre way off on your complaints. Yes things can be time sensitive. Thats what sandboxes can atually do. Create a living world, where certain things happen at certain times. Like your workhours are fixed. Theater happens at night as in real life. A night date happens at night and not in the morning.
Neither in this game are dependant on you actually hitting it excactly at the right time, or you miss it. And youre not locked into waiting another week. Mostly because every event happens every day. There is no waiting weeks or months for anything. Theater show for extra income, is weekend. But its every week, not weeks.
Waiting for few days shouldnt be a problem if you play the game. It is, if you hyper focus on one direction/person at a time. But its not really a problem either. You start your day in front of the bed, and end you day at the bed. So if you do this hyper focus stuff, you click the bed go to sleep, xamount of times, and voila youre back on track. no hassle.
There arent any random events, so thats a no go complaint. Well.. its random if you dont actually play the game and just click at random for things to happen.
So its pretty easy to see, youre complaining about sandboxing's existance more than you are complaining about this game.