I feel like the AmRose ending needs some stuff, like transition screens letting us know how much times has passed between scenes and shit because I'm in the middle of it right now and there are plenty of times that just make no sense.
I mean I'll use what I just saw a minute ago as an example.
After the storm ends and the really strange woman leaves your neighbors show up and you let them stay since their property was destroyed. After you and AmRose have sex you go to sleep then wake up and find her in the barn. She tells you her plans for the day then leaves. Your neighbor walks in carrying a pallet and you help him.
Now it's only been one night since the storm ended and neither you nor AmRose left your property since then. Despite that, this is part of the dialogue
There's other examples too and they're all equally weird. It feels like there were supposed to be shots of a black screen with "Five days later" or something before this at some point. This ending has left me wondering if I was having a stroke or something. More than once the dialogue just made no sense for the scene it was happening in or the characters were just sort of saying words that may as well have been gibberish for all the sense that they made in the context of the scene.
Edit: Then right after the scene I got that screenshot from the mayor is talking about reading newspapers in the days leading up to the storm in which people from the town had been interviewed. After introducing your neighbors to the room he goes on to talk about the way they described how theirfarm was destroyed... In an interview he read BEFORE the storm, they somehow talked about how their farm was destroyed by it.
Was the person who wrote this ending drunk?