Just starting out, and immediately "totally not MC's sister" Elizabeth says she is "seeing" a biker guy. Why in the world would I want a sloppy seconds sister? It completely breaks the entire point of a brother-sister romance if she would rather be with some random douchebag than the MC.
I personally wouldn't say there's anything wrong with an attractive young woman like Elizabeth having had one or two BFs at her age. On the contrary, it sounds pretty realistic to me, understandably why so, but I have to agree on the "dating the potential token (biker) douche" part... some players might have a problem with it bcz it only paints her in a bad light as a very naive person who makes bad choices.
I suppose the MC's expected to simp real hard for her, kiss her ass literally and figuratively, and even risk getting his own ass kicked by her 'loving' BF for a damn kiss on the cheek, a 'romantic' hug and maybe, a big maybe, an HJ, while the douche goes all the way with her,
offscreen, not on camera (!!).
I call bullshit on this too, but if the majority of the devs' fans doesn't mind Lizzie's occasional bitchy attitude toward the MC, who only wants the best for his not-sister, and an LI with this kinda unnecessary (IMO) emotional baggage at such a young age, we'll just have to accept or keep it friendly with her, shut down our brains for 'the plot' to make sense and play the game as it is or just stop playing it and moving on.
Lmao Its almost comical how poor these LIs are. This pathetic MC gets bitched at by his sister, even though the game explicitly says they get along well, so good job subverting that trope.
Your sister is a straight up dumbass fucking around with a gang member, then you try to tell her they are bad news and she yells at you and what does the MC say in response...well he becomes a little bitch and says he's sorry to her...even though he's in the right.
Haha, right ?? Fictional bro' there's trying his best to avoid tapping into his so-called already-infamous 'toxic' masculinity and caring big bro energy by acting like a
manly yes-man (pathetic pussy), cuz supposedly, that's the kinda men real women who're actual 8s, 9s and 10s want, maybe on another planet in a completely different dimension from ours... this kinda shit is not and never will be happening on this beautiful blue Earth tho.
Lizzie's daddy issues are soo obvious, it's hilarious to see her trying to bullshit her way out of this argument and still pretend she's the mature, reasonable person who knows what the fuck she does, especially after accusing the MC of joining a gang out of his own free will cuz it's a dangerous thing to do. The irony.

And then we get to find out that Mila is sloppy seconds too.
Finding out Mila was sloppy seconds and that's why she started to act weird towards you was a letdown too.
so far, nothing storywise suggests that, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out you were right and she had a lil OnlyFans side hustle going on for her or something
creative like that all this time, in case her weird 'career' choice didn't work out the way she expected it to.
No, what we really need to do is let the dev make some money off his hard work first and then ask for a hero to share the game
they paid for with us. Sounds logical, don't ya think ??

Have a lil patience, like most of us do. The game will be posted here sooner or later, the most important thing right now is that the dev makes as much money as he can so he can keep working on the game and not find himself be forced to abandon it cuz of financial reasons. Patience is the key, as they say.