
Jun 9, 2019
There is a very mechanical battlefuck system which... is extremely unsatisfying and rigid. You are using weird strategies to corrupt the enemy into your slave. Instead of actually doing what you want. The text is also super minimalist.

Once they are your slave, you can never fuck them again. Instead slaves are fucking each other to produce mana. Or are acting as mages
The beings you fuck are literally faceless NPCs who are technically not nameless... because they got auto generated random names.
Oh also expect slavegirls to die. Either from enemy attacks or from you "merging" them together. neither is optional.

The game has no images. The transformations are mostly grotesque. There is extremely little customization ironically.
As you need numbers, so you go through most upgrade chains until you get the one that gives you the biggest numbers. There are very few actual choices. (eg: bat wings vs butterfly wings)
You will have a 12 inch horsecock (if playing male) because that is the only level 5 cock option available and you need the numbers from a level 5 cock.

This is all incredibly poor design choices. It SHOULD have been a
> Cock leveled up. Stat increase. New transformations unlocked.
> You may freely transform to any shape and size you want from the unlocked ones. The transformation will not have any mechanical effect.

A less ideal but still acceptable way to handle it would have been to offer more choices. Give you a dozen different options for what a level 5 cock is.
But instead you only have the 1 choice.

Agreed, they got a good idea, but the mechanics suck and its very unsatisfying.


Mar 1, 2018
There is a very mechanical battlefuck system which... is extremely unsatisfying and rigid. You are using weird strategies to corrupt the enemy into your slave. Instead of actually doing what you want. The text is also super minimalist.

Once they are your slave, you can never fuck them again. Instead slaves are fucking each other to produce mana. Or are acting as mages
The beings you fuck are literally faceless NPCs who are technically not nameless... because they got auto generated random names.
Oh also expect slavegirls to die. Either from enemy attacks or from you "merging" them together. neither is optional.

The game has no images. The transformations are mostly grotesque. There is extremely little customization ironically.
As you need numbers, so you go through most upgrade chains until you get the one that gives you the biggest numbers. There are very few actual choices. (eg: bat wings vs butterfly wings)
You will have a 12 inch horsecock (if playing male) because that is the only level 5 cock option available and you need the numbers from a level 5 cock.

This is all incredibly poor design choices. It SHOULD have been a
> Cock leveled up. Stat increase. New transformations unlocked.
> You may freely transform to any shape and size you want from the unlocked ones. The transformation will not have any mechanical effect.

A less ideal but still acceptable way to handle it would have been to offer more choices. Give you a dozen different options for what a level 5 cock is.
But instead you only have the 1 choice.
Yeah I liked the idea of transformation, but not the fact that your transformation determines your stats. So in the end if you need the proper stats, you are locked in to certain transformations.
3.60 star(s) 14 Votes