
Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Ah yeah, I don't have a copy of that version. Assuming all you did was start a new game with the default settings, export, then immediately import, the latest build on their site definitely fixed that.

If you're referring to which files to open up in my editor, it's going to depend on exactly what sort of data you want to edit. The most useful one is probably FSPlayerListsSave, as that stores the player's inventory and feats. That's the only file I've really bothered to edit on any of my playthroughs since I usually end up regretting my early perk choices at some point.

I'm fairly sure that the numeric player stats (hunger, level, exp, etc) are stored in FSCharacterVariableSave (in the row that begins with "yourself") but I'm not sure what all the fields mean. I haven't made any real attempt to actually document the table data yet, but if I get another burst of pandemic-related boredom I might give it a shot. :)


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Ah yeah, I don't have a copy of that version. Assuming all you did was start a new game with the default settings, export, then immediately import, the latest build on their site definitely fixed that.

If you're referring to which files to open up in my editor, it's going to depend on exactly what sort of data you want to edit. The most useful one is probably FSPlayerListsSave, as that stores the player's inventory and feats. That's the only file I've really bothered to edit on any of my playthroughs since I usually end up regretting my early perk choices at some point.

I'm fairly sure that the numeric player stats (hunger, level, exp, etc) are stored in FSCharacterVariableSave (in the row that begins with "yourself") but I'm not sure what all the fields mean. I haven't made any real attempt to actually document the table data yet, but if I get another burst of pandemic-related boredom I might give it a shot. :)

I meant restoring a save, using that button in the game. When I click it, it opens up a window to the folder as if it wants a save file to be loaded. But which file should I be using? Because i've tried all of them and it always says restore failed.

Also, Importing Save did not work even with the most recent version from the 27th. I let it run for 20+ minutes, but it never does anything, the game just freezes up.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I meant restoring a save, using that button in the game. When I click it, it opens up a window to the folder as if it wants a save file to be loaded. But which file should I be using?
Oh! I see what you mean. It kind of sounds like you tried to export a save using "export progress" and then load it using "restore."

There are two ways of saving the game in FS. The Export/Import progress features are intended to move saved games between versions. It's also the easiest way to edit your save if you're into that sort of thing. That pretty much just spits out all of the game's internal data into tables so that the newer version can theoretically put it all back together. This is done with "export progress" and "import progress."

The best way to save your game is via the Save/Restore commands. These are much faster and bundle your save data into a single file, but they are only guaranteed to be compatible with the version of FS that generated the files. To save the game using this method, type "save" at the prompt. This will prompt you for a filename that you can later load using the "restore" command.

Also, Importing Save did not work even with the most recent version from the 27th. I let it run for 20+ minutes, but it never does anything, the game just freezes up.
Yeah, it definitely shouldn't take that long. It's definitely not quick, but it only takes about 40 seconds on my PC.

Upgrading to a newer version of the Windows Git interpreter might help. You can get that if you want to give that a shot. The version of the interpreter bundled with the FS installer is pretty outdated.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Yeah, it definitely shouldn't take that long. It's definitely not quick, but it only takes about 40 seconds on my PC.

Upgrading to a newer version of the Windows Git interpreter might help. You can get that if you want to give that a shot. The version of the interpreter bundled with the FS installer is pretty outdated.
Looks like that still has the same freezing up issue, sad to say. It's annoying, because the only reason i'm doing this is that I want to edit the level and skill number traits so I can access the new content.

But I don't know how to do that with Save/Restore because the regular save files are in binary and the Export/Import system, whose files I do know how to edit, isn't importing for me.

It's annoying.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
But I don't know how to do that with Save/Restore because the regular save files are in binary and the Export/Import system, whose files I do know how to edit, isn't importing for me.
Can you ZIP up the files and upload them somewhere? I could try importing them on my end and see if I have better luck.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Can you ZIP up the files and upload them somewhere? I could try importing them on my end and see if I have better luck.
I don't have a save file yet, I was trying to edit one from the beginning. So if you have an edited save file for the "2020-07-27" version with improved stats, that would probably work fine for me.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I don't have a save file yet, I was trying to edit one from the beginning. So if you have an edited save file for the "2020-07-27" version with improved stats, that would probably work fine for me.
I don't have one handy, but I can build one.

What options do you normally pick when you create your character?


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
I don't have one handy, but I can build one.

What options do you normally pick when you create your character?
I usually go with the standard options and then kinky and submissive traits for the extra scene options those open up. Mostly it's just having the high stats that is necessary. What program do you use to build one?


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I usually go with the standard options and then kinky and submissive traits for the extra scene options those open up. Mostly it's just having the high stats that is necessary. What program do you use to build one?
"Build" probably isn't the right word to describe it. It's more or less just fiddling with the exported data. :) I got kind of tired of translating the strings manually, so I wrote a that can display the glkdata files in a more readable format.

I was a bit overconfident at the actual ease of giving characters a starting boost. Turns out, the game really doesn't like importing data more than once in one session (took me a lot of desk pounding to figure that out, and not the good kind), and if you feed it a value it doesn't like it'll just hang. Fun times. This is what I ended up with in the long run:

That starts you off at level 0 with the Kinky, Submissive, and Survivalist feats, with a boosted max health, a bunch of water and food, the Ancient Blade as your equipped weapon, and enough banked XP to get you to level 50 or so. Every time you beat anything in combat, no matter how wimpy, it'll cause you to level up, so simply going up into the library and typing hunt latex fox will let you level up and customize your stats and feats to your liking (simply setting the level to 50 would keep your stats at the starting values). It'll be kind of tedious at first, but it should still save a ton of time in the long run.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Turns out, the game really doesn't like importing data more than once in one session (took me a lot of desk pounding to figure that out, and not the good kind), and if you feed it a value it doesn't like it'll just hang.
Thank you! I wonder if that was what was happening to me when I was trying to import data after changing values? My computer just doesn't seem to like its save system at all.

Let's see if I can even get a simple save to work with it.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Thank you! I wonder if that was what was happening to me when I was trying to import data after changing values?
I don't doubt it! Even when I had success importing twice in a row, the import times seemed to increase pretty dramatically.

Even in general the import time seems to be highly variable. That 40-50 second time I mentioned a few posts back seems to be on the low side. I've had a few instances where it would take upwards of 2-3 minutes for no apparent reason. I wish I knew why in the nine hells it takes so long to do something that seems to be fairly simple.

It's going to be painful, but yeah, I would suggest just changing one or two values at a time, attempting to import the data, then making another couple of changes. I tried to do too much at a time with my first few editing attempts and it didn't go so well.


New Member
Dec 1, 2019
Hello ^^ I have Permission to post this from the original author with his help on editing as well :) All credit goes to Xandus about 2 post up.

Now heres a mini guide

If you want to edit stats open FSCharacterVariableSave
If you want to add more freecred or money open FSNumberSave
Apperance is a bit tricky but what i found out is that you have to open FSPlayerSave
Then Lastly for the Feats open FSPlayerListsSave (( you can add more feats with right click and add ))

And there you go ^^ enjoy editing and modding your stats and appearance ^^

I take no credit in this matter all credit goes to Xandus

anyways enjoy :D
I still don't have the requisite post count to be able to attach files/post links but I'll quote this real quick - it has an attached Export Editor that gives the names of stats and lets you edit them and such.

If you know C#, feel free to open the .exe and libraries with a program such as dnSpy and take code from it for your own purposes. Beware that it's relatively messy as I never cleaned it up. It also comes with XML files that document field names and types for each export file type.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
I still don't have the requisite post count to be able to attach files/post links but I'll quote this real quick - it has an attached Export Editor that gives the names of stats and lets you edit them and such.

If you know C#, feel free to open the .exe and libraries with a program such as dnSpy and take code from it for your own purposes. Beware that it's relatively messy as I never cleaned it up. It also comes with XML files that document field names and types for each export file type.
That's badass. Nice work! :D


Jul 5, 2019
I have been following this game for years, and I thought the game was dying as updates were getting increasingly sparse and dull. But the for the last couple of months, the updates have been really good, so I hope the trend continues.
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New Member
Apr 2, 2019
I enjoyed playing, when I played it as a "survival" game. The "fun" for me was in retaining my humanity, and seeking a human female to share that survival in a world gone mad. I lost interest after the "awesome fruit" was taken out of the game, and the female (Helen, I think was her name.) could no longer become human.
What are you talking about? The fruits are still there, the quest to give it to Helen is still there. Just go into the forest and find a tree to get your fruit.


New Member
Apr 2, 2019
Actually... getting the power on gets the microwave in the Library breakroom functional. Its there because reasons.
Oh, it's more than that - it turns on the lights in the red light district too, and makes the pump for the shower in the bunker run. And... maybe one or two more things that I don't remember right now...


New Member
Apr 2, 2019
hi having trouble at HellRealm quest found the tape but cant find the tome (grimoire) help plz
You can either get the tome from Eric (he finds it in the library if you save him), or you can find it yourself in the dark corner on the upper floor (that room in the southeast).


Apr 30, 2017
What are you talking about? The fruits are still there, the quest to give it to Helen is still there. Just go into the forest and find a tree to get your fruit.

Then I'll download, and check it out. Thanks for the correction.


Apr 24, 2019
The version released back in August won't load in my interpreter at all. Glad this version is available so I can give the game a try again.
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