Jan 28, 2020

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Beach Map: The beach zone now has a detailed painted map too.
Dark Tyrant/Fallen King: Its shadowy presence gives you great power. If the Dark Tyrant is your active companion, you may now have a special scene in which you unleash the darkness within you upon your defeated foe, starting with an extra victory sex scene for the Werewolf Brute.
Goblin Trap: The Goblin Trap event in the Junkyard has been updated with new outcomes with variations based on the genders of the player and encountered goblin/s.
Husky Alpha: A few special sex scene variants have been added if the player is initially male, triggering a small quest in which there is a chance a Male-to-Female transformation enthusiast alpha husky will appear instead of the normal one.
Mogdraz (Museum): You can now visit the Museum with Mogdraz, if you have romanced him, and begin to explore some of his background upon reaching certain rooms. Additionally, if you have awakened Lars in the Museum Roman Wing, you may introduce the two during this stroll.
Mogdraz (Museum|Cerberus): This date destination comes with a special variant of the Cerberus encounter, similar to the Centaur Stallion/Mare in the Dry Plains option, except it can only occur randomly. Losing in this fight triggers a submissive-oriented scene with both the Cerberus and the Demon Lord.
Museum Roman Wing: You may now assist the roman soldier, Lars, formerly a statue, in finding a compatible manhood for him. Watch out, though. There are dark forces who will tempt you into doing things you should not, so you better listen to the young man. If you succeed, you may enjoy some pleasurable time with Lars afterwards, but if not... A Great Old One will greet you instead.
Segis: If the dragon android's body has been stashed in a hidden spot, you may now attempt to reactivate it. This will be a long ordeal only facilitated by the player's intelligence, though being highly perceptive could also be useful. On success, Segis will join you as a companion and ally. Whenever dismissed, you can find him in the Maintenance Storeroom, in the bunker. Currently, Segis only has a talking menu, but it can tell up to twenty different jokes.
Wyvern: The wyverns have gained some nice new art of wyvern in flight, with variants for day/night and male/female (look at the horns).
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2017
Does anybody know where Segis is?
edit: found him he's in the red light district event name "Activate Strange Android"
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 4, 2018
Someone knows on how to get to Bouncy castle? I know i need a boot or Gill fruit, which i have and i need to see the ensnared Vixen event on the Beach. But i cant seem to trigger it. What do i need to get this event?


Active Member
Oct 16, 2017
Someone knows on how to get to Bouncy castle? I know i need a boot or Gill fruit, which i have and i need to see the ensnared Vixen event on the Beach. But i cant seem to trigger it. What do i need to get this event?
First, I have to ask have you checked the ?
Second, did you already trigger the event? Maybe you already triggered the event in that playthrough? or maybe the timer ran out? Try using the debug command and see what it says when you type the command "hunt Snared Vixen" or the "hunt Findingboat"


New Member
Dec 4, 2018
I have gone and used the wiki and i started a new game to trigger it. I even used the cheat system with uneering hunter and open map, to directly hunt for the vixen, but whenever i do that i just get a message saying about not having enough experience and going somewhere else for achievments.

Edit: it seems i needed a higher level to trigger it. Got it working with level 6. But thanks for the help.
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Apr 1, 2017
Is there an up to date list of the people you can bring to the library? The page on the wiki hasn't been updated since 2018 :) and doesn't list Zoe or Katherine so think it's out of date.
I doubt anyone really cares about updating wiki or making a new one. There is a bit of mentioning Zoe on NPCs page: with most other characters.
I wish they stopped updating the game with Mogdraz and void realm content and start doing something else(I liked how they made different things at the same time), but I guess someone pays them for this so I'll just have to wait for something good in another year before returning to this game.
Jan 28, 2020

Engine Work

Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.


Alexandra: Good Alexandra has two more sex scenes for males as well as preparation for being able to give birth. Requires you to be at the end of her current storyline.
Ballsy Hung Horseman: You may now have two additional ways to play with this shady hung horseman at the stables (found through hitting an event during exploring) after the first time he tricks you. He will definitely not trick you in any of those times either. You might not mind being totally not tricked by him if you like Cock Vore. Shrinking shrooms are not needed for these new scenes, but it is still required for the first.
Centaur Stallion: Common defeat scenes for the centaur stallion, for both females and males, have been slightly edited for better pacing and consistency. Additionally, new victory scenes have been added to the sex menu upon defeating him.
Diego Trickster: If the player has already discovered the Hellfire Club and has the level requirement (7) for these events, there is a chance they will find Diego pulling another prank on both these demons and military soldiers, but this time, there may be a twist...
Eric: He's now got a whole image set with various pictures, clothes and facial expressions, which will appear throughout his content.
Gargoyle: Our resident stone-covered hunks have been captured in pictures for you to enjoy.
Korvin: Your favorite German shepherd companion now has an extra sex scene in his menu, involving pet-play and paw-fucking. Also, you can now discuss your relationship with him from the talk menu, and discuss having a family (if you choose to do so).
Panther Taur: The kitties have decided to show a lot more of their black fur in pictures...
Skarnoth: The captive demon prince has gained several more fun scenes. Preparations are being made to have him accompany you as a companion too.
Susan: The fherm variant of Susan has gotten new artwork to show herself off.
Tyrannosaurus Male: This hunk of a dinosaur is showing a lot more of his scales in the new pictures from now on...
Wyvern (Male): The large male wyvern's blowjob victory sex scene has received an update. Additionally, it has been expanded with an alternative ending accessible by kinky players if they are carrying a dose of Bitch Breaker gel. This leads to a scene where the item proves to be surprisingly effective on the wyvern, but be cautious, as it also provides him with newfound vigor, lust and... hunger. Be sure to turn your vore settings on, if you are a Cock Vore enthusiast.

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Arctic Enclosure: Saving the animals and bringing them to Miyuki should now actually move you to her cave.
Dr. Moffatt: She should now impregnate you with Hyperskunk children.
Exporting: Kirnon should no longer appear as a missing Character ID.
Fang: Fixed an error that meant that number of children with Fang was being zeroed each time his/her children were born.
Hellhound: The watersports scenes for the Hellhound should now only appear if Watersports is at maximum level.
Showing off his new collar to Spike should now work properly.
Leonard: The lion should now impregnate you with the right kind of offspring.
Pack Bang: A random teleport to the library has been removed from the end of this event.
Shifting: The shifting command will now also set the speciesname of the player, helping various events recognize the player as the right species.
Trickster's Masterpiece: The event should now only mention Diego if you actually know him.
Record Store: The event will now actually check if you turned the power back on.
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Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Due to the fact that FS recently overtaxed the Inform engine once more, until we thankfully got a fix from the nice developers over there, the decision has been made to port FS to a new platform. Efforts have been started to put together a new version in the more timely engine Godot. For the foreseeable future, FS will still run in Inform and additional updates are coming out for that, but we've got people working on something new and shiny at the same time.
To add to this: they recently put out a poll on their Patreon asking people how they felt about revamping the dated combat system while they work on the Godot port. The poll still has about three days left, but currently the overwhelming majority of users (myself included) voted for "revamp, low priority" (and literally nobody voted for "leave it as is")

So hey, if you don't like the current combat system, it's probably gonna be changing.


May 7, 2019
Nice to see their working on using a new engine, hopefully it'll make stuff easier to understand as sometimes trying to figure out whats going on gives me a headache. Just hope the devs don't over-stress themselves. Plus a new combat system would be neat, but yeah, definitely should be low priority.
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Jul 17, 2020
caution everone looking for windows git (IF interpreter), i've come across some sites claiming to have windows git 1.3.5 (actually malware!!!), that last legit versoin i believe is windows git 1.2.4 before their hompage was brought down!!
fake program

legit program


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
caution everone looking for windows git (IF interpreter), i've come across some sites claiming to have windows git 1.3.5 (actually malware!!!), that last legit versoin i believe is windows git 1.2.4 before their hompage was brought down!!
fake program

legit program
It's a false positive. A 50% detection rate is hardly compelling, especially for something released over six months ago. If you take a look at the names they're all generic detection signatures, and the different vendors can't even agree on what it is (a PUP—potentially unwanted program—and a Trojan are very different classifications). If something is truly a threat you're going to have very widespread detection (90% or more at minimum, I'd say).

Just to give you an idea of how common false positives are, I submitted (specifically, Arch's build of bash-5.1.16) to VirusTotal and despite the file being clean and Linux viruses being far more obscure one AV scanner still picked it up. Like, literally just a random system file on my laptop (literally the first one I grabbed!), running a relatively obscure OS, causes some response. I don't even want to speculate on how many files I have on my Windows box that would cause similar detection results to what you saw with WinGit.

Malware detection is really, really hard to get right, and the fact of the matter is that in cases like this, application authors have to go out of their way to submit their files to AV vendors to be explicitly whitelisted. I contributed code to an open source project where, for seemingly no reason, the 32-bit Windows binary would regularly cause Microsoft AV to flip out despite the file being perfectly safe (and the 64-bit build of the same code escaping detection entirely). The only solution was for the project lead to submit the file and wait for Microsoft to manually flag it as safe in their detection database. It was a pain in the ass.
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Jan 28, 2020


Alpha: The octopus hybrid that you can befriend in the Trevor Labs underground levels has been expanded, offering several talk options, walk-in scenes and a sex menu now.
Fang: A new repeatable scene for Alpha Fang after he has consumed the hyper serum. Male Fang only, but available to male, female, or hermaphroditic partners.
Fang: You now have a chance of getting to choose how you wish to have sex with Alpha Fang, though he/she may still decide for themselves.
Lair Of The Lupines: You may stumble across this hidden lair in Avalon while exploring, hunting for a hidden rock cavern, or, if you submit enough times to a Werewolf Brute, he may take you there. So far, it has several Werewolf NPCs the player may speak to, and is still under development to include more scenes and quests focused on the Werewolf Brutes.
Lair Of The Lupines (Oubliette): This is a particular place under the pits of the lair where the player can stay as a temporary slave to the resident werewolf brutes. You may unlock special scenes with NPCs such as Elstan and Kirnon by talking to them, and its features are still under development.
Lair Of The Lupines (Wyatt Romance): To access his romance path and the aforementioned female-focused or Male-to-Female (MtF) scenes, player must have had sex with him at least once, not have the "Male Preferred" feat and visit the Common Room during the night to trigger it. This particular romance path, while accessible by pure males without the feat, can only be continued through the MtF route and, subsequently, by female characters. The event may be ignored completely if the content is deemed undesired through presented options.
Lair Of The Lupines (Wyatt): Wyatt is worth mentioning as he has received a fair bit of content already, most of it especially for female players or Male-to-Female TF enthusiasts. Male players are not locked out of the fun with him though, still being able to access, so far, one sex scene, so he will still have a bit for everyone's tastes.
Wyvern Patriarch: If you have been fooling around with male wyverns, beating them and taking advantage of them numerous times, you may incite the presence of a much bigger, meaner male wyvern that will not be happy with you. He will appear to players who have beaten and enjoyed themselves with a defeated male wyvern at least three times.

Bugfixes & Balance Patches

Wyvern (Male): Fixed some inconsistent mentions regarding his equipment during a scene.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
Lair Of The Lupines (Wyatt): Wyatt is worth mentioning as he has received a fair bit of content already, most of it especially for female players or Male-to-Female TF enthusiasts. Male players are not locked out of the fun with him though, still being able to access, so far, one sex scene, so he will still have a bit for everyone's tastes.
I really like their approach here, respecting all different orientations in porn games is a rare treat. :p


New Member
Apr 23, 2020
Cool and all but there's no way to find the lair of lupines... Been trying for hours to either find the entrance by hunting, exploring and being a slut to a wolf over 50 times...


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Cool and all but there's no way to find the lair of lupines... Been trying for hours to either find the entrance by hunting, exploring and being a slut to a wolf over 50 times...
I didn't have any luck finding it via exploration but submitting to the werewolf brutes near Avalon worked (I think it's specific to those ones). I think they brought me there after something like 4-5 times.

You'll know it's working when the post-combat dialogue has started changing. You'll see bits of italicized text popping up.


New Member
Apr 26, 2018
Cool and all but there's no way to find the lair of lupines... Been trying for hours to either find the entrance by hunting, exploring and being a slut to a wolf over 50 times...
Yea, its specifically the Werewolf Brutes at the Avalon crossroads

To get there you go east at the urban forest, then south and use the runestone


New Member
Apr 23, 2020
I didn't have any luck finding it via exploration but submitting to the werewolf brutes near Avalon worked (I think it's specific to those ones). I think they brought me there after something like 4-5 times.

You'll know it's working when the post-combat dialogue has started changing. You'll see bits of italicized text popping up.

Oh yeah i tried submitting to those like 50 times on a loop and nothing...


Active Member
Sep 8, 2019
Oh yeah i tried submitting to those like 50 times on a loop and nothing...
That's really weird.

Just to verify that you're on the correct version, what happens if you type "version" and hit ENTER while in-game? If it returns anything less than "220110", you're not on the newest version.


New Member
Apr 23, 2020
That's really weird.

Just to verify that you're on the correct version, what happens if you type "version" and hit ENTER while in-game? If it returns anything less than "220110", you're not on the newest version.

THats exactly the version i am in. Maybe if I could find the name i could hunt it, but i tried hunting for "hidden rock cavern" and all its alternatives and couldnt find shit xD
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