2.80 star(s) 29 Votes


Active Member
Oct 16, 2017
Personally, I am into Netroi but that's in short supply so I read NTR and I just put myself in the position of the bull, my main fetish is impregnation but rationally, and realistically it's not like I could impregnation random people or shit, so I like it when the husband has no idea about the situation and remains blissfully ignorant, like NTR Adventurer Alisa
I just feel bad for the other guy when I learn more about him, especially if they did nothing wrong which is why I usually play ones where the Cuck has little to no character, if the guy has to find out I like it better when it's karmic and he had it coming

I also disliked NTRPG2 as well as I just felt bad for the MC, you probably shouldn't have taken notes from that game considering it is on the darker side of the NTR genre where you just feel sorry for the MC, also you probably got a bigger backlash cause the NTRPG games literally have NTR in the name so people not into it just avoid it
Oct 27, 2019
NTR rule #1: NEVER Imagine yourself as the Cuck! Be the Bull or the woman or as a evil god pulling the strings from the safety of your computer.

NTR rule #2: Know your limits. (Some NTR is mild and focuses more on the carnal act. Others aim to DESTROY the Cuck.)

NTR rule #3: This is a work of fiction. ( a artist, a writer and a programmer combined their powers to make this game. Its nothing but a work of fiction, 1s and 0s on a computer screen. NEVER forget that.)

People who like Ntr usually project themselves unto the bull or the woman or as simply an observer and thats why they enjoy it.
People who hate ntr usually project themselves as the Cuck. Which speaks volumes about how much confidence they have...

I personally like both NTR and Harem. Its all fantasy to distract us from our everyday existence so who cares?
I agree with you for the most part, but is hard to not put yourself as the main character since generally you are controlling him (and even worst, when you can only see his perspective)... but yeah, be the bull to feel full (no homo).
Oct 27, 2019
So you judge who felt as you put it 'real love' by what nsfw novels he/she enjoys, nice - just nice...
Also not everyone is as overattached to the pixels on the screen, could also argue with the 'man just wanted to be loved' as that was just another example of a pushover character that swims whenever river takes him. But thats another story.
What's wrong with swimming whenever the river takes you ? Sometimes the flow is just the best.
Feb 25, 2019
Monstergirls have horns.... demons so to say. Furry is just Animalears and Tail buttplug.... and furry is gay..... even the hetero-furry is gay ^^
look at my signature
Sir/Mam have you ever been to a furry site like e621? If you look up anthro you wont see humans with animal parts you will see humans with a human like body. They literally have tags like humanoid_cat for humans with cat features. Anthros are different. Any site like e621 and other furry sites don't really let things like Neko get called anthros.


New Member
Oct 16, 2021
Affter reading some of the comments i wondered hmm lets see the horible part , i was just curious but seems like my pc hates it that much that it wont even let me start the game, guess its bad if my pc says so
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Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
Personally, I am into Netroi but that's in short supply so I read NTR and I just put myself in the position of the bull, my main fetish is impregnation but rationally, and realistically it's not like I could impregnation random people or shit, so I like it when the husband has no idea about the situation and remains blissfully ignorant, like NTR Adventurer Alisa
I just feel bad for the other guy when I learn more about him, especially if they did nothing wrong which is why I usually play ones where the Cuck has little to no character, if the guy has to find out I like it better when it's karmic and he had it coming

I also disliked NTRPG2 as well as I just felt bad for the MC, you probably shouldn't have taken notes from that game considering it is on the darker side of the NTR genre where you just feel sorry for the MC, also you probably got a bigger backlash cause the NTRPG games literally have NTR in the name so people not into it just avoid it
I agree with what you said and your attitude for the cuckholded shows that you have empathy. I enjoy Netrori as well but only if the man getting cucked deserves it (See Delinquent Wife Haniko).

Vengeful Spirit I think you would have a lot to say about this game.
May 28, 2017
A big "thank you!" to the people who liked the game. It makes me think I did at least some things right. I'm new to this so it means a lot.
I like the character designs but I wish there was more scenes. I wanted to see the "how did we get here." Then again you mentioned this was just a small time thing to start with, so I hope your future games are better (and still NTR cuz I like it lol)


Sep 27, 2017
If you do decide to play this game, download the game from itch.io, the download on the main page has a completed save which changes the main menu screen.
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Reactions: Noss


Jan 23, 2019
I just finished this game and i thought it was fine. Art was good and enjoyable. What the earlier comments (that have since been deleted) were complaining about (ntr hate) was way over the top.. Dev, this was great and keep up your OC !


Jun 13, 2017
To all users following this game! Please take a look at developer's itch.io page!
Multiple accounts with positive reviews are being minused and called out on being fake accounts.


Mar 11, 2018
To all users following this game! Please take a look at developer's itch.io page!
Multiple accounts with positive reviews are being minused and called out on being fake accounts.
The game's been 1 star reviewbombed from the very start, from lots of people just saying "f*** NTR."
My wordpress has been spammed by haters too, but it actually shows me the information behind the accounts, so that was extra funny to us.
I thought I'd just start banning/deleting comments if they don't stop harassing and accusing other people in the comments on itchio. I don't mind smear haters as long as they keep it somewhat civil and at least only bother me and not other people.


Jun 13, 2017
The game's been 1 star reviewbombed from the very start, from lots of people just saying "f*** NTR."
My wordpress has been spammed by haters too, but it actually shows me the information behind the accounts, so that was extra funny to us.
I thought I'd just start banning/deleting comments if they don't stop harassing and accusing other people in the comments on itchio. I don't mind smear haters as long as they keep it somewhat civil and at least only bother me and not other people.
Should have expected that one. No one will tolerate such depressive ending at best (and absolutely outrageous at worst) in NTR game.
P.S. I think some would have preferred to have multiple endings with 1) Vicky being exposed and kicked out
2) Vicky being exposed and forgiven
3) MC learning nothing about cheating
Or idea: male MC can cheat in return
I already know that my opinion will be unpopular, it's just most of NTR games that I seen are mostly female MC cheating.
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Mar 25, 2018
What's with the NTR hate? It's just a kink lol. I'm not specifically into NTR personally but I also don't care about it because unless you're self inserting yourself into every piece of porn you consume, why would it matter that it's NTR?
Exactly there are so many options available. I don't know why so many people get so triggered by a game. These people want every game to cater to them and ONLY to them. They get so furious when people make a game that caters to another group of people. There was a time when I was cringe when I was frustrated with the TiTs creator for not creating any human heterosexual pregnancy content in his game. But even then when I wrote my review for TiTs I still rated the game 5 stars because I understood it was still top 2 best text game in the world. I eventually grew up and realized the world doesn't revolve around me and if I want to complain about content I better pay up or create my own game. Now I pay for CoC2 and in the process of making my own game.


Sep 6, 2018
Should have expected that one. No one will tolerate such depressive ending at best (and absolutely outrageous at worst) in NTR game.
P.S. I think some would have preferred to have multiple endings with 1) Vicky being exposed and kicked out
2) Vicky being exposed and forgiven
3) MC learning nothing about cheating
Or idea: male MC can cheat in return
I already know that my opinion will be unpopular, it's just most of NTR games that I seen are mostly female MC cheating.
I can agree with this on the endings
i also would have preferred multiple endings like
1. wholesome true love ending- vicky stops the cheating and just ends with the mc
2. open marriage ending- mc and vicky stay together but both shrew around with others
3. ntr ending- vicky just keeps on cheating with everyone while the mc has no idea
4. ntrs ending- mc knows vicky cheating but is turned on by it
also think there could have been a lot more content with the wolf girl like maybe have her try to seduce the mc and he will have to choose whether to be faithful or not

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
The game's been 1 star reviewbombed from the very start, from lots of people just saying "f*** NTR."
My wordpress has been spammed by haters too, but it actually shows me the information behind the accounts, so that was extra funny to us.
I thought I'd just start banning/deleting comments if they don't stop harassing and accusing other people in the comments on itchio. I don't mind smear haters as long as they keep it somewhat civil and at least only bother me and not other people.
You will get that on Itch.io I've found, it's usually the same culprits too: Frogspawn, OffensiveBias and others repeatedly seek out NTR games just to shit on them, which does make you wonder about them to be honest (I've found some awesome NTR games by following their comment activity though so improvise, adapt, overcome). Now as for reviews don't get me wrong I gave you 1* but I also felt like i gave some constructive criticism that might help. I discovered after the review that this is your first game so don't stress, 1 star is better than 0 at least and look at it this way, you've done more than what most people will ever do, create something you enjoyed and will endure as a legacy of your journey. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, this is your first step. How many don't even take that first step? Whether it's games, going to the gym, dieting, making a business, going up the career ladder or whatever. You at least did, and I'm betting those hating on you haven't have they?
2.80 star(s) 29 Votes