As others have said i would recommend adding a full screen option.
The option i couldn't find was saving the game.
Don't know if saving is implemented in the game or not but couldn't find a save option.
I tend to tinker more with save files than i do adding mod content, especially one's you can use saveedit on or notepad or ++.
If there is a more in depth "how to" image in adding JPGS and characters for the less code inclined people like myself that would help.
Otherwise i avoid making content changes to games.
Saving is auto every morning.
Also, i have some ideas for being able to mod in stuff but not yet, i am thinking first finishing the base game.
But your opinion is appreciated!
As how to add your own images to races its pretty easy actually
1-Put the images you found in the "GameObjects/Races/(the race you want to put images in)"
2-Rename the images as numbers starting from 51
3-There will be a "count.txt" in every race folder change the number inside it to total amount of pics in the folder.