Others Completed Fluffy Planet [Final] [Under_Formatman]

Jan 21, 2019
when i load up the game it all runs fine, but once your character is looking at the environment at the start, aka where it says click on a point on the map, its all blank?
1st Is your save file from an old version if so please start a new game
2nd Have you tried clicking on the markers at the map
3rd If none of those work can you please share a screenshot.
May 6, 2019
That's indeed very weird :unsure:
this one is the marker you should be clicking at this stage of the game. Probably a dumb idea of me, but could you try to click around where it should be to see if it's a visual bug only or if it's something else ?


New Member
Jun 12, 2020
i managed to click it, yet everything is still blank as shown in the screenshot, but ima try redownload, see if that works


Apr 9, 2018
Can we get a little flavor blurb or something for the traits, maybe when clicking on them we get a larger popout? I'm assuming the Bloodline trait means they're one of your children. Also the whole pregnancy thing feels a bit detached, how does it work? Do they give birth the next day? We get no indication of when a girl is pregnant other than having sex with them earlier. Also the main room and the habitat are kind of unclear.
Jan 21, 2019
Can we get a little flavor blurb or something for the traits, maybe when clicking on them we get a larger popout? I'm assuming the Bloodline trait means they're one of your children. Also the whole pregnancy thing feels a bit detached, how does it work? Do they give birth the next day? We get no indication of when a girl is pregnant other than having sex with them earlier. Also the main room and the habitat are kind of unclear.
You can already hover over the traits for info, and the pregnancy overall is just in the name rn, and yes they do give birth the next day. I am constantly working to make it more clearer dont worry v0.0.3 will clear some stuff like this.


Jul 6, 2018
You should probably add the pregnancy tag to this thread. Impregnation and Pregnancy share a tag on F95. Given Impregnation is the central concept of the game you'd probably get a lot more attention from the audience that would be interested in this game if you add the tag.


Active Member
Nov 27, 2019
You should probably add the pregnancy tag to this thread. Impregnation and Pregnancy share a tag on F95. Given Impregnation is the central concept of the game you'd probably get a lot more attention from the audience that would be interested in this game if you add the tag.
This is true by the site rules, however might I also suggest adding specifically impregnation to your genre spoiler? People such as myself have been called by the tag, but shall not stay as what we crave is full blown pregnancies. That is unless this is something you're looking to add in the future, in which case please clarify.
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Apr 26, 2019
Hey there folks! I came here for the pregnancy tag!
Unfortunately, it's not yet polished ... well, let see how it goes.
Jan 21, 2019
This is true by the site rules, however might I also suggest adding specifically impregnation to your genre spoiler? People such as myself have been called by the tag, but shall not stay as what we crave is full blown pregnancies. That is unless this is something you're looking to add in the future, in which case please clarify.
Full blown pregnancies will be available for future, rn i am just adjusting the general game and the system.
I am thinking of giving each race its own birth cycle and such and housing your own children instead of just releasing them the moment they are born, but these are to come around 0.0.6 or 0.0.7.

I will change the tag to Impregnation for now tho thanks for the info.
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Aug 5, 2016
FFS is this written in pure .net? that's hardcore.

Game just crashed, I clicked on titles, didn't select anything and confirmed, got NRE. Also from stacktrace I see it's in winforms, nice :eek:
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2016
Under_Formatman also bunnykin image 12 is png not jpg so game crashes on trying to load it. Wouldn't be easier to just call

var directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
var masks = new[] { "*.png", "*.jpg" };
var files = masks.SelectMany(directory.EnumerateFiles);

or similar instead of forcing user to put file with images count?