Fan Art Foot of the Mountains - Fan-Art


Active Member
Oct 16, 2019
while we may never get the exact render formula for Melinda,
the face i use is exact like Melinda but the body is thicker.
i had an chat with serialnumbercomics a while back and got the mixture for the face.


Jul 12, 2020
the face i use is exact like Melinda but the body is thicker.
i had an chat with serialnumbercomics a while back and got the mixture for the face.
Your work is excellent.

My opinions of your work are likely going to be in the high numbers, especially with Melinda as a subject. The Lucius Logan work displayed in page three is, I hope, just a taste of what us true fans would go for in a poster. Your Melinda is top-notch, and I encourage your vision. Never change your vision on our account!


Jul 12, 2020
Thank you very much but I think I'm still a long way from reaching the level of them right now I was able to achieve it thanks to the advice of cubero.

He has been patient with me even though we have been almost designing the time is better, but I hope to reach his level just like that of the other artists you mention.
We are all really novices in the beginning........but some of you are way past that right now.

Hope to see more, keep the steady hands on that keyboard, and the eyes on your "vision" and "visions"


Jul 12, 2020
Yes THAT Cubero.........there's no other with his namesake that I can think of......
By the way, I like the "thicker" Melinda too.....An alternate world is bound to have various incarnations of her. It would get pretty boring if all artistic vision were exactly alike, wouldn't it? True fan art is about different perspective......and I encourage that!

For example: What was Melinda like in her twenties?....I for one would be interested in that. was she more like Rhonda's body type, or Ann's?????? Either way, up for grabs as to vision.

OR, the future?.....Look for the "Mums & Dads" render on this thread...(she's prego along with the other ladies, while the boys play....of course a future reference....)

And the other thicker Melinda, just a taste of her eating well.. (the renders of her asking Daniel to help her milk the cow, can't recall the page..) But she still is sexy, even with the extra kilos....Yes?

RENDER AWAY MY FRIENDS, the fans will wait patiently.....................


Jul 12, 2020

Really like the way your depiction looks like a typical photographic frame. Her pose is a little "un-lady-like", but we love Melinda enough to focus more in "that area' anyway!!!!!
Lighting is believable, and a great job with the blur in the background. (Might be Melinda years before FOTM story, and we'd all like to see what she was like..........)


Jul 12, 2020
View attachment 739123
lets have a photoshot before sunbathing;)
.............SMALL PROBLEM:

(her face looks PASTED on.....the shading needs work to make it blend in with the patio background. We love what she's wearing and not wearing....Spend a little more time on the depth of shading in your artwork, because it may come off as "cut-n-paste", which you should NOT do with our Melinda.

Otherwise, nice concept and view, I think safe to say your fans will wait patiently for a re-do? Can you do it? Take your time....

Don't get me wrong, just trying to help you as an artist. This artwork should be among your best when you take the time to get the detail just right. Good fortune to you, my friend.....