
Jul 6, 2020
2 weeks and not a single word. They really suck when it comes to informing their patreons and fans. They just been ghosting us. At least give a screenshot of what to expect each week to show progress and give the fans hope. Just ignoring us is fucked up. Even a post saying "going to be a bit longer" would be good damn...


New Member
Jan 28, 2020
3 months without update now...And I was thoght it would be done in month and a half =_=
On the bright side, with cyberpunk I can forget about this game for about 2 weeks...And, lets be honest here, developers will forget about it too. Lets hope it will help in the development in the long run =)
I'm waiting for the main update as well but if you count spookytimes 2020 ( about one hour game play content and couple of excellent sex scenes) and 8teen( I did not play this update since it's not my cup of tea), then there're actually new releases every month from Mity(Marty at least).

I own ** 2077 on Xbox one and had high expectation for it.
CD-red +Keanu Reeves+314 million USD Budget+multiple delays for quality check, what could go wrong???

Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Apologizes and Offers Refunds
I'm waiting for bug fix patches for that one right now. It would be a decent game once all glitches are resolved so I'm not asking for refund

It is my sincere hope that the next update of the FET main game does not repeat the same fiasco as CP2077. Mity has not disappointed me of the quality of the hundreds of hours game play content so far. The project would certainly go ahead once Cobb gets his shit together, 5000+(that was before they hit the pause button) patrons are waiting to give them money Very few Devs have this kind of support, numbers do not lie.

Me right now Baby-Yoda-Force-Tython-Seeing-Stone-in-The-Mandalorian-.jpg

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
2 weeks and not a single word. They really suck when it comes to informing their patreons and fans. They just been ghosting us. At least give a screenshot of what to expect each week to show progress and give the fans hope. Just ignoring us is fucked up. Even a post saying "going to be a bit longer" would be good damn...
pausing patreon means pausing caring about the patrons a well... they arent getting any money so why even bother. unfortunatelly that's the norm...
Feb 5, 2018
Since the new season of Attack on Titan started, I've been thinking that it might be a good world for a similar game. There's plenty of different women, young and older, and the world has a "magic system" that is simple but with different layers of effects and abilities and has a lot of room to play with story-wise, same with the lore.
What other setting would you like to see in a Mity game in the future?
OMG YES! Annie Leonhart! :love:


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
2 weeks and not a single word. They really suck when it comes to informing their patreons and fans. They just been ghosting us. At least give a screenshot of what to expect each week to show progress and give the fans hope. Just ignoring us is fucked up. Even a post saying "going to be a bit longer" would be good damn...
pausing patreon means pausing caring about the patrons a well... they arent getting any money so why even bother. unfortunatelly that's the norm...
Their last message was "hey guys, we are having personal problems and are not sure how long this will take anymore so we are pausing being paid until we are able to actually deliver instead of giving progress reports we may not live up to the next week".
What do you guys expected them to say? "Now the news: nothing newsworthy we are willing to share"?

Josh M Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
Yo, for real. They're not earning anything right now and Marty's waiting for cbob to get some shit done. I'm sure Marty's working on his own shit in the meantime but it's only been, what, two weeks? Do you want an update every week saying "new news: no news"?

Unless some deep shit goes down or there's a justifiably finished update from cbob I doubt we're going to see anything for a little while. And they will continue to not charge people for it.

Be mad at the situation but don't try and pull the complaining card. They're going about this the right way given the situation. Worse devs have gone for a year without disallowing people to donate.


Oct 22, 2018
Yeah, I wouldn't expect anything right now, except a "Merry Christmas" post with a drawing of Korra in some Christmas hat or something. As much as I was a big proponent and defender of complaining when their patreon was up, I see no value in it now.

Josh M Spicer

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018

quicky update - I like deviled eggs

Hey folks, Marty talking here! It's time for a little "what's up?"- update.

I'm currently working on my side project like I mentioned in my last update. It's Just a little something so I can at least have something new this month for people to play. It has nothing to do with FET, so no Christmas themed standalone one-shot like I did for Halloween. Without any normal FET updates in between I didn't feel like doing a FET special. Actually, it'll be a game inspired on the Teen Titans cartoon which aired around the time the first avatar cartoon did.

I pretty much spit-glued together a prototype of it in last month's art asset update. Back then I only did so because with all of these delays and me still keeping the art assets going, I was getting pretty damn low on art assets to create updates with! At least if using the ones whose low res version you've already seen in a FET build. I didn't want to start including future stuff.

So I decided to flesh out that spit-glue version for this month. I want to have something ready on the 20th.. maybe the 21th of this month as a bughunt version and just treat it like a normal FET release and fix up an early access version a few days later so I can have a break myself during the last week of 2020.

Oh and don't expect a finished standalone story. It'll be more like a starting point of a new series, though I don't intend it to become an official MITY thing, nor for it to be bigger than a single route for FET. If even that.

Now everything I said above is assuming there will not be a FET build this month. Whether that will or won't be the case I can't say. I did get another message from cbob very recently, whispering sweet words in my ear concerning dates, but... let's say IF, in theory, cbob would send me a new FET build this month... I'll drop everything and make certain I get that finished asap. But again, that's not really something I'm counting on.

Other than that, patreon updated it's messaging system this month and it broke so much in the process I couldn't reply to messages... couldn't even see whether I got new messages and now I got literally thousands of new messages, which are actually mostly old messages. The message system is working again(mostly?), but if you sent us a pm and expected a reply I'll probably eventually get to it. Unless it fell through the cracks.

AAAaaaand that's about it! I hope everyone of you is doing well! See you later this month!



Active Member
May 8, 2020
Since the new season of Attack on Titan started, I've been thinking that it might be a good world for a similar game. There's plenty of different women, young and older, and the world has a "magic system" that is simple but with different layers of effects and abilities and has a lot of room to play with story-wise, same with the lore.
What other setting would you like to see in a Mity game in the future?
OK this is a really fucking good point! Someone pass this on to Marty or something! Teen Titans maybe is good, but it only has like 2-3 really viable girls to go for.
AoT? 6+ at least? Also who would not want a piece of Annie? xD

But seriously, AoT parody would be THE shit!

Edit: Also, considering the Paths bullshit, its 100% possible to make a customizable character to replace Eren! Imagine that!
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Apr 4, 2018
He mentioned the coder gave him another date but hopefully people know better than to trust that by now

Glad to see the artist is doing more with the titans parody though
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May 20, 2018
OK this is a really fucking good point! Someone pass this on to Marty or something! Teen Titans maybe is good, but it only has like 2-3 really viable girls to go for.
AoT? 6+ at least? Also who would not want a piece of Annie? xD

But seriously, AoT parody would be THE shit!

Edit: Also, considering the Paths bullshit, its 100% possible to make a customizable character to replace Eren! Imagine that!
RIght? So many good girls in attack on titan, even the side ones are great (Mina, Rico, Petra, Carla, Frieda, I'm sure there are more). Good to see that I'm not the only one who thinks it would fit really well with the Four elements trainer style.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
OK this is a really fucking good point! Someone pass this on to Marty or something! Teen Titans maybe is good, but it only has like 2-3 really viable girls to go for.
Not really.
I mean, of main grils we do have just three: Starfire, Raven and Terra. But as you open your scope you open way for more. Side ones add Blackfire, Jynx and that bee girl right away. Then as you expand to filler girls you get a bunch of possible ones that appeared in the later seasons. That girl Cyborg meets in the past, that girl that can become diamond, that girl with a spider-headed boyfriend, just mentioning a few. there a way to search per parody? I remember playing one of starfire, raven and jynx in the tower, one you massage raven and... I think there was one or two others, but not sure or remember the name.
There is also Something Unlimited, but that one is more justice league with a few teen titans girls
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