quicky update - I like deviled eggs
Hey folks, Marty talking here! It's time for a little "what's up?"- update.
I'm currently working on my side project like I mentioned in my last update. It's Just a little something so I can at least have something new this month for people to play. It has nothing to do with FET, so no Christmas themed standalone one-shot like I did for Halloween. Without any normal FET updates in between I didn't feel like doing a FET special. Actually, it'll be a game inspired on the Teen Titans cartoon which aired around the time the first avatar cartoon did.
I pretty much spit-glued together a prototype of it in last month's art asset update. Back then I only did so because with all of these delays and me still keeping the art assets going, I was getting pretty damn low on art assets to create updates with! At least if using the ones whose low res version you've already seen in a FET build. I didn't want to start including future stuff.
So I decided to flesh out that spit-glue version for this month. I want to have something ready on the 20th.. maybe the 21th of this month as a bughunt version and just treat it like a normal FET release and fix up an early access version a few days later so I can have a break myself during the last week of 2020.
Oh and don't expect a finished standalone story. It'll be more like a starting point of a new series, though I don't intend it to become an official MITY thing, nor for it to be bigger than a single route for FET. If even that.
Now everything I said above is assuming there will not be a FET build this month. Whether that will or won't be the case I can't say. I did get another message from cbob very recently, whispering sweet words in my ear concerning dates, but... let's say IF, in theory, cbob would send me a new FET build this month... I'll drop everything and make certain I get that finished asap. But again, that's not really something I'm counting on.
Other than that, patreon updated it's messaging system this month and it broke so much in the process I couldn't reply to messages... couldn't even see whether I got new messages and now I got literally thousands of new messages, which are actually mostly old messages. The message system is working again(mostly?), but if you sent us a pm and expected a reply I'll probably eventually get to it. Unless it fell through the cracks.
AAAaaaand that's about it! I hope everyone of you is doing well! See you later this month!