Bad news

"Hey all, since the last build was a Spooky Times build I just wanted to write a quick and tiny update in case anyone is wondering what I'll be working on again now.
This month's update will be an 18Titans build. Two reasons for that. First of all, Spooky Times is a FET related thing and doing a new 18Titans build would fit into my current alternating FET, 18Titans routine. Besides that 18Titans ended on a cliffhanger last time and I'd like to continue work on it.
But there's also another reason! Besides some general work on FET I'll also start work on the last route (slave epilogue) in December for the next FET release. I could use some more time setting that up than the usual month and since I'll be taking a short break during the last week of December(which means there's little chance I can finish a build in December anyway) I can put that "extra time" to good use by working on the last route.
Normal builds are difficult enough to finish within a month as it is which makes me think this is the most practical way of doing things.
Currently getting back into 18Titans, fixing some remainder bugs etc, but I'll talk more about that in a few weeks during my normal art update. This is mainly just to let you know this will be an 18Titans month.
Marty out. "
Shit ...