
Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
iwouldnt say that, what it does feel like is that the update was a lie, or at the very least, cbob was hiding the truth of the status of the update. and they paused it because they realise it would be impossible to salvage it.

if i had to guess, i would say they basically threw it aside and are redoing it from scratch(this update). and pausing was the only way they could keep any semblance of respect for the patreons.

it also feel like i right on the money when i said he probably got lost in developing a BS minigame that ended up breaking the game. i just hope he realise those minigames are not even close to why people play this game and love this project.
while I disagree with part of this, or at least the feeling get from reading it (but again, with the thread as it has been recently it is easy to read things in a negative light here), I do agree that it seems like a big part of the update may have been cut and is been redone.

it is a common thing in writing, really. many times a lot of what was written is cut before final release.
on something modular like this game, though, they can't cut from previous parts, meaning this update has to be good enough to stand on its own without messing with previous content.
if it does not, a lot may need to be changed, a lot may need to be rewritten to a point of maybe a complete rewrite.
which, while already frustrating in a normal time, would be even worse in this case, with all the delays while he was trying to push forward in his bad state of mind - something which may have made the first draft even worse.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
while I disagree with part of this, or at least the feeling get from reading it (but again, with the thread as it has been recently it is easy to read things in a negative light here), I do agree that it seems like a big part of the update may have been cut and is been redone.

it is a common thing in writing, really. many times a lot of what was written is cut before final release.
on something modular like this game, though, they can't cut from previous parts, meaning this update has to be good enough to stand on its own without messing with previous content.
if it does not, a lot may need to be changed, a lot may need to be rewritten to a point of maybe a complete rewrite.
which, while already frustrating in a normal time, would be even worse in this case, with all the delays while he was trying to push forward in his bad state of mind - something which may have made the first draft even worse.
to be honest, i didnt want to sound so negative. however, you have to agree that we are stuck in a merry go round. each week they come out and say something that looks like its near completion, only to either go silent for a few days, or go back and say it isnt really that close.

my problem, and the reason i posted that is because, they made it look like they are doing it to be honorable and fair to the patreons. but from history you can see that it doesnt feel genuine, but more of a way to ward off backlash when the "truth" does come out.

like i said it before, i can feel their love for the project, but, at the same time, i also know that cbob's priority was more on the minigames, than the story.
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Woodland Nomad

Game Developer
Jun 5, 2020
Jumping in here and just saying that I'm trying to release a game based on a comic I made and I understand these roadblocks. I don't understand of course the weight of the following that FET has. I want, like many others, some new stuff for FET to come out but again I know some of the struggle. Those that write or dev, or both know it sucks when you hit these things when you're trying to create.
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Aug 13, 2017
to be honest, i didnt want to sound so negative. however, you have to agree that we are stuck in a merry go round. each week they come out and say something that looks like its near completion, only to either go silent for a few days, or go back and say it isnt really that close.

my problem, and the reason i posted that is because, they made it look like they are doing it to be honorable and fair to the patreons. but from history you can see that it doesnt feel genuine, but more of a way to ward off backlash when the "truth" does come out.

like i said it before, i can feel their love for the project, but, at the same time, i also know that cbob's priority was more on the minigames, than the story.
I agree with your previous point. What's more is that they swore it was nearly done and then suddenly they're suspending patreon billing and going on this "break" to get the game ready for whenever they can release. Nothing they say is honest and it feels like anything they do even if it seems like good faith on the surface is some ploy to gain favour. We went from a November release to a "idk whenever we can" and I'm guessing the motive for suspending payment was more they don't want people to think they're taking advantage of their patrons like the last 4 month "break" they took.


Apr 4, 2018
Yeah what really frustrates me isnt simply that the update has been (repeatedly) delayed, its more that the communication throughout this whole fiasco has been almost schizophrenic, sometimes we're told the update is "nearly done" other times they seemingly have no idea. Though they have had their hiccups throughout the development of FET in general MITY has been pretty good at releasing quality updates in a relatively timely manner, so its confusing and disappointing to see them flounder around so much.

Im glad they finally decided to pause their patreon but I think its a little late, they should have done this last month at the very least. I dont think it was their intent but the fact that they basically said "people are giving us too much money and that puts a lot of pressure on us :(" was a little odd.

Unfortunately a lot of their patrons are still going to be (in my opinion) way too forgiving because the majority of people are still under the mindset that since pledging is voluntary you forfeit all rights to raise any objections to how creators do things, at least until you give them money.

If you look at all thats happened and still decide that you want to support them then I totally understand, its your money. But people have got to at least acknowledge this is not what should be expected of a team that usually is good about all this. I want to support them more in the future but I want to see some progress being made in making sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again, and at this point text posts saying "we promise" aren't going to cut it. That might sound harsh but since the last update every post they've made has turned out to have false predictions/deadlines.


New Member
Jul 19, 2019
I am playing the game at the moment and i am stuck at the aang statue in book 4 and it says i have to find a key, does anyone know where i can find the key?
Jul 23, 2020
Lets be real, 325 of those hours are you touching yourself.
(had to fix the time crunch hours lol got the original hours wrong due to a game played time tracker program i was using bugged out, not the first time its happened either lol) also no most of that time was enjoying the story & plot aswell as literally saving almost every screen because there is no gallery for some reason, i currently have 5082 save slots

( like FET any proper VN should have a dynamic save slot tab (VN's that have limited save slots or no save slot tabs are pretty much a automatic failure no matter how good the story is, dynamic save slots & save slot tabs is basic 101, i'm grateful that FET has dynamic save slots/tabs)

also i'm at the point in book 4 where it impossible to go any further since the rest of book four hasn't been released yet, so i guess ill have to move on to subpar VN's until it gets updated :( , plus still waiting on the walkthrough for FET so that way i can 100% it (pretty certain i missed a few side stuff in 1st & 2nd book tho i did maybe 98% on book 3 ( i ended up marrying toph, so i think i may of missed a few other marriages?, i think i missed 1 or 2 de-hypnotizing sessions, i got both katara and toph pregnant aswell)


Nov 23, 2020
Damn this game is on other level. I've never liked or watched the avatar animations and gladly i given the game a try and forgot all of the else since. So many different fellings u get into the game, even sadness if u really get into the dialogues. I was pissed off when i hit the develop barrier in book 4. It was such a hard moment when u get to leave the earth kingdom, wake up to see Katara and realised how many years has passed. What happened with all other girls after ur leaving( Suki, Toph, Lee ... etc). It hasn't spoken even a word about it between u and Katara. - How, Why?! There should of been some short story for the characters u leave behind between the books.


Oct 13, 2019
Yeah what really frustrates me isnt simply that the update has been (repeatedly) delayed, its more that the communication throughout this whole fiasco has been almost schizophrenic, sometimes we're told the update is "nearly done" other times they seemingly have no idea. Though they have had their hiccups throughout the development of FET in general MITY has been pretty good at releasing quality updates in a relatively timely manner, so its confusing and disappointing to see them flounder around so much.

Im glad they finally decided to pause their patreon but I think its a little late, they should have done this last month at the very least. I dont think it was their intent but the fact that they basically said "people are giving us too much money and that puts a lot of pressure on us :(" was a little odd.

Unfortunately a lot of their patrons are still going to be (in my opinion) way too forgiving because the majority of people are still under the mindset that since pledging is voluntary you forfeit all rights to raise any objections to how creators do things, at least until you give them money.

If you look at all thats happened and still decide that you want to support them then I totally understand, its your money. But people have got to at least acknowledge this is not what should be expected of a team that usually is good about all this. I want to support them more in the future but I want to see some progress being made in making sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again, and at this point text posts saying "we promise" aren't going to cut it. That might sound harsh but since the last update every post they've made has turned out to have false predictions/deadlines.
They have plenty of leeway. Tomorrow is 12 full months of not a single thing from Icstor and he's been getting paid the entire time.


SOTD: Townes van Zandt - Our Mother The Mountain
Oct 28, 2019
I'm surprised the ben 10 on has a thread.
that omnitrixxx one? it's somewhat bigger than any of the inside-FET minigames -or- any of the specials, so someone gave it a thread. i gave it a shot during one of the longer waiting times for a FET update, guess it's ok. still, it's not FET. let's just hope cbob gets to drown whatever inner demon he carries and we get good news this year. that's all i'd ask.
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