
Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
Might have something to do with you not being her dad anymore(guess it begs to ask the question whether she made a move on Tenzin too).
Tho to be fair,she goes dere pretty darn fast.

Whats a bigger problem is that I just realized idiot Korra killed any chance of a ghost harem with Yangchen and Kyoshi.
FET better rectify that shit.
They would have to since the player already sees those characters in the other route even though he's next in the Avatar line after the whole cut connections nonsense (remember he was born after Korra and could still see them in Book 4 slave route). Who knows though, time travel and quantum leaping is finicky.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2018
They would have to since the player already sees those characters in the other route even though he's next in the Avatar line after the whole cut connections nonsense (remember he was born after Korra and could still see them in Book 4 slave route). Who knows though, time travel and quantum leaping is finicky.
While true,Korra´s cutoff didnt happen till the end of Book 2 which technically could mean that the MC still had said connection during the slave route at that exact moment because it wasnt cutoff yet...kinda...timetravel?
Fuck if I know how Mity wants to interpret the whole thing in combination with the time travel shenanigans.
Could go either way tbf.
Considering its one of the more atrocious nonsense Korra pulled(and a rather disliked lore extension) Mity would certainly garner browny points by changing/reverting it.
Then again that would have to happen in the epilogue because otherwise it creates a dissonance between slave and love route as the slave route would still feasibly follow a timeline where Korra loses the connection and bleh shit just starts getting complicated.

yea decent visuals nothing unique but her attitude completely disconnected the character now shes just a normal rude mocking teen that just grates at my nerves everytime she talks,mity's humour is great but shes just insulting how am i supposed to like this character when theres nothing positive.
Aw comeone,even in the short bughunt version she starts gushing over the MC by the end.
You are blowing her being a bit aloof in the beginning completely out of proportions.
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Apr 10, 2019
Di solito questo autore cura la storia più dal punto di vista della via dell'amore che da quella della via dello schiavo infatti (la mia impressione) la parte romantica dei primi tre libri è più elaborata di quella dello schiavo e di solito ha molte più scene vedi la differenza nel secondo libro la via dell'amore è molto meglio fatta della via dello schiavo (anche se la mia ragazza preferita ha meno scene nella rotta dell'amore) Spero che questo libro non faccia eccezione e soprattutto che alcune cose rimangano come l'interazione con l'avatar precedente l'ho trovato simpatico

comunque sono d'accordo sul fatto che la via degli schiavi di Katara sia un po 'più lenta delle altre ma devo ammettere che è stato anche l'inizio di questo capolavoro quindi non è un problema
Nov 9, 2018
Removed the extra scene files that were included on the previous bughunt by accident and seems to have fixed the script paths for the book 4 slave route
My brain kinda slow right now, the removed scenes doesn't concern the love route right ? Only the slave path and i won't be missing a thing from Love path if i play 9.0a instead of 9.0 bughunt ?


Mar 9, 2018
My brain kinda slow right now, the removed scenes doesn't concern the love route right ? Only the slave path and i won't be missing a thing from Love path if i play 9.0a instead of 9.0 bughunt ?
The removed scene files were from the love route, but the scene was inaccessible ingame it did not have any script data it was just images from a future update that were merged into mity's 9.0 folder by accident. So you won't be missing any of the intended content for this update if you play 9.0a.
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